My son called me the other night and told me he had gone to visit a Marine Corps recruiter. He said he'd been thinking about joining for a long time (what's a long time to kids, anyway?).

His father and I were both Marines. He's going to be 21 this year. He says he doesn't want to join until after he has lasik surgery so that he doesn't have to wear glasses in boot camp, so we're really not looking at any time soon. Spring or early summer at best next year.

On one hand I'm extremely proud of him for wanting to join and serve his country. Being a Marine is like nothing else on earth. He would have 100% of my support and love. On the other hand, having been in the Marines, I know what he'll be going through, it's tough. Plus, joining during war time makes it that much scarier.

He wants to go in as a firefighter. He says he won't join if he can't be a firefighter. It's something he's wanted to do since he was very young. He's always wanted to fight fires.

Double scary, right?

I fear for my son but realize he's a special person and meant to do special things in his life. He nearly died when he was born (we both did). His life is extra special.

I guess I'm not really asking for anything here, just if you'd keep him in your prayers while he takes the time to consider joining.

I love him so much.

"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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