Ugly Betty TV show

Posted by: Saundra

Ugly Betty TV show - 11/02/06 07:52 PM

There's been a lot of talk about this show set in the fashion industry. I still don't like the title because it's negative, but I love the show. How many women are afraid to go for their dream because they don't think they look good enough and are afraid they won't be accepted? Betty got her chance by accident and she took it. She perseveres and gains the respect of her boss if no one else at work, yet. I see a great deal of truth in the writing and have related with this character. It's on Thursdays, 8:00PM, ABC. Check it out.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/02/06 08:11 PM

I am totally ticked off that anyone would name a show UGLY anybody! Its sad too because Betty is a sweet girl and is going to be the teacher of many lessons to her coworkers but the name is just wrong! I agree about all the cop and lawyer shows, although I am addicted to Boston Legal and several others.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/02/06 08:39 PM

Oh Anne, I agree completely, the chemistry James Spader and William Shatner have and also Candice Bergan is unbelievable and they are histerical together.
Posted by: Pam R.

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/02/06 10:43 PM

I totally agree with you Chatty on the "ugly" title of Ugly Betty. In my mind, it should simply be unacceptable. How horrible to call anyone ugly. And putting braces on her gives the image that they add to her ugliness. How terrible. How many young teens and even older are struggling with wearing braces and now equate themselves to being ugly. What the heck is wrong with those writers and producers? Oh right, I talks.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/03/06 08:30 AM

I didn't watch it because it came on when "My Name is Earl" aired. I watch MNIE last week and laughed so hard tears were rolling down my face. It was the episode where his ex-wife stole a truck. This week is wasn't even funny. More than likely, I won't watch it again. Anyway, I think the networks are striving and conniving to find anything NEW that they can. They need to visit the Hallmark channel and take some clues....
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/03/06 09:04 AM

I've watched Ugly Betty a couple times and like it. I love cheering for the under-dog and she definitely is one. There are some great messages about the the working environment in the United States today - very sad, but true. Wouldn't it be great if it taught people to look beneath the surface? She is so genuine. You've gotta love her.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/03/06 05:30 PM

"She us so genuine you gotta love her," is what Dotsie said and she's right, she is BUT why is that surprising? The comment brought to mind the fact that a person is judged by their looks, ugly or beautiful, and people seem surprised when they are genuine, nice, amusing or anything positive. Its as if beauty or uglyness makes one exempt (in our thinking) from normalness. Does that make sense?
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/04/06 10:21 PM

Dotsie, I root for her too! The show is what it is,
but I think it does teach some to look beneath the surface.
I enjoy the little side stories...about her dad, her
boyfriend.... her sister and Herbalux LOL!!

We DVR it because it airs at the same time as Survivor, which
I will not miss lol.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/05/06 08:56 PM

I think the more we know about someone the more we can like them...or not.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/06/06 06:56 PM

Betty's father killed his wife's first husband because he abused her. Betty's father was their chef in Mexico and fell in love with the woman. He used a dead person's SS# and never applied for citizenship because he was afraid they would send him back. It's a great plot line and I may be too involved...
Posted by: Anno

Re: Ugly Betty TV show - 11/06/06 08:21 PM

Wow, Saundra, I missed the last episode, I guess, because I didn't know about the background of her father.

I love the show. The name bothered me at first, but now I get the point. Betty is not ugly, but looks different than everyone else in her work surroundings. The rest of the employees are "shallow" and look only at the outside of Betty - not unattractive, just not a traditional beauty.