Just a note

Posted by: Songbird

Just a note - 03/10/05 05:30 PM

Hi dear Boomer friends:
[Frown] I miss you all!. I just want to let you know that I'm working hard and been super busy. I keep you all in my prayers, and hope to share with you ASAP.
[Smile] I wish you all have a great women's week!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Just a note - 03/11/05 04:39 PM

Song, I'd love to hear more about your trip and your recordings. Please pop in when you have a sec and tell us more. Do you ever hear from Toni?
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Just a note - 03/12/05 03:29 AM

Dots: Here is a shot list of some of the things I'm working on right now:
-My recording is in the reproduction phase.We're dealing with all those little details that make such a project complete.

-I'm also dealing with (I hope) the last details for my book,
-trying to be a writer
-collect and edit material for the Spanish women's devotional
-teach a junior Sabbath school class in church
-help with women's ministry
-try to decide which of my writing projects to publish next
-prepare my presentation programs
-serve as publications secretary in church
while still trying to be a mother to three young men and stay a wife
-oh, I forgot, I'm trying to build a website soon too!

Please pray for me and I'll pray for you all
-minister to the many women who call me
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Just a note - 03/13/05 04:57 PM

Song, may God continue to bless you with vision and the will to follow Him. I love what you are doing in your life.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Just a note - 03/14/05 01:47 AM

Dotsie: [Razz] Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm excited but this is a huge responsibility too. I need God's direction, that I may allow Him to fulfill His purpose in my life.

[Smile] I hear from Toni once in a while. She's busy but doing well.
