Wow, June Already...

Posted by: chatty lady

Wow, June Already... - 06/01/07 10:27 AM

There has always been something special to me about June 1st. Not sure why but it just feels special. Summers in full swing here in the desert, hot, hotter and hottest.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/01/07 11:32 AM

And the beauty of Minnesota right now is one reason that I do love it here.

Hot fun in the summertime.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/01/07 12:04 PM

It's gorgeous in Baltimore. Everyone seems to be in a good mood because we can be outside before the horrendously hot weather hits. Lots more people out walking and sitting in sidewalk restaurants.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/01/07 11:46 PM

Oh, that sunny Florida weather! Welcome to the month of June, the beginning of hurricane season, we already have out first tropical storm of the season. Barry is passing through tonight and tomorrow. It's a weak storm, so that's good and is bringing us some MUCH needed rain. My yard is crunchy!
Posted by: DJ

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/02/07 01:21 PM

I was in San Francisco last week where it was foggy, windy, and in the 50s. My husband had to buy a winter hat (they were selling them in Walgreens and we even found someone selling handmade knit hats on the street) and heavy sweater. We saw tourists walking around in minidresses and sandals, hugging themselves for warmth. Came back to B-more where I eat my breakfast outside on the patio among the peonies and roses in full bloom. There are no mosquitoes yet (too dry anyway) -- in fact, no insects to speak of -- and it's absolutely perfect.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/03/07 01:03 AM

Has hurricane season always begun this early? I thought it began later in the summer.

DJ, what were you doing in San Francisco? Visit any great spots?
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/03/07 01:14 AM

Hurricane season runs from June 1 - November 1. TS Barry fizzled out crossing the state but we were blessed with a lot of welcome rain. In fact, the weather gave me an excuse to spend most of the day reading! I'm sure those living closer to the wild fires were very relieved to get the rain. The smoke was really bad here at times in Jacksonville.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/03/07 12:26 PM

I guess I knew it was always that long, but in the past it seemed like we didn't hear about them until later in the season. Now we begin eharing right away.

Glad to hear the wild fires got watered. I hope it helped. The rain is expected here today and tomorrow; one to three inches.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/03/07 05:18 PM

June here means 102-110 degree weather until the monsoons!
And so far as it is a "dry heat," well...that doesn't seem to help the minds of people here in June and July!

desert rat,
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Wow, June Already... - 06/03/07 07:57 PM

I was in Orlando when the rain from Barry hit Friday night. It was the last night of our vacation. We worried about our flight taking off on Sat. morning, but everything went fine. We got home to tornado warnings in our area last night. That was scary. Now, it's raining. Barry is coming here now.