Posted by: nillawafer

SHE'S ALREADY ONE!!! - 04/10/04 05:17 PM

I am in Florida for my Belle's first birthday party!! I can not believe it has been a year. How blessed of a woman am I to be able to fly down here for such a wonderful occasion and share it with all? Very blessed! I have been here for a few days already just taking her in. She is amazing. For any of you without grands....I highly recommend them!!!
Posted by: Betty-boop

Re: SHE'S ALREADY ONE!!! - 04/10/04 06:09 PM

I totally agree. I love being a grandma as much as I enjoyed being a mom. I love children. I am so happy for you. I have two grandsons and always imagine that someday I will have a little grand-daughter too.

My grandsons make my life worthwhile. They make me laugh out loud. That is something that hadn't happened too often when my girls were going through their TEENAGE years. That was a very trying time, puberty and their actions towards showing their indepedence.

But, my two little blessings are here and I totally recommend grandma-hood. Congratulations to you.

What is your bundle of joy's name? Tell all about her!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: SHE'S ALREADY ONE!!! - 04/10/04 11:06 PM

I moved back to Las Vegas from a very good job in Chicago because my daughter-in-law was going to give me my eldest sons first born, my first blood grandchild. I came back in May and Jason David was born in November. It was as if my own son was born again. He is the exact replica of his father and has always been the dearest, sweetest boy. I have two older grandchildren as well, Jared 21 and Crissy 19. These are from her previous marriage but have been part of us since they were in diapers. Crissy is a dancer and she and I have lunch and just laugh. Jared comes over to see if his grandma needs help with anything and he and I go play pool. Jason has spent more nights with me than I can count and we are best buddies. He gets mad cause hes 13 now, as tall as me, and I still refer to him as the baby....Bad grandma, he gets so mad but old habits die hard. I wouldn't know what to do without them or their parents. We've been blessed with everyone being healthy and for this I say thankful prayers. [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: SHE'S ALREADY ONE!!! - 04/10/04 11:34 PM

I can't believe we're all old enough for grandkids. [Wink]

My kids are still in their teens so I'm not wishing this on any of them. Yikes! [Eek!] Run the other way...

But, I do love hearing about the pure enjoyment all of you get from them!

Betty, I'm smack in the middle of those teenage years! Prayers please... [Big Grin]
Posted by: Sherri

Re: SHE'S ALREADY ONE!!! - 04/11/04 12:04 AM

I believe that grandchildren is God's reward for raising our children without pulling our hair out or as I told my 15 year old son once "You will never get your drivers license because I will kill you first!"

I have 9, 2 more granddaughters on the way, that will make the count 6 boys and 5 girls, so someone will have to catch up! I am especially close to one who is almost 3 but that's because she lived with me for 3 months when her Mom was due to have little brother (they all did) and Navy sent dad to school right at due date time!

Guess what? It is happening again, she is due June 10 and they are sending Rodger to Florida for school for 10 days in the middle of May! She always has her babies early!

Anyway 5/9/04 thru 5/19/04, you will probably not hear from me! I spend all my time with them!

Being a grandma is such a blessing.
