Over 233 years of tears, blood, body parts, families destroyed,
hundreds of thousands of lives sacrificed in order to protect and
defend the United States Constitution and Republic principles. ....

Thomas Jefferson said *To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes
the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful
and tyrannical.*

We have seen, literally before our eyes unimaginable corruption and
incompetence by American leadership, printing money we dont have,
bailing out failures, unprotected borders, and illegal aliens by the
millions, on and on. It is not my intention to offend anyone,.... .

Do you share in my disgust, just totally fed up with the taking apart
of our Constitution, our nation, unbelievable incompetence and
purposeful betrayal by the so-called leadership in America?

... I mean have you had enough [and are you] ready to take a
stand, do whatever it takes to put boots on the ground and tell
Washington, D.C a revolution is coming? ... .

*The silent majority has been silent too long, we must send a roar
that we want, no we demand in no uncertain terms, the thievery in
America end, the corruption will no longer be tolerated, greedy
leadership will be put on notice. Ignoring, betraying, and
dishonoring our Constitution and Republic principles will be treated
as more than ample reason to fire the entire US Congress. *

This is deadly serious patriots. ... .

So, find some friends, select a rally point and commit, without
qualification, to be on the street April 15th 2009, and remember,
April 15th mass rallies across America is just a continuation of what
we're doing today. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, sacrifice is still
required. We must stop the madness in Washington, D.C.

God bless you & thank you for your support to America. Have a blessed

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret