new women presidents...

Posted by: norma

new women presidents... - 01/16/06 11:11 PM

I dont want to take away from current threads receiving a lot of discussion, but the election of a woman to the presidency of Liberia last week and yesterday in Chile, certainly is cause for celebration. These women are well educated and dedicated to bringing about peace, harmony and higher living standards for their people. The new president of Chile is a single mother, a medical doctor, and previously a political prisoner under pinochet's bastard regime. Her father's death occured while being held in pinochet's prisons for politcal reasons.
Change is on the way.!! And it is good!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new women presidents... - 01/16/06 11:17 PM

We shall see and all we can do is hope that this change is a positive one and accepted as such by the people she will govern and not the way our own leaders are underminded by those not satisfied/stroked by their actions...Pray for these women!
Posted by: ladybug

Re: new women presidents... - 01/17/06 12:39 AM

Norma, I curious about this new woman president. Can you tell me more about her, her views on economics, religion, and social issues as well as education. Since she is a woman surely she has views on how the women of her country can better themselves to lift their status out of the oppression that many foreign nations face.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/17/06 02:12 AM

This is a very intersting topic about the women president in Liberia . I saw this on the news tonight how she wants to turn the country around . This we should watch and wait to see how this will turn out for her . I know the President of Liberia her life has been theatened and she has arm guards from American protecting her . I heard .

I had not hear about the new women president of chile . Good post Norma . I like this one.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/17/06 02:23 PM

Here's a link to an interesting article about women advancing:

Also, for those intersted:

NABBW is offering a teleseminar next month that may interest you:

Topic: "Gender Equality in the Workforce has Finally Arrived - or has it?" Wednesday, February 15, 2006, 7:00 pm EST

Attorneys Patricia McHugh Lambert, an expert in Women's Law issues, and Leslie Stellman, whose practice focuses on Employment Law, will explore the question of gender equality in the 21st century. They will examine from a legal and cultural perspective the issues surrounding the offensive comments of Advertising Executive, Neil French, the furor caused by Harvard President Lawrence Summers' remarks, the Martha Stewart verdict, and other current events that lend insight into women's role in the modern workplace. Visit Patricia McHugh Lambert at . NABBW members will receive all information via email.

This is for NABBW members only, and I know many of you are members. If you aren't and want to join, email me at and I will send you the link for the discounted rate of 50.00 to join.
Posted by: norma

Re: new women presidents... - 01/17/06 05:34 PM

Ladybug and Nancy..
the new president of Chile, is Michelle Bachelet, 54 years old, a pediatrician, mother of three, single. Not only did her father die (heart attack as the result of torture)while in custody under Pinochet's dictatorship, her mother was also arrested. Bachelet was arrested as a political prisoner and tortured, she was eventually able to go into exile outside of Chile.

The dictatorship of Pinochet came into force after a violent overthrow of the legal democratic election of Allende in 1973. It is truly sickening what has happened in too many nations during the past fifty years because of various dictatorships and secret police forces.

Michelle Bachelet apparently served as minister for health, and defense in the recent outgoing government of Chile.

Liberia has had an ongoing war for the past 14 years, and this new president 67 year old Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, wants an end to the violence and corruption that has been destroying her people, her nation. She also had to go into exile, escaping execution that apparently was the fate of too many in her country .... .

A couple of interesting side notes, is that Liberia was founded by freed black slaves from the US, and Bachelet in Chile defeated a billionaire in her bid for the presidency.....

[ January 17, 2006, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: norma ]
Posted by: Sadie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/18/06 01:25 AM

Thanks for filling me in on this . I will keep a watch on the news of these women . This is a wonderful topic and a calm one.
Posted by: norma

Re: new women presidents... - 01/18/06 07:30 AM

My apologizes Dotsie, for being late in saying thank you for this other information.

There's really nothing more i can add to this topic though, except to say I believe men and women are equally capable of being the wisest of leaders if given equal opportunity to knowledge and authority, and equally capable of betraying the trust extended to them.

But maybe with more women visible in leadership roles, the continued neglect of the education of so many girls in certain areas will lessen, and maybe, just maybe women themselves in certain parts of this world will stop butchering little girls through "female circumsion", (although that has not been a problem in Chile or Liberia ). And maybe in certain parts of the world when women (and men) say, rape is a crime, honour killings are a crime, more people will sit up and take notice. And maybe in all parts of the world, certain young women will realize they have more going for them
as women, than just their sexual appeal.

[ January 18, 2006, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: norma ]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/18/06 02:05 PM

Posted by: ladybug

Re: new women presidents... - 01/18/06 02:21 PM

Norma, it sounds like the people of Chile made an intelligent choice for their president.

This sounds like a woman who can really claim to be in touch with the common man considering all of her experiences.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: new women presidents... - 01/18/06 06:18 PM

The thing I've always wondered is this: If a president, prime minister or any other high ranking official comes from wealth and has led a fairly easy life how can they really be in touch with those they govern?

Can they really understand the needs of the poor if they've grown up with nannies, governesses and everything they want and need?

Can they understand the educational needs of others if they've always attended the very best, prestigious schools?

Can they understand the pressures of college and being accepted into a school of their choice if their parents are alumni with a huge check book and clout to get them into any school they want even if they don't have the acumen for it?

It's not an easy thing to answer and maybe it doesn't really make for a good president all the time. Consider that Abraham Lincoln was one of those great men who did come from humble beginnings. I think he was one of the few who could truly relate to the common man. Maybe we shall not see the likes of a great leader like this ever again.
Posted by: norma

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 02:06 AM

I've been thinking about these questions for awhile now, the first name that cropped up in my mind is Bill Gates, I believe his children will be very much aware of the needs of others, because he is not only aware, but constantly doing something to make a differenc.

But if people like Gates, were the norm rather than the exception, surely revolutions would have never taken place..
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 02:04 PM

Ladybug, sometimes people who come from this type of background that you mention learn what they don't want for themselves and go about life differently as adults. Just a wild thought.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 02:05 PM

Good question Ladybug. I think it's a matter of the heart and morals, rather than money. God is either in their hearts or He isn't. I believe that is where our decision making skills come from.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: new women presidents... - 01/21/06 03:28 AM

I think it is too Dianne.
Posted by: norma

Re: new women presidents... - 01/21/06 03:45 AM

When i watch the financial news, and hear of million dollar bonuses for CEO's etc, and then learn of the wages, working conditions etc. of some their employees, i think, the more things change, the more they remain the same.....

But i am very encouraged because programs such as Seasame Street, the Bernstein Bears are reaching out to millions of young minds, and teaching them values of appreciation and respect for one another. Caring beyond oneself. As programs such as these spread and multiple, they reinforce the positive values of parents, or at least expose children to a different slant, when parents are not able themselves to teach these lessons.

[ January 20, 2006, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: norma ]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 06:26 PM

Understanding a problem is of little value unless one actually does something to solve it. People in poverty may have the compassion, but not the ability to help and others who have overcome poverty may have the ability, but not the compassion. It is so easy to speak compassion, but but it is difficult to actually do something to help others.

Handling great wealth and privilege can require greater depth of character than poverty. There are so many privileged people who do more than is easily observed. Rather than grandstanding, they choose to do it in private.

To imply that privileged people are less compassionate is reverse discrimination and it is as cruel as any other type of bias.


[ January 20, 2006, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]
Posted by: norma

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 08:38 PM

"To create an opportunity of employment for others, is the highest form of loving kindness, as it provides them the means to live with dignity and self respect" .......

That isn't the direct quote, but i believe it true. This town, where i grew up, exists because a couple of men, (americans by the way ) had knowledge, skill and wealth to invest. Along with the large mill, railroads and dams, they had strong, good homes built for their employees, carpenters and gardeners to keep the whole place beautiful, the best medical treatment available for employees and their families, even three churches for the religious denominations at the time, they had an excellent elementary and high school built .....

it was a win - win situation for all...

I may be a dreamer, but i think if more had the courage and idealism of Brooks and Scanlon throughout the ages, this world, in so many ways would be different.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new women presidents... - 01/20/06 09:39 PM

Now thats putting your money where your mouth is....
Posted by: Sadie

Re: new women presidents... - 01/21/06 12:36 AM

I agree with you . I will be interesting to see what happens in these countrys with the women presidents . I think they will do a fantastic job . This is a good topic to follow in the news . Maybe there will be more women presidents in the future . I hope!

[ January 20, 2006, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Renee ]
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: new women presidents... - 01/22/06 01:58 PM

I'm not opposed to women leaders, but I think it would be a deadly mistake to assume that gender prequalifies anyone to hold such a key office.
It seems that the leaders who have been chosen to lead their respective countries have been "through the fire" so to speak. Anyone no matter what their gender, who experiences what these people have experienced would either come out of it better or much worse.
The mettle of those who would run for office in the US of the female gender, has not been tested in the same way. Who from a posh lifestyle could possibly understand the population from the ground floor up? Have they ever lived in a one bedroom apartment as a single parent trying to survive on minimum wage with no vehicle to drive, no health insurance and too much pride to stand in food lines?
It is my fear that someone of that ilk would either go too far to the extreme thinking they are empathetic to the situation, or they wouldn't do enough.
Too many of our politicians are out of touch, so far out of touch with reality that they can't possibly qualify for leadership of a nation like ours.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: new women presidents... - 01/23/06 03:11 AM

That's true and just because someone donates a generous amount of money to a worthy cause or a charity doesnot mean they have true compassion or understanding of the situation. Some philanthropists simply like seeing their names in the newspaper or on a plaque. They may not know a thing about the organization they donate their money to. Some of that money also has strings attached as stipulated by the donors. Some wealthy individuals also do it to gain the huge tax write-offs it provides them. I learned a good deal about this sort of thing working at I.R.S.

John Kennedy Jr., was one example of an exception. He actually went in and worked among impoverished people in New York City. He brought Christmas gifts to poor children. He was a wonderful example of someone who really cared instead of making it a "photo opportunity." He worked in other countries helping people even though it was dangerous for him to do so.

[ January 22, 2006, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: ladybug ]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: new women presidents... - 01/23/06 03:38 AM

Neither background, intellect, or gender determines the ability to lead. Character is the best determinant and it is measured, not in intentions, but in actions.

Even then, gaining power or losing it changes people and one never knows how it will change an individual.

Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: new women presidents... - 01/23/06 03:57 AM

Ladybug, that's good to know. It would take a lot to be able to come from a lifestyle of so much and humble yourself in that way.

I wrote for a social magazine in Nebraska which came out monthly. My job was to go to all the charitable events, take pictures, interview attendees and organizers.

It was what the wives of the wealthy and successful were expected to do, plan and attend charitable events and be seen. It was part of their job description. If they had to go and get 'Mother Teresa' dirty, they would have been appalled.

They were trained for their station in life from a teenager.

I see women like the new Chilean president as mavericks, chosen ones so to speak. The Cinderella with our American female leaders as her ugly stepsisters.
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: new women presidents... - 01/24/06 02:02 PM

I live in a community with a privately owned university for the well off. I worked for a short time where the youngsters came after the bars closed.
It was a huge eye opener. These people are our future leaders, majoring in business administration. Their greatest bain was when "daddy forgot to replenish their pay as you go credit cards."
None of them worked or had part-time jobs. One of our friends who owns a popular restaurant in our town told us most of the students major in bed hopping and seeing how drunk they can get.