
Posted by: Sandy

Snow - 03/27/03 10:07 PM

I live in the foothills west of Denver in Colorado. Last week, the week of March 17th, we had a huge blizard. Our area got six feet of snow and that does not include drifts. Our electric went out on Tuesday morning at 7 A.M. and did not come back on until 7 P.M Monday night, March 24 . Six days without power. And without the power, we had no water. We are on a well. It runs on a pump. The snow fell from Monday night until Wednesday night, March 19th. Then it started again on Friday--giving us 7 more inches of snow. The snowplows were bogged down with the weight of the snow and weren't able to plow the roads. when they finaly got to us, the plowed the top three feet of snow and scrunched down the bottom three when the plow itself went through.
We are out now, and we are okay. It is nice to be in the world. Did you all know that we are at WAR??? (chuckle) Sandy