I would be curious, what some of you were like as children in physical education classes and any sport in general.

Today I was talking to a guy, father of 2 teenagers, 13 & 16. The guy is regular cyclist himself, his wife also cycles often but not as far. Neither child have exhbited much interest in sports...they seem to like computers, not social oriented alot. However 1 boy likes archery, fencing..of all things. Stuff that's not on the curriculum.

Either kids are find with phys ed. or sports. Or go through years of nerdiness. My view is that during school there's alot of team sports or trying things in groups where other kids see you fail/look clumsy. Solitary sports are just near impossible since kids need supervision at school.

Honest, think sometimes just spins out to some kids just hate exercise. Period. And that leads to other bigger health issues in life.

Another situation, a mother whose boys go bowling. Boys are 19 & 20. But that's all. Her ex was so demanding on the boys to be "manly" and accomplished in baseball, cycling, soccer etc. that the boys gave up. A real shame.

Were you the sports nerd and what is it now for you? And your children?

Edited by orchid (12/09/07 07:24 AM)
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)