Coaching week is ending and I put the following list on my blog to celebrate. Enjoy!
In honor of Coaching Week (Feb. 6-11, 2005), I'd like to offer these top ten reasons to hire a coach:

10. You wish you were still in high school and the guidance counselor would help you decide the best three choices (including a safe one) for the next stage of your life.

9. You can't deal with any of your family members: your spouse, your kids, your parents, your siblings, your in-laws. Even the dog is beginning to look at you strangely.

8. You are tired of dealing with your body and health issues all on your own. Atkins gave you bad breath and your last personal trainer hit on you.

7. The money in your savings account keeps disappearing.

6. Your company announced another lay off the day after you told off your boss.

5. The following are foreign words to you: sleep, good food, conversation, bubble bath, golf, walking, meditating, friends, doing nothing, vacation, weekend...

4. A friend just asked you to watch her bratty two-year-old for a few hours and you said yes, in spite of the fact that you are getting your house ready to sell. You are numbly watching the child smear your $35 lipstick on the freshly-painted wall.

3. You have a choice to enter a convent or become CEO of Verizon and you are unsure which to choose.

2. You don't find the humor in this list.

1. You have entered an alternate universe and you would like the good witch to help you find your way back home.

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