baa baa black sheep

Posted by: Mountain Ash

baa baa black sheep - 05/02/07 05:02 PM

On Saturday during a drive in the countryside I saw a black lamb.(I have a soft stop for the black lambs)I said out loud."I should like a lamb"daughter put it down to Mothers being jokey.
So on Sunday afternoon when I heard a bleating at my back door I went out.There was a grown sheep there.Very tame.
I phoned the only person I know who has exotic breeds of domestic animals.He came for it.It had escaped from his land and chosen my garden to visit in.
Did I laugh? YES.
I have been here for forty years and thats a first!
Thing is I felt deeply I would like to touch a lamb .A reminder of days past when an Uncle was a farmer...
So girls. careful what you wish for.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/02/07 05:06 PM

Haha, Mountain Ash..good thing you didn't wish for a leg of lamb...

Amazing story!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/02/07 09:03 PM

yea instead of a meal ya got a feast...ewwwww i am a scrimish meat eater sorrie my veggie frends...

lifes a wee laugh at times sometimes nuthing funnier than true life its a funnie storie mountain thanks for shareing
Posted by: Anno

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/02/07 11:02 PM

Oh, Mountain, what a surprise! I am glad you found the owner and did not have to end up raising the poor thing.

Are you raising good eats in your garden?
Posted by: SharonE

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/03/07 01:33 AM

Mountain Ash, was that the Law of Attraction in action?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/03/07 08:54 AM

Years ago....I got tired of cutting a long hedge on our road boundery.So.....I said I would like a month the authorities appoached us about road widening ...took 50 meters stip made a footpath(long overdue) built a wall replaced plants lost And gave us fifty pounds.Not a lot but a token. Spooky...
Mountain ash.

By the way.The plants replaced were of my choosing.The man they sent was also a gardener and advised me.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: baa baa black sheep - 05/04/07 01:24 PM

Sounds like it worked out for everyone. Do you garden much?