Woman to Woman Encouragement

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/10/06 10:43 PM

Woman to Woman Encouragement

Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car.

Their children will do better in school. And their partners will fix more things around the house. So let it go and love you and your circumstances.

Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children.

The richest woman you know - she's got the car, the house, the clothes - might be heartbreakingly lonely.

So, love you. Love who you are right now.

Tell yourself, "I am too blessed to be stressed."

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world."

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."

Be blessed ladies

Posted by: TVC15

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/10/06 10:48 PM

Lovely Vicki and just what I needed to read right now!
Thank you.
Posted by: Tami

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/12/06 05:45 PM

So true, Vickie! I lived in so much turmoil, self-inflicted, until I accepted the wisdom you've just shared. Thanks!

Posted by: ChristinaR

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 12:23 AM

This follows the same train of thought.

No Excuses

The next time you feel like being bitter, resentful and angry --- even if the circumstances justify these emotions ---
consider the inspiring words of a man who, after 27 years ofimprisonment by his government, had every right to be bitter,resentful and angry:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented and fabulous?'

Actually, who are you NOT to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

These are words of Nelson Mandela, who gave this inaugural speech in 1994, after being elected President of South Africa.

He became the leader of the government that had for so long sought to take away his voice.

This man had every right to be bitter, resentful and angry at the world.

How dare he inspire us to greatness? Shouldn't he have instead approved our sloth?

After all, is anyone really appreciated for what he does,regardless of the extent of the sacrifice?

Nelson Mandela confirms that you are expected to be great.

Nothing less.

You can even be more than great if you decide to ignore the non-existent limitations that everyone else can see.

What kind of glasses are they wearing?

I know I'm gorgeous, brilliant and talented.
Simply put, I am fabulous.

What about you?

By C. Elijah Bronner
(With credit to Nelson Mandela)
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 04:28 AM

Originally posted by ChristinaR:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

ChristinaR, you have no idea how much I personally needed this particular post right now. I have been in an unbelievably mucky funk lately...and it's not so much the funk that's difficult to deal with, it's the FEAR...and I can't believe the first two lines of your quote, because both are exactly what I've been struggling between - the fear that I'm entirely too inadequate - and the fear that I'm actually more powerful than I can even imagine - and then back to the original fear of being so powerful and yet so inadequate in my current inability to function well!

With a proneness to depression and chronic fatigue, I know that it's necessary to take my gentle time to get out of this funk, and I know that "this too shall pass". But in the meantime, it's a dark place to be stuck in. Your quote was exactly what I needed to hear today...it shines light on a path that was becoming too rocky and precarious to travel in the shadow of these fears. You've given me some light to work in. Thanks!

[ April 23, 2006, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 04:58 AM

I know no matter how dark the corner, it will be illumined. Your power is in your light and it is always within you. You have brought light to so many of us here.

If you must rest in a dark place for a while, allow it. You will come out and the brightness of you will again light up everything around.

Your body and mind are resting for something wonderful that is about to happen. I am praying for it today.

Posted by: Casey

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 05:47 AM

HUGS and good thoughts to you Eagle.

Great thoughts from Mandela!

May our lights shine brightly for ever.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 06:33 AM

Smile, your gentle words are like a balm to my soul. Thank you. I know from so many past experiences that I can't rush myself through this...something needs to be worked out, and when it's done, it will have been worth the struggle.

I think it has to do with coming to grips with the sad realization that no matter how much I/we do and give to an endless stream of needy people and causes, it will never be enough to ease even a significant portion of the hunger and pain in the world...but then remembering (again) to trust that even the least that we do for just one other person does change the world - one person, one small need at a time. ("To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world" resonates.)

It's frustrating to be so incapacitated by fatigue and dysfunction, but something deep inside of me tells me that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now...there's something important I'm supposed to be learning along this murky way.

Thanks Casey for your hugs and good thoughts...every flicker of light helps.

[ April 23, 2006, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]
Posted by: Casey

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/25/06 07:51 AM

Eagle, sometimes I get discouraged as well, I understand what you mean. There are so many. But I believe that not only do we help the people we are actively helping, we are changing the energy in the world. Every act of goodness sends ripples out, balancing the acts of terror and greed. And that means every act of goodness, from a warm hand on a friend's shoulder to the check we put in the mail to help someone less fortunate than we.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 11:22 PM

Vicky and Christina: Thanks for sharing beautiful and inspiring words. What a blessing!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/24/06 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Eagle Heart:
I think it has to do with coming to grips with the sad realization that no matter how much I/we do and give to an endless stream of needy people and causes, it will never be enough to ease even a significant portion of the hunger and pain in the world...

Eagle, don't forget you are one of God's children too. He wants to meet your needs as well as those of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

He is meeting your needs to be generous by graciously allowing you to meet the needs of others. Now He is recharging you. He is allowing you to rest while you are infused with new energy to not only care for others, but for yourself as well.

When you are rested and renewed, your light will shine even brighter. As you always have, you will light up even the darkest corner.

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 04/25/06 03:56 AM

Thanks Smile. Your words reminded me of a song I've heard Amy Grant sing. It was written by Beth Nielsen Chapman and reminds me how each of us CAN make a difference, no matter how small our contribution seems at the time.

Here under heaven's eyes
Down under paradise
Sometimes it seems like we're so small.
Here on the shores that reach into infinity.
How could we matter that much at all?
Would it be enough
If each of us would give our love?

Like sand on a mountain
Rain on a fountain
Shade on a shadow
A breeze in this tornado
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And Shine all your light in the sun

We live to learn to love.
Oh, mercy from above,
Amazing Grace, like rain, comes falling down
We sing our hearts to you
Our song of gratitude
The voice of every soul, how sweet the sound.
We can only trust
All our prayers will add up

Like sand on a mountain
Rain on a fountain
Shade on a shadow
A breeze in this tornado
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And shine all your light in the sun
Would it be enough
If each of us would give our love?

Like sand on a mountain
Rain on a fountain
Shade on a shadow
A breeze in this tornado
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And shine all your light in the sun
Posted by: 49erDonna

Re: Woman to Woman Encouragement - 06/24/06 10:38 PM


this is one awesome place to spend a saturday morning. You all are so encouraging and your emails are filled with hope and inspiration.

Makes me believe we can really change the world one person at a time.

I thank you all and I wish you many blessings!!
