
Posted by: Kathryn

Esther - 01/29/03 03:57 AM

Hey boomerwomen....we should adopt the book of Esther from the Old Testament as our own. It really speaks to women like you. My favorite parts of the story are when Esther's uncle is trying to get her to do something for the Jewish people in her role as wife to the king, that could prove deadly. He told her if she chose not to do what she could to save her people that she would be turning her back on God. He said something to the effect..."for you were born for such a time as this". And once Esther was on board, she said, "If I perish, I perish." I've always wanted to put that on a teeshirt. Isn't that just like many of our what needs to be done, no matter the personal cost. I'd like to be more like Esther.
Posted by: Sabra

Re: Esther - 11/19/04 08:18 AM

Me too, Kathryn.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Esther - 11/18/04 11:05 PM

Very good points Kathryn. I think I'll return to the book of Ester and read it again. I need to be reminded of the gentleness therein. Thanks,

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Esther - 11/19/04 03:50 AM

I took the time to read Esther again. She was such a strong woman, and cunning. She knew exactly somehow what to say and do. She trusted God and herself and just did what she had to do. Good lesson!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Esther - 11/19/04 04:49 AM

I purchased a new Bible awhile ago and creased its pages reading Esther. I've read about her before many years ago, its amazing and sad to me how much I had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder Kathryn... [Smile]
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Esther - 11/19/04 06:14 PM

Chatty, I was surprised to see this post resurrected but since it was....I just finished a work of fiction about Esther and darned if I can remember the title but it was amazing!!!Go to the local library and enter "Esther" and "fiction and see if something comes up. It was a great read.
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Esther - 11/22/04 05:58 PM

PS checked the title of the book about Esther, it is called "Hadassah".
Posted by: gwinny

Re: Esther - 01/04/05 03:29 AM

I heard of a sermon regarding the Psalm where David writes, "I will look unto the hills from whence cometh my strength." The minister pointed out that David was speaking of remembering the times that he faced great trials -- the bear, the lion and other battles -- which all took place in the hills. When David would think of a current trial -- he would remember the time the Lord had given him the strength to slay the bear - the lion -- and remembering the past victories, gave him great faith for what he was facing.

All of us have our own "hills" -- the times we faced great trials. I know in my own life there have been some pretty "tall hills" -- and in each situation, God was faithful. When a new problem, some that seems impossible, rises up before me - I look back and remind God of how He brought me through to victory -- and my faith once again rises up to face what is before it.