Friends Heal Strangers

Posted by: Dotsie

Friends Heal Strangers - 09/10/05 02:42 PM

I thought it might be a good idea to post some of the awesome stories evolving from Katrina. One noght while watching the news I saw a young couple appear at the Astrodome who were willing to adopt a whole family. They offered to take the family in, clothe and feed them. They also ofered to help the parents find jobs and get the kids placed in schools. [Big Grin]
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/10/05 02:56 PM

Five or six year old boy and his 6 month baby brother rescued from families roof top. Helicopter only had room for the two.
Dropped off with 4 other children younger than the six year old to high ground.
Six year old had his baby brother in his arms, while leading the other children, when the rescue worker came upon them.
Six year old gave his name and the name of his family. They both are now united with their family.
Miracle from heaven above.....thank-you.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/14/05 09:09 PM

A dear friend of mine is currently unemployed. She took off today for Montgomery, Alabama with The Red Cross for three weeks. She is uncertain about where, or what she will do. All she knows is that she will somehow be involved with caring for the victims of Katrina. My measly job is to try to get a few home cooked meals in her son while she is away. She's afraid they'll eat nothing but fast food without her.

I am so proud of her.

And guess what? She's keeping a journal while she's away and is considering posting it at BWS> Pretty cool, huh?

Please pray for her and her family while they are apart.
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/14/05 10:09 PM

Montgomery is where my son lives. His neighborhood was OK but tornados passed all around him.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 02:18 PM

Sherri, I'm glad he's okay. That was her destination spot. They are being dispersed from there. I should here where she is today.
Posted by: renegadeartist

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 06:39 PM

Last night on the local news here in Colorado, I saw a man from New Orleans and re-established in Denver, reunited with his two dogs. The poor guy completely broke down.
The Humane Society in Denver brought in 130 animals. They will keep them for five weeks to try and find the owners. Then the pets get new homes.
I know it is horrible about people suffering in this, but many pets are suffering too.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 06:54 PM

Yes but when the animals suffer, the owners suffer also, and it's really sad that people who had to lose everything, even their jobs, have the additional pain of not knowing what happened to their beloved pet. I was so relieved to see the animal rescuers go in. Recently I got on to see what was happening and they have a thread where people are actually directing the rescuers to specific homes where a dog or cat could be. Sometimes they see one on a newscast and they inform the rescuers. The animal lovers have really pulled together to save as many as possible.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 07:16 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about the animals. It has been heartbraking to see the animals wandering in the streets lost.

Our pets are sooooo precious!

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 08:12 PM

Danita, I would never put an animal's welfare above a human's life either, but I still would not leave my dog if humanly possible.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/15/05 11:37 PM

We have had dozens of lost confused animals arriving at the airport to be housed here in safety until they can be reunited with their familys or until we can find new homes for them. One of our local firemen that just came back from NO said it was horrible, when the water went down enough, they found countless dogs closed up in pens or at the end of their chains drowned with no chance of escape. He said in his team of 8 men all were in tears as they discovered more and more dead animals. They saved dozens and said the National Guardsmen refused to shot any unless they were totally unable to save them. Maybe you will think me insane but my dogs are my children as much as my sons are. I believe that no one or nothing could make me abandon them but I have never been faced with the choice either and God help me if I ever am....
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/16/05 06:28 AM

My friend's So Cali church is adopting about 15 families I think.

I have a GF who's from New Orleans. I called to see how her family was. Luckily, all family members have been found and are safe. Unfortunately, their houses are completely underwater.

I told her to call me if there's anything I can do. My husband joked, half-seriously, that any day now her entire clan will arive on our doorstep! [Eek!]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/16/05 01:44 PM

Meredith, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's belongings. The general feeling among those amidst the disaster is not about their belongings, it's about their gratefulness for being alive. I believe Katrina is helping all of us put things in perspective.

How is the church going about that? Are they taking the people into their homes?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/17/05 06:20 AM

I think that's what the church is doing, but I'll ask her again. As far as the other friend, I see her this Sunday, and I'll ask about her family again. Most of the family (2 sisters and their families) were able to stay together, but it took 5 days to find the nephew. He's fine, but it's still very disheartening to lose their homes.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/17/05 10:41 PM

I don't know if I mentioned this before or not but Our Mayor and some of the major Casinos are giving a weeks vacation to all fireman, policemen, and their families. Everything air fare, meals and rooms are FREE and they are not giving them the rooms off the alley either, its all top shelf. Celine Dion and Barry Manilow are giving them free show tickets as are many other performers. They also receive $1000. to gamble with or pocket, whatever they want. This will remain in effect indefinitely and also be for others doing a great job in New Orleans, the people on the front lines....We also have countless families arriving here to live and hundreds of displaced animals. I have to say for once I am proud of this City.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/17/05 11:21 PM

Thank you for telling us about that. It is good to know that Las Vegas is willing to do what it can to help.

My son in law who was one of the first rescuers on-site is still there. He won't be home until mid October. A trip like that might help him and others recover from the trauma of such a horrific experience.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/18/05 06:39 AM

Smile, I would think being in New Orleans would be just as traumatic as war. I said a prayer to keep him safe and strong.

I heard that a Texas congressman gave his home to an evacuee to use while he and his family are in D.C. When they go home, they stay with his MIL. You have to admire a polititian who puts his words into personal action.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/19/05 03:48 AM

chatty, smile and daisy, these are the kinds of stories we need to hear more about!

Have any of you searched your hearts and considered taking Katrina victims in your homes? My husband and I talked about this and I'm embarrassed to say we weren't sure we could take total strangers into our home. How about you?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/18/05 04:39 PM

I'm thinking about doing it after I return from the wedding. My town has gotten a very bad rap right now and deserves it because some of the people here didn't want them to open an old card factory for these lost souls. Isn't that awful?! Like it was going to destroy the city.

I'd like to take in an elderly couple if possible. I don't know if you can request the ones you want though.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/18/05 07:37 PM

Dotsie, I have considered it, but just last year I had a bad experience with someone who moved in with me for a time. She was a woman I graduated with who was living in a very abusive situation - her husband actually put a gun to her head. So she moved in with me and I did not expect any rent or anything because she didn't have a job. Well, after several months, I realized she wasn't looking for a job and even though I didn't expect any money, I did expect her to at least TRY to stand on her own. But the proverbal straw was when she cut my phone line. My first thought was that Daisy, my Weim, did it, but after a few days it hit me that if a dog would've done it, the cord would've been mangled and the phone would've been on the floor. It was a clean cut on the cord from the wall. I expected her to disfunctional, but not dangerous. I asked her to leave immediately and she went to live with a sister.

Anyway, I didn't mean to change the subject, but I have thought about having a Katrina evacuee live with me, but I think I would feel more comfortable fostering a dog or 2 until the owners could reclaim them. Last year I had 3 different families live with me at different times....another abused wife, the crazy one and my son, his wife, son and 2 boxers.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/22/05 10:31 PM

The warning I received via email last evening from my Uncle in the Government in DC was to be very careful even speaking to a man that have a New Orleans type accent when out at night as they are frantically searching for over a thousand dagerous escaped murderers/rapists that are now roaming the streets as free men from the hurricane. He was emphatic as to NOT take anyone into the home, just send money to help he said...He said the poublic doesn't even realize fully the dangers out there now and spreading all around the country....
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/23/05 02:30 AM

I saw a similar email. Isn't it sad that we have to be so cautious?
Posted by: lacajunmarilyn

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/27/05 07:11 AM

I find it very difficult to believe that NO has allowed thousands of dangerous convicts to escape, and sorry to hear that people would actually believe that. I do not blame anyone for giving pause to taking strangers in, but being from NO, I can assure you that the city has more decent people who do need help than what was shown on tv. Showing looters and thieves must make better ratings than showing the decent, bewildered, frightened people who are looking for a chance to get their feet on solid ground. I cry whenever I see my fellow Louisianians go through all this humiliation and anguish because the federal government has chosen to ignore the problem which destroyed this beautiful city. The govt. has known for decades that this would happen, but did not want to put out the money to prevent this disaster from happening. Now it is too expensive 30 years later. What a sad state of affairs and what a price we are having to pay for their bad choices.
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/28/05 03:42 AM

Our 17 year old's friend, who 2 months ago moved to New Orleans to live with his dad (my son became friends with him in NY where we moved from 10 months ago), came to live with us a couple of weeks ago. His parents are divorced, his mom just moved to NC and can't afford to have him there, and his dad has gone from New Orleans, to Baton Rouge, to Florida. Our son went to New orleans twice with this friend and really wanted to move there with him. I'm so glad he didn't! Anyway, we bought this boy a one way ticket to CO and he is welcome to stay here as long as he wants. He's a great kid and we are happy to have him here. We felt this was our way of helping out but it is also a blessing for us since our son doesn't like it here. Now he has an old friend with him. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Cecilia

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/29/05 09:05 PM

Western Bluebird! It is a very generous act what you have done for that young man. You and your husband have opened your heart and home to welcome someone going through hard times.
You have such a good heart and compassion!

Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/29/05 09:38 PM

Thank you Cecilia, we were so happy that he took us up on it. Like I said, it is good for our son, so we weren't being totally altruistic. Our son had stayed with each of his parents on different trips. He's a great young man and it is also nice to have people come and visit when you move to a beautiful town that you love.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/30/05 05:58 PM

Western, great idea. I sure bet he's grateful... your son too. Do you like having teens around?
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 09/30/05 06:06 PM

You know, I really do like having teens around. The only problem is when they reach this age, and you can have a decent conversation with them, and they can pour their own drinks and wipe themselves...they're always out the door!!
It is fun, though, talking to them about poitics and religion. They have so much to learn, but I respect their views and I know they will probably change as they get older. My husband has more trouble with the teens. He seems to forget being one, so he can't relate to them.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 10/01/05 12:54 PM

Western, I'd love to be a fly oln the wall in your home. It sounds like a great place to ahng out.
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Friends Heal Strangers - 10/01/05 01:29 PM

It IS interesting! When my daughter and her husband are her with their son, we have 11 "kids" ranging in age from 2 to 28. It makes the brain spin to turn from changing one kid's diaper, to handing car keys over to another! I can go from talking about Dora the Explorer to ordering a guitar for my son's band! and you can just imagine our food and cell phone bills...