From Before

Posted by: Candice Johnson

From Before - 09/02/03 11:52 PM

I had put a prayer request in here in February and can't find it. My firend's sister's husband was called into service in Iraq just one day after they were married. I got this from my friend today. I was in tears as I read it. PLease keep her in your thoughts.

Many of you may remember that my sister married this past february, and that her husband had to report for active duty at 6am in the morning the day after he was married. Since then, he has been in Iraq as a military police.

Yesterday, representatives of the army showed up at my sister's door. Todd, her husband, had been killed this weekend. His convoy hit a landmind, killig him and injuring two others. His family has yet to learn the news, and unfortunately, my sister is teh one who has to break the news to them.

We are devastated. This is the last thing we would have wanted for my sister, and it pains us greatly that she has to go through this. Please keep her, her husband, and my family in your thoughts and prayers. My sister has had all of six months of married life, and she has never, nor will ever, get to enjoy it with her husband. The two of them even got a new place together, where she has been living since March. But she has yet to unpack most of the boxes because she wanted to do it with him. We were hoping he would be home for Christmas...

I am pained that my sister and mother have got to bear this burden. It hurts me so that there is so little i can do for them. They had just talked to Todd on Sautrday because he had received a care package my mom had sent him. HE had faithfulyl called and written to them both all this time...

Anyways, please keep us in your thoughts adn prayers. And cherish the loved ones in your life.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: From Before - 09/03/03 12:19 AM


I was able to find your prayer request from Feb. so I thought I would place it here so people could see the whole story. I cut and pasted it for you.

I am so sad about all of this. I am tired of hearing about soldiers losing their lives in senseless accidents. What a mess we have going there!

I just added the family to my prayer list. I can't imagine the heartache they must be going through. So sorry!

I must go check my morning paper because I believe there was an article about this just this morning. Will get back in here and let you know.

This is the origianl email from Candice posted back in February:

A really good friend of mine sent me this e-mail. Please keep them in your prayers. Thanks.

You'll have to forgive the group e-mail but I thought this would be the most efficient way to share with you this strange news.

I am currently writing you from Attleboro, MA, (outside of Boston) where my sister was married today. February 4, 2003. Many of you knew that she was supposed to get married this summer on June 28th, but unfortunately her plans had to change drastically due to Bush's obsession with Iraq. Her fiancee, now husband, is in active reserves and was placed on high alert last week, meaning that within the next thirty days he could be called to go to war and given only 2 days notice. In order to save their security deposits and ensure that they were married, summer plans were scrapped, I bought plane tickets yesterday, flew up this morning, and my sister got married today at 4 pm in Attleboro City Hall by a Justice of the Peace. The ceremony was short and simple, but everyone was enjoying themselves, and my sister and Todd Caldwell (her hubby) looked wonderful. It just seemed so surreal- no one had much time to mentally prepare for this big and important step in my family's life. Crazy! But Good!

Afterwards there was a nice reception at a local Italian restaurant for the 20 or so guests that were able to make it with just 4 days notice. Food and conversation was just perfect, and I was amazed at just how well our two families got along. It's like my mom has a new sister! Anyway, at the end of the evening, the mood in the restaurant drastically changed....

Todd received a call for deployment IN THE CAR ON THE WAY TO THE RECEPTION (after getting married), and was told he had to report to the local armory tomorrow morning (Wed. 2/5) at 6:00 am, and that he will be deployed to IRAQ for ONE YEAR on MONDAY (2/10). Sadly the wedding night and wedding bliss has been cut short, so I ask you to please pray for my sister and her husband. According to my mom, sometimes reservists are deployed but kept in "preparation mode" on US soil, although the chances are slim. Here's hoping for the best...

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you all and ask that you keep them in your prayers. My sister is going to need a lot of strength and courage and patience in the weeks ahead.

Thanks and many smiles,
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: From Before - 09/03/03 12:32 AM

My heart, as well as theirs, is broken for these people. Please rest assured I will have them in my prayers each night. If there is anything at all that can, or needs to be done for this family, count me in.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: From Before - 09/03/03 02:08 AM

So sorry to hear about your loved ones. They will be on my prayer list.
Let us know if there is anything we can do.
Posted by: Evie

Re: From Before - 09/03/03 03:56 PM

So sad..........will keep your friend's family in prayer. These are the stories we don't hear on the news, when we get numbed out by the constant details and headlines of a war that seems far away, and we forget that these are real people, with real families and real stories and real pain. [Frown]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: From Before - 09/03/03 05:15 PM

The story in the paper was not about this. It was about another soldier who was killed by a humvee being driven by another American soldier. Just writing it makes me sick!

If anyone is interested, you could send a sympathy card to :
Boomer Women Speak
502 Washington Ave. Suite 502
Towson, MD 21204

I will then forward them to the family through Candice.

Does that work?

I think it's a perfect way for us to support our soldiers and their families.