30-something miscarries

Posted by: Dotsie

30-something miscarries - 10/04/09 01:54 PM

I never miscarried (went through four years of infertility, but never got pregnant and miscarried) so I'm wondering what's appropriate when you want to share your sorrow to a young person who has recently miscarried. I don't want to be dramatic, but want to reach out.
Posted by: Di

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/04/09 02:52 PM

Treat it as a death. Do NOT say "You can always have another" because only God knows that.

My SD had one and we sent her and her DH a sympathy card and a dried floral arrangement.

It is a loss/death of a dream.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/04/09 02:59 PM

Di, I was hoping you'd respond. Thanks. I didn't know if a sympathy card was appropriate.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/04/09 03:57 PM

I miscarried twice. Only my aunt spoke to me about it, at a very inappropiate time. It was my son't first communion. I know she meant well, but it didn't do me any good at all. I was so happy to be distracted and busy with guests and the ceremony. Then she came along in her overly symapthetic way. It overwhelmed me so, that I locked myself in the bathroom, and ignored my guests and everything else till I could get my own act together again.

I can only speak of myself, but I don't think it is wise to mention or talk about a miscarriage, unless the mother starts the subject herself.
Posted by: Di

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/04/09 06:37 PM

I"m sorry you had to endure such treatment. EW. Most don't know WHAT to say, so usually they say nothing or say the wrong thing...apparently like your aunt did.

A miscarriage is the death of God's creation. The women I know become very depressed when NO ONE acknowledges when they have this experience. It's out of the comfort zone of most.

A sympathy card is most appropriate and an offer of a service etc might also be helpful. Ie: Running errands, walking the dog, or offering some nice tea time treats or a nice spa basket as a gift.

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/05/09 04:37 AM

I remember the people who did contact me when we had the disappointment and grief..who acknowledged that loss of dreams and wishes.
A little note to reread and keep.
I still feel there should have been three children to love..but some people did say "you can try again" which did not touch what we felt..
I always mention to friends who have a loss that I am thinking about them..but dont tell new people unless the subject comes up.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/05/09 04:26 PM

MA, thanks for your answer. I like the idea of a note to keep and read. Sorry about your miscarriage all these years later.

Di, I'm going to do the card idea with note. I think that's appropriate in this case.

EW, I get it. That's why I asked. Everyone is different and we need to take that into account. I also believe that there are certain people whose words could bring me to tears faster than if another person spoke those same words. Sometimes it's the messenger.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/05/09 08:41 PM

A miscarriage is a death anyway you look at it and there is nothing easy about having one or knowing how to comfort a woman who has had one. Very sad indeed!
Posted by: MonicaMagnetti

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/06/09 08:41 PM

When wanting to support a person who is gone or going through a traumatic experience what works for me is to wait for the openness to express. Sometimes just sitting and/or being present and creating space is the most helpful thing we can do. Being with a person in mourning versus doing anything always works for me. Listening to the unspoken needs, whether is sharing a joke or a profound experience, when you support someone from your heart, they know it, you are always right when you come from your heart and you are present to them.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/07/09 07:50 PM

I agree 100% Monica. Sometimes just being there silently with the woman is what is needed. It's sad no matter who has suffered the loss, or how old they are. I remember when my mother had one and she was older, already had five children but she was still devastated. She would dream about, and hear a baby crying; and that went on for months.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: 30-something miscarries - 10/09/09 12:40 PM

chatty, how sad.

Monica is right about jsut being still with the person and letting them initiate conversation. Sometimes an ear is all one needs.