My stupid ex-son-in-law had visitation with my three grandchildren this weeeknd. When he met Heather for her to bring them home, he not only brought them home filthy...again, but he had butchered their hair!!!!! He buzzed off all of Hunter's hair, chopped on Kenzie's and she just turned a year old and hasn't had her hair cut yet, and butchered my precious 4 year old Kali's hair!! She starts school this Tuesday, my daughter says it will have to be cut very, very short to straighten it out, he left one side with hair and the other side he chopped off! What was he thinking! No don't tell me, I know...He Was Drunk!!! I had to spout off, I'm mad, sick at heart, cried out and if he were in front of me right now I think I could shoot him and therefore deliver us all from evil!!!

We're telling Heather to not let him have visitation and make him be the one to go to court to fight for it, meanwhile, we have so much against him, he will never see them again. If I have my way, he will never see them again!!

It very plainly says that to deny vistation doesn't stop his obligation to pay child support, and he's in the Navy. I would take that #%$&%($#&%^(@_$#*$* for a long ride with an ankle bracelet made with concrete.

I guess you can tell I'm pretty upset. Thanks for listening to me.

Mad Grandma