I've heard for some time that both President George W. Bush and John Kerry are members of a secret society based in Germany with a strong affiliate here at Yale University.

I wanted to know what type of club or secret organization this was so naturally I did some research and here is what I found.

Both Kerry and Bush are members of this organization which is sworn to secrecy. Their goal seems to be a higher elite society capable of ruling the world.

The organization has a special room of Nazi memorabelia such as swastikas and a set of Hitler's dinnerware which the 'taps' eat off of during their initiation ritual.

One point my late husband, who was a liberal Democrat and a liason for the United Way and the AFLCIO, and I discovered was that there isn't a dime's bit of difference between the Rep's and the Dem's. The only difference we could see was what party was the most successful at pulling public opinion their way.

Their goals are one and the same with different means of getting there.