Check-in..Tell us how you are doing..

Posted by: humlan

Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 07:08 PM

This is a thread that you, Dancer, started ages ago. I tried to find it again..but I can´t. My problem, I am sure. So I am re-starting it again. Hope that´s ok.

DON`T WORRY..I am not going to unload all that has been happening in my life lately in one go. I just want to say that my youngest..the one who graduated from gymnasium this past in the US for 1 study. I am missing him so badly..eventho I honestly believe he made the right decision. He left me his I have a BIG part of him right at my finger tips. He decision was a last minute we had SOOOO MUCH to arrange and organize in less than 2 weeks. We had the "time of our lives"..and so much was said between us..both verbally and silently. It was a precious time together that we had..and it will always remain in my heart and memory. I have spoken to him a couple of times since he left..and he is doing well..but missing us over here "so much that it aches". And we, in turn, are aching for him.

I have returned to work after the summer vacation..and I have 2 people who are very close to me that are not well at all. But that´s for another time. smile

SOOOO if I lost my patience with the new forum..which I know I did..and voiced my frustrations.. I apologize and am very sorry. Dotsie..I KNOW that you are doing everything you can and more.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 07:17 PM

Dividing this post in parts so I don´t loose it. There is an editing problem..but that is being treated in another post. smile Eagle reminded is hard to cope with a new format (for instance here at BWS) when my whole life is a new format,too. I am not know for my patience..never have been as I mentioned to you, Dotsie, a time I guess I lost it here..when I lost my long post awhile back. SORRY!!! Truely sorry!!!

One bit of luck in this caos that is my life at the that my partner has a very bad cold wink and so he is at home when I return from work. I don´t have to face the emptiness that my son left behind. It´s exactly a week today that he left us..early in the morning. I can still see him waving and waving at a distance..feeling just the way I did/do. We staid up all nite on his last nite..neither of us wanted to sleep..and we listened to music..always the music..ALEGRIA meaning joyousness or the feeling or mood of joy. Also found on YOUTube by Le Soleil, I believe. And then the song, Halleluja. So much was said..and not said..but we could find it in the space between us. We sat and held hands and cried...
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 07:20 PM

Ok..I´ve taken enough of your time..and space here. There is more to come..but that I will leave for another time. The powers that be..or the stars..or vibrations..of just plain life..has really served me a full plate at this time..and I am trying slowly to make sense of it all...and what I can do to help those around me.

But that´s for another time...

Maybe someone else wants to check-in, too??? blush
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 09:02 PM

blessing to you . a full what you can..;leave the rest for another day.
These pictures you describe where you see your son waving...they will be replaced with updated pictures when you see him again.But meantime cherish your son from there.He will be experiencing similar pangs.
Music carries us at times...painful and poignant.

Checking in to share how we are..
good to see it back,
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 09:41 PM

humlan, the sharing of your son's last night with you is beautiful. The fact that neihgt of you wanted to sleep brought tears to my eyes. What a connection you two have.

If you like ,and it feels good, please tell us more about what he's studying, what state he's in, and if any of your boomer sisters could be his US boomer aunts.

I recall giving in to the tears when I just couldn't shake missing the kids. I'd also pick up the phone and call some friends whose children also left for college. That helped.
Feel free to post about the empty nest whenever you choose. There are others here who are also going through it. A Web cam helped Eileen.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 10:01 PM

Bless your heart Humlan... You've just proved that you're human like the rest of us. No biggy. Emotions change constantly, yours and everyone elses, sometimes we're happy and sometimes we're sad, its life...HUGS
Posted by: Anno

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/03/08 11:32 PM

Humlan, I am happy that you are trying so hard to accept all of the changes in your life. You have so much going on right now. Be kind and gentle with yourself.

Love to you, Ann
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/04/08 07:10 PM

Here's how I'm doing today:

Just back from a glorious vacation at the beach. I hate to say it, but the only thing that got in the way of a perfect vacation was the stuff going in the forums, and the fact that the site was down for a half day. Just being honest. Other than that, life was grand. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Just blue skies and temps in the 70s and 80s. We were there with a couple other families that we've been vacationing with for years. This year was a bit different because some of the kids were already back in school. Our oldest made it down for a couple days so that was fun. We did as we pleased, which wasn't much but relaxing, reading, walking, eating, enjoying some wine and parking ourselves on the beach.

I came home to the news of a dear freind's son who is very sick so this has made me more prayerful, and on call for my friend. Very sad.

I heard from my daughter today who is away at college so I feel jazzed. I love hearing from her. She was calling to update me on her diabetes which is a good thing because she hasn't always acknowledged it in the past.

Am texting with my youngest so that's fun. Gotta love technology.

Doesn't take much to please me.

Have been working all morning. Did an internet radio show, am responding to email like a crazy lady. Posting as a diversion.

Have nothing in the house for dinner so I'll have to get a few things before then.

Doing laundry as I work from home.

Ran to farmer's market at lunch; one of my favorite Thursday activities. No biggie, but love the fresh fruits and veggies.

Concerned about my dad who is sounding more tired all the time.

Grateful to have hubby coming home for dinner and it will be just the two of us.

So that's how I'm doing today. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/04/08 07:20 PM

By the way Dotsie, how is Kellys leg?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/04/08 07:21 PM

Thanks for asking. She's all better. The hardest part was seeing her with the Elizabeth collar, but it did the trick. It kept her from chewing the bandage and incision.

How are you doing today chats?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/04/08 07:50 PM

The weather here is changing, cooler at night around 70 something and not quite as bad in the daytime because its been cloudy. This and winter is my time of year here.

I guess I am well, taking time off to watch the convention yesterday and today. My boss said it was okay, she is so nice to me, LOL!!!

While watching TV I am completing two tiny ponchos for JJ's grandkids for Christmas. They are so tiny, they look like doll clothes. I made one Paddy green with red and white pepermint trim and the other is Cherry red with green and white trim.

Sent a box of baby clothes to Vicki Taylor last week for her precious granddaughter and she PM'd to say they arrived...

I am still thinking of possibly relocating but not sure where I want to go. All in all, aren't you sorry you asked, LOL??? And I could go on and on too...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/04/08 08:21 PM

Checking in from Scotland.
At last some sun..the grass needs cuts so together we tackled it.The evening sky shows that tomorrow should be fine too.
My aim is to put my garden to "bed" so that when things pop up in early Spring I have order.
The little wooden summerhouse will be treated at the weekend.It my "sit outery"where I read drink my coffee and read.Have paints.and an easle.
My children bought it for me.Its comfortable and I have it painted yellow and green inside.I covered an old two seat sofa with retro material and have a folding table..My own haven.

I had an appointment with my chiro. .My left upper arm has been very painful.She did some work and said I had lifted something too heavy.I cannot recall.This summer we have redecorated and I have been continually active.Time to slow a bit.
One thing about being older is respecting my body.The mind is willing the body more fragile.
So its bed soon...I look forward to each new morning..I have nice things needing done.Home and garden...library.Family
Mountain ash
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/05/08 07:40 PM

Hello Scotland! What fun that this thread is back again!And from everything you describe, Mountain have really kept busy this summer. Time to start hibernating..slowly but surely. But I am glad to hear that you´ve had lots of fun this summer,too..doing what comes naturally smile

My dear friends..thank you for your kind words..and encouragement. I was feeling pretty weepy and lonely again this friday evening here in Sweden..but after reading all the posts..I feel much better. I am also nursing a good scotch and drowning my sorrows a wee bit. I am sitting my son´s computer so that his space isn´t empty. I remember that ne of my duaghter´s used to always sleep in her sister´s bed when she was away at hospital. "That way her bed isn´t empty, mom, and I don´t miss her quite as much." Smart girl..she was then and she still is smile of course,I am her I am a bit biased.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/06/08 11:39 PM

MA, your haven sounds heavenly. I must have missed a message where you discussed that you painted. Or maybe you haven't mentioned that before? Or perhaps my brain went stoopit? What do you like to paint? Flowers from your garden? It is so true that as we age the mind is willing but the body is fragile. I always mention my 102-103 year old grandmother (we don't know for sure as her records were not accurate via Ellis Island immigration) Anyway, her legs have lost their power. Still she tries to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, and she falls. We have to keep our bodies strong: yoga, weight training, walking, cycling. HUMLAN, you are going through quite an adjustment. Take care, PL
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 03:00 PM

Yes I paint.Watercolour.
I was good at school.Did not take this skill further.Read extensivly art history and find the subject fascinating.
Way back I mixed colours there is some insight.
I go to exihibtions as often as I can.

But had lessons last year and love watercolour and mixing sky shore and moods.I am a sponge waiting to learn more.
My easle and paints were gifts for my retirement.I stock up on supplies so there is no barrier..just me being busy elsewhere.

Mountain ash
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 04:16 PM

Watercolor is a wonderful medium, full of surprises. Supplies are part of the fun! Good for you! You are very creative, I can tell from your poetry.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 04:55 PM

To create is have faith. And at the end of each day I feel rewarded if I have achieved this goal.
Every meal...each flower bed..and window sill where I have plants and minerals is my joy.That is why I name homemaker in my profile here.To be a woman with a home she is happy in is wonderful.
The handworks I have done..earings sewing and scarves and crafts are the extras.I appreciate your comments..
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 05:39 PM

Anne, yes that's what I'm talking about. No fun!

chatty, I didn't hear you were interested in relocating. What are your thoughts at this stage of the game?

MA, home, garden,library, family - we share some of the same loves. Hope your chiropractor is helpful.

humlan, hoping the pain is lessening though I know how it comes and goes when a child leaves. For some reason, I miss my kids most on Sundays. I'm heading out to the garden soon to keep myself busy. That's the name fo the game for me.

PL, I totally agree with you about staying active. I have bad knees, but they are worse when I don't walk for exercise. We must keep active.

MA, I had an aunt who picked up painting later in life. It became her passion. She painted many lovely scenes that now belong to several family members. Stick with it. Make time for it.

Lazy, gorgeous day. Can't stand being in on a day like this. Heading to the garden, then to buy some music at the local B&N that Eagle recommended. It's close so I'll walk. Embrace the day!
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 09:04 PM

I just took today to be somewhat lazy. I didn't get up early then had a leisurely breakfast. Watched some politics on TV, did some editing on a manuscript and am now online.

It's still quite hot here in sunny Florida. We really don't see any cool weather till about mid October or so and then it's usually only in the evenings.

I chatted with my little grandson on the phone and he was a blast so that really made my day. I love lazy, easy days.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 10:47 PM

That sounds very nice, SP & Dotsie.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 11:31 PM

We had a lovely afternoon with our grandchildren. Several weeksa go, GD had asked for a purple raincoat. After extensive fruitless searching locally, I finally ordered one online and it just arrived. The look in her eyes was worth it! She loved it so much that she insisted on wearing it to the park.

She's been trying for MONTHS to conquer the monkey bars. Today, she stood there, afraid to try, so sure she wasn't going to be able to do it. So we talked about fear being such a difficult thing to rise ourselves above (I'm an expert on letting fear steal far too much of my joy and life away!), and I shared a tip that I had learned in knee focus all her energy on the part of her body that most needed it at the time, in this case, her arms. So she took a deep breath and DID IT...all the way across, for the first time. She was so proud!

Then we bounced between the monkey bars and digging deep holes in the dirt, which was a lovely dark dirt, perfect for building anything and everything. We talked about a lot while digging. She's desperately afraid of water, so much so that she dropped out of swimming lessons last year. But she insisted on taking them again this year, determined to learn. Her first swimming lesson was this morning. And she told me, in so many 7-year-old words, that she was essentially paralyzed by her fear. So we talked about the monkey bars, and that maybe she needed to do the same trick with her energy...focus all of her energy on her mind, pushing the fear away and JUST DOING IT, like she had done today on the bars. She seemed to "get it", so I'm interested to hear how she does at her next lesson.

At one point I asked her what we were building, and she said, "Oh I don't know yet, but we'll know what it is when we're finished." Isn't there a wonderfully profound tidbit of wisdom in there somewhere?!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 11:35 PM

What a wonderful day, Eagle. We can learn so much from children, and teach them well.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 11:42 PM

Tomorrow is my mother's 81st BD. Yesterday, Gina, Katie and I took her out for lunch to celebrate. The restaurant we wanted to go to was not open for lunch so we had to go somewhere else. It didn't end up the best choice, but our options were limited because we had to pick kid friendly. The lunch wasn't that great, but it was nice for the four of us to be out together and my mom enjoyed some time with Katie. Of course, she can turn her hearing aid off if she wants and we didn't have that option. It wasn't one of Katie's best restaurant days. Luckily, there were a lot of elderly people in there so they probably didn't notice as much as we did.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/07/08 11:49 PM

selective hearing? And the phrase "it's the thought that counts" comes to mind.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/08/08 12:33 AM

Happy 81st. birthday to your mom Louisa. If shes anything like my mom or me too for that matter, just having our kids want to be with us on our special day would make it all okay...
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/08/08 07:36 PM

Hi everyone! I really enjoyed reading what everyone has been up to and their thoughts about things.

MA--I liked the idea of organizing something that you have wanted to do for ages..on the day that you retire. I really like that.I just may buy myself a dog! I am longing to have a dog again..but can´t while my partner´s son is too young..he´s 13 now. But by the time I retire..I should be able to get a dog.He´ll be about 17 or 18 then.

Eaglehart..your grandchild certainly knows a thing or two..which children so often do.

And the dinner, Louisa..I bet it was wonderful anyway. And Happy Birthday to your mom!!! grin

I am home after´s the evening here and I am nursing a cold with a cough that I got from my partner. He was down with it all last week. I am nursing it with some powerful cough medicine and whiskey.

Tomorrow evening, after work, I am going to babysit my grandchildren..all 3 of them ( a 12yr old, 9 yr old and a 3 yr old). Will grandma have her hands full?? YES!!! But I love my them my time with them..they give so much warmth and love and joy..well, you know.

Well, signing off for now! smile
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/09/08 02:26 AM

Whiskey and cough medicine? Is that the latest pharmaceuticals for coughs in Sweden? Might knock me out along with the cold.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/15/08 01:14 PM

Ahhhhhhhhh....I'm enjoying a lone day off from work after having my weekend ON. Trouble is, there's just so much to attend to in one day. The remnanats of Ike are passing through but without rain....only a cooling wind after a day and night of uncomfortable humidity. The skies are blue and my wind chimes are having a great time musically! I feel good. My hospice job is exactly where I belong and though very tiring, it's all good. I feel priveleged to do what I do. We accomplished much this season on the outside of the home and it's serene, quieting and calming to return home to at the end of the day. So I'll get busy and get some things done inside and will spend some time in the refreshing air outside. 'Tis a great day to be alive!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/15/08 01:16 PM

Oh, and coming here to spend time at BWS and catch up has been sooooo nice! I've missed being a daily regular here!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/15/08 01:24 PM

Today I am recalling yesterday when our area had Open Days.
This event let the general public visit behind the scenes
at different venues.
So many to visit..but we saw the sound and
back stage .The art Club.In a former Nunnery laundrey.Many talented people made us welcome.The Town House.A place where the county is run from.Important stuff for the area is decided.lovely architecture and historical data.Then the Sherrif Court.Cells...waiting rooms.Courtroom.It was thought provoking.The guided tour came down heavily on the wrongdooers.The most serene place was Maggie Centre.A place for support and education about cancer.It is a holistic heaven.The modern architecture is so supportive to healing.The people friendly.
We did not go to the Police station...nor the Crematorium.Time flew and there was only so much a mind can take in.
Next week more...and no doubt just as interesting.
Mountain ash
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/16/08 03:08 PM

MountainAsh! What a lovely day! I wish that I could be there with you! I may get back to you about the Maggie Center. My SIL travels quite maybe he would consider such a place..if he needs it.

I am just checking in because I miss you all. I am at home today because my IBS tummy had an acute attack last nite. And I was "running" most of the nite. I am totally cleansed now..not a bad feeling actually wink..but still pretty shakey.

My own life is pretty good to´s everyone near me..around me, that is having a hard time. And this, of course, leaves me worried and sad at times. But otherwise, everything is ok. So I am very grateful for my own blessings.

I am finding that I have more time to relax now that my son is in the US smile and this is not a bad thing. My partner and I spent Sunday at our favorite coffee spot among the trees. They staid open for us a bit longer so that we could enjoy our coffee break. It´s such a lovely spot..right in the middle of a nature park.. Later we did some much needed shopping for our bathroom..which feels good,too. That we finally got it done! grin

Gosh..that´s about it! I don´t have so much else to say..except that I am sending you all a big HELLO and lots of hugs from my part of the world..
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/16/08 05:26 PM

and everyone.

Wonderful woman Maggie. and the concept just the best I know.


* About Maggie's

* Maggie Keswick Jencks

History of Maggie's Centres

Maggie’s is a place for people who have cancer and their families and friends. It was founded by Maggie Keswick-Jencks and guided by her experience as a cancer patient.

After receiving her diagnosis, Maggie found she had many questions:

How am I going to deal with this?
What are the questions that I should have asked my doctor, but didn’t?
Who am I going to turn to?
I will be having medical treatment, but is there anything else I can do to make myself better?

Maggie had no prior knowledge of cancer and found herself being given bewildering fragments of advice from many different sources outside the hospital.

She felt that people like herself would benefit from a Centre that would enable them to address all aspects of living with cancer and inform themselves about the medical realities of the disease.

This led her to develop the blueprint for a Centre where people could access emotional and psychological support and information in a relaxed and homely environment. She died in 1995 and the Centre she envisaged opened in 1996. Today the Maggie’s Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust has gone on to open a further 4 Centres, with 7 more in the pipeline, accessible to anyone affected by cancer.

The goal of Maggie’s Centres is to keep people who have cancer as healthy in mind and body as possible, by enabling them to participate actively in the treatment of their disease.

Maggie’s is not an alternative to regular medical treatment, but an important partnership with your doctor, you will feel more hopeful, less isolated and more in control of your situation.

Maggie's Centre network continues to evolve. There are five Centres open in Scotland and three interim services operational in Scotland, England and Wales. Maggie's London opened in Spring 2008 and there are a further 6 purpose built Centres planned for completion by 2012.

The first Maggie’s Centre, designed by Richard Murphy, opened at Western General Hospital in Edinburgh in 1996. By 1999 it had become apparent that the Centre needed to expand and so an extension was planned and built. Today the Edinburgh Centre is very well used and has 17,000 visits a year.

Maggie's Centres can be found in the following locations:

Open Centres:

* Edinburgh
* Glasgow
* Dundee
* Highlands
* Fife
* London

Mountain ash
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/17/08 01:57 PM

Thank you MountainAsh. I will save this info for future use. If needed. It sounds wonderful and a blessing to so many. Maggie herself must have been someone very very special.

Thank you!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/17/08 02:36 PM

MA, this sounds similar to the Hope Well Center in our town, but there is only one. Amazing what can happen when one woman has a vision.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/17/08 08:13 PM

Your vision Dotsie is the perfect example of that, and here we all are!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/18/08 05:15 PM

I agree..Vision from one woman.
Maggie and Dotsie

Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/18/08 05:26 PM

And so many other women around the world!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/22/08 09:49 AM

Open Doors again this weekend.
We chose the Oat Factory and a very old country church.

Quaker oats opened their doors for the first time.We queued for ne hour in our car.It was well worth the wait.
The process was explained and a 45 minute tour was of great interest.The firm export to many countries.Denmark use more of an oat cereal than they do cornflakes.There is arefional preference in UK and the firm cater for this.Saudi Arabia use a product packed in tins extensivly during Ramadaan where it helps by being held in the system longer during fasting due to the GI factor.
I really like seeing an end product in a work place.I must be a manufacturer at heart.Grain in...breakfast cereal out.

The church was quaint.Little and in the midst of fields.The usual congregation being 20 .A minister is shared by four village churches.It had a little graveyard a manse(Ministers house in Scotland) where a scottish paiter of note was born.(Wilkie of Pitlessie Fair note)*
so these visits have enriched my September.And will be repeated .then I'll catch up with those I missed.

In this picture the artist painter a local green with a country fair attended by a crowd of people.When viewed the villages saw their own faces painted and some were offended.The fair has been reinacted so the locals may have forgiven the artist.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/22/08 05:37 PM

MA, the country church sounds like such a treat. So different from what I'm use to in the US. Our church has a manse and the misiter once lived there with his fmaily, but years ago, the house was knowcked down. Now there's a prayer labyrinth on the property. It's touching to see people stop and walk it at any time of the day or week.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/22/08 06:13 PM

Oh, MountainAsh..the church and its surroundings sounds just like something out of Midsommar Murders..don´t you think?

Well.. if the Danes use alot of oats it may be their secret then..they are classed as the happiet people in the world..did you know that? We actually believe in oat cereal here in Sweden,too. Very much. It is eaten mainly by the Northern Swedes where the weather can get very cold in the winter..and it´s dark most of the day. But Swedes are not classified as that happy..hmm..but we Swedes wink are very different from the Danes. The Danes are laid back people who can really enjoy the good things in a good meal and cigar afterwards..and they don´t drive themselves into the ground with ambition..

Anyhoo..your day sounded just wonderful! SO INTERESTING!!!

PS I am going to watch one of my Midsommar Murders dvds and take it real easy. Maybe I am becoming Danish..who knows??? cool
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/22/08 10:21 PM

Persaonally I think I am doing too much still. Running to mthe SPCA, fostering some new pups and ghostwriting two books and trying to keep my house from falling apart under me. I have a couple of doctors appointments soon, for new glasses and a troublesome womens problem. Lately at night I just fall into a chair and watch mindless TV. I'm not even crocheting just now, waiting for sizes to come in to complete orders. I have plenty of energy thank God, but just spreading myself too thin...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/23/08 01:02 AM

"Its a wise woman who know herself." And if you think you are spreading yourself thin...take care.
Can you be pampered for a day or two by a friend...?

Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/23/08 02:16 PM

chatty, I'm with you on the being spread too thin piece. These past couple weeks have been a whirlwind and I don't see it ending soon. While some of the time has been spent doing fun stuff, racing and squeezing in anything is no fun.

My flowers in the pots are dead. I haven't watered them in two weeks and it's been gorgeous with no rain. So much for them. I've hardly cooked, but I'm cooking tonight - finally. All three of the kid's rooms are exactly as they left them, pretty much. One bedroom is empty and I really want to get busy doing something with it, but have had no time.

I started saying yes to a few volunteer jobs that I wnat to do, but maybe I need to wait until another season of life before doing so.

Life goes on...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/24/08 10:39 AM

Mountain Ash, if only I did have someone to pamper me! Nope my pampering days are over. I get to the pool when I can and love sleeping in, phone ringer turned off, but thats about the extent of my pampering, sigh!

Dotsie, me thinks your plate runneth over!!! Try and relax girl.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/24/08 07:25 PM

Sleeping in is a great way to pamper. I'm going to try to do that on Saturday. We'll see what happens.

I think I'll start a post on sleep.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/25/08 06:37 PM

O yes!! Sleeping in..with the telephone turned off is WONDERFUL!!!

But ladies..Dotsie and ChattyLady..take care now! But then you know that, don´t you??

I am sitting at my computer eventho I shouldn´t..I have a backache frown..but it´s fun for now anyway.

We´ve had some LOVELY autumn weather here lately and I am thoroughly enjoying it and my job that allows me to be outdoors almost all day with the kiddies grin

My oldest the US..keeps reminding me how I wanted my son to move because it was getting so tight in our 1 bedroom apartment (3 adults) I am going to have to slug her very soon..and remind her when her turn comes..if the old battle ax (me) is still around mad wink

However, my daughter is having a very very hard time of it..things don´t look good at my heart bleeds for her..

And I am wondering if anyone has heard anything from Dancer?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/25/08 07:20 PM

Dancer send me funny emails almost daily, I think she is fine but if she reads this I'm sure she'll answer you for herself.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/28/08 06:39 PM

Ok..thanks ChattyLady. By the package yet. But sometimes it takes awhile..the pond is a big pond smile

I have had a lovely lovely week-end! Yesterday, Saturday, my partner and I visited with some very good friends. He has bought a small house outside of Stockholm and his son is going to live with him..the son is 14yrs old. He seems so happy after a rough period when his current relationship ended. This friend is a laidback guy who has a special love for the Am. Indian..the ones that lived on the plains. He makes dreamcatchers or whatever they are called..and all of us that know him well, have one that he has made for us personally over the years. I once gave him my mother´s old mink coat to use..she would have a caniption if she knew...he of course used some of it to make my dream catcher..which has a the siluette of a young girl picking Susan..who died many years most of you dear daughter of 11 at the time. Another perhaps closest firend and her partner came along to visit it was really a wonderful evening.

And today, the sun was shining and the autmumn leaves were my partner and I went our near-by lake..which many years ago was the home of a rather large Viking this place is mystical. And just by going can soak in some of the energy of old..or so I think! wink

And now I am here visiting with you can´t get much better than this grin HUGS TO EVERYONE!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/29/08 02:22 PM

I haven't heard from dancer.

humlan, I love your sense of humor regarding your family.

Your weekend sounds lovely. Being outdoors this time of year is so invigorating, and adding friends to the mix must have been awesome.

Ross went to Florida after work on Saturday and comes home today. He has a friend living there and they both love to fish and play tennis. Nice break from the fire routine.

So I've been alone since early Saturday morning, and enjoyed it. Spent Saturday morning cleaning and organizing clothes, food shopping, having lunch with my life-long girlfriend of 44 years, and I'm 50. We got all caught up with one another's families and enjoyed a few laughs about getting older.

I also spent a few hours at church Saturday and Sunday. I'm on a committee to hire a new director of music for our upcoming comtemporary service. I was most impressed with the 20-somethings that found the job of Craig's List and auditioned. It was refreshing to see several very put together, confident young musicians. I wish we could hire them all.

Saturday night, my daughter, her beau and I went to a bluegrass festival at a friend's home. This is an annual event with a tremendous bon-fire, a renovated barn with lot of great food all around, comfy chairs, and musicians at every turn. People show up with their instruments and just pick up with other musicians to play. It's one of my favorite evenings of the year. Everyone is outdoors, eating and drinking, singing and playing, and reveling in the picturesque atmosphere. Kids love it as much as the adults. They had tractor rides around the farm and the kids run wild. Reminds me of the good old days when kids played outdoors non-stop.

I spent yesterday with Dad, going through old photos and cards, etc. It was a bit emotional because he wants to get everything out of the apartment except what he absolutely needs. While it makes sense, it saddens me because it's as though he's preparing for the end.

Last night I dropped off a walker to a friend who was kind enough to loan it to me in case Dad needed it. She invited me in and we sat for a couple hours talking about caring for our aging parents, the empty nest, menopause and all the other midlife stages.

While I miss Ross, it's also fun not having to think about a soul being at home waiting for me; just being responsible for myself.

Tell us about your weekend...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/29/08 08:30 PM

Saturday went to the Summerlian Art festival, it was a two day affair out of doors and the art was magnificient. I saw two paintings I wanted but I haven't even got room on my walls for a calendar let alone large paintings.

Spent a quiet Sunday finishing a poncho for Dotsies neice. Making a fabulous lamb casserole, and watching the return of Desperate Housewives, and a few good movies later in the evening. The dogs and I were asleep by 1:00 a.m., thats early for me.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/30/08 03:25 PM

I can't wait to see that afghan. It's going to be so Christmasy.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/30/08 08:32 PM

Knock, knock Dotsie are you in there?? It's a little Christmas colors PONCHO, that is what you wanted right?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/30/08 08:40 PM

Lets try this one more time.....I have a beautiful Christmas afghan for sale for the holidays...It is:
white and

I am holding my breath to hit the submit button, here goes nothing?????
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 09/30/08 08:41 PM

Well the white is white and doesn't show up but it did work at least. WHEW!!! Dots or JJ please delete the messed up one above. Thanks...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 10/02/08 02:06 PM

Anyone want to share what's new with them, and how they're doing on what is a lovely fall day here?

Just got back from being with Dad. Looking forward to working today. Will run by the farmer's market at lunch. Making a decent dinner for tonight. Hope to get to the Y. Will definitely watch the debate tonight.

Many of you know about the fire. Well to add to all the excitement, we had lots of rain here this weekend and we got some water in our basement. Good grief. So I will also find time tonight to slice the padding from under the carpet and toss it. Working on getting my basement back. Life goes on...

If I had to guess waht I won't get to today, it will be the Y! HA!

How about you?
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 10/02/08 02:52 PM

Today is a lovely autumn day here in Sweden least in my area..around Stockholm. The colors are simply gorgeous. The trees have flourished well this rainy they are in their full glory now. So,´re right..I should go out for a walk. I am home from work now..and it´s about 4:30pm here which means that it is still very light here.

I am feeling a bit down today as my SIL is not so well. On top of his cancer..he has a bad cold and does not feel so good at all. I am finding it hard to keep my spirits up. Some days are like this..I know..and this is one of them. I am feeling the pain and worry that my SIL and my daughter must be feeling. And I am wishing that I could be near them..I have read on their facebook pages how their friends are helping them with food and driving my SIL to his numerous tests and surgeries..he will start chemo next Tuesday if his cold is better (I would think). So I am very grateful to all the wonderful people who are there for them.

This past week-end there was a "run" for Leukemia and Lymphoma patients..and many of their friends and students and patients did it for them. I understand that they got souveniers which they are saving for my SIL and my daughter. And my SIL was very touched by this and he wrote on his facebook. So they are not alone by any means..which is a great comfort to them and to me.

But, you know, Dotsie..I just may go out for that walk you mentioned. It could do me some good smile

So..see you all later..and sending hugs out into cyber space for you all.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/21/08 07:36 PM

It´s Friday evening here and my partner´s son is coming for the week-end..IN A CAST!!! He broke his foot while playing table pong!

He´s only 13 yrs he´ll probably be alright! But CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I think the stars are totally crossed up there somewhere..the stars that have to do with our family!!!

I mean..going a bit crazy here..but that´s ok..that means I can laugh a bit,too.

Hope you all have a wonderful week-end and are not as stalked by bad luck as we are at this moment wink

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/21/08 11:54 PM

How do you break a leg playing ping pong? That's incredible. I hpe you all enjoy one another's company this weekend. I bet he misses your son being around.

We just finished dinner. Our youngest son is home for Thanksgiving already, so I made steamed shrimp, salad and some bread for us, and home made chicken noodle soup for Ross who is feeling a teeny bit under the weather. They're watching some movie and I'm sitting here catching up with the gals.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/22/08 12:52 AM

I am spaced because today I put the finishing touches on the novel I've been writing for the woman from Alaska. Once the countless pictures are labeled and entered it will be ready for the printer. FINALLY!!!! I am about four months ahead of schedule but happy to be finished to her satisfaction.

Planning some days just for "me" until after the holidays, then back to work when some new edits come in..
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/22/08 12:18 PM

chatty, I can't imagine finishing something four months early. Good for you! Love the me day idea.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/26/08 08:25 PM

Chatty..has your ex hubby flown the coup, then???

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and CONGRATULATIONS on your book..4 months ahead of time!! WOW!!!! I am usually at least 4 months behind with most things smile
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/26/08 10:04 PM

Way to go Chatty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome...4 months ahead of schedule? How in the world?!?!?!?!?!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/26/08 10:48 PM

You truly are an inspiration, Chatty! Whoo-hoo! Happy Thanksgiving, girl - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, thinking of that turkey you're cooking up for anyone who drops in (sure wish it could be me!)....and I always think of you with a grateful heart for YOUR amazing heart and spirit. Enjoy your well-deserved break.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/28/08 08:52 PM

Thanksgiving Day was an resounding success. I ended up with seventeen friends adropping i n for a meal. I had tons of food and was happy to see so many arriving. I am also happy to report thst even though I shamelessly overate, I didn't gain an ounce, probably due to running around making sure everyone had everything they wanted. Them after all the guests had gone home my ex (YES Humlan, he is still here) wasa helping me clean up the mess and saw a small dsog out the kitchen window running loose. I waa able to tempt it with a piece of turkey, she is a small Dachhound, no tags, she seemed so frightened. She spend the night with us and today I will take her to the SPCA shelter where she will be safe and available for anyone looking for her. Looks like a pet that got out with all the holiday commotion.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now I need to get started planning for Christmas. No rest for the wicked, as my dear mother would say!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/29/08 12:52 PM

i forget how close thanksgiven and christmass is. Must be a double edjeged soard getting the whole partie organised twice in such close time fremes
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/30/08 01:12 PM

celtic, yes, they are very close together this year. Tomorrow is already December 1st. I can't beleive it. Time to get the Christmas decorations out!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 11/30/08 09:57 PM

My mother, 88, and her sister who's 91, and my cousin Mike whose 50, I think, just got back today from visiting my Uncle and Aunt who lives in Maryland. They spent Thanksgiving on a three acre estate with my Aunts family and all had a wonderful time. But like my mother said this morning, no matter where we go, or what we do, or who we see:


I have to agree and am relishing just relaxing and watching all those sappy Christmas movies that have started.

The 25 days of CHRISTMAS...
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/02/08 01:46 AM

Hello, again, to my old and new friends. I have recovered from surgery on both sides of my upper jaw (no surprise there). I lost 3 weeks from work and am now back and eating. I managed to cook and eat a turkey, which I am grateful for receiving from my place of employment. This is the first year they have given us the bird for a holiday and I thanked the universe. wink
Posted by: Di

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/02/08 05:01 AM

Hard time of year for me, emotionally.

Even though business is thriving, the losses I have endured leave empty spaces in my heart.

It's really, really hard for me to "shake this" and do any decorating and celebrating. DH wanted to do a tree, but I did not. As kids, things were so perfect that, since none of it can ever be repeated or replicated, I cannot bring myself to "do" Christmas.

Sorry for the's how I feel. It's easy for me to "fake it", but deep inside I hurt.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/02/08 12:19 PM

Di my heart feels for you. I lost my Mom Christmas Day night. I decided to use that time of year to really celebrate her life. It worked for me but I realize we are all not alike. If you don't want to then don't. One day you may feel differently like I did. Blessing dear Di...many many blessings to you.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/02/08 12:21 PM

Hi Saundra nice to see you here. Ouch on that surgery. Do you need to have any more?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/02/08 10:57 PM

The way you feel Di is all the more reason to do Christmas and a tree. People die and you will always caress them with your heart. BUT you also need to go on living and make these years the best they can be for you and the ones left behind. God has been so good to you, your new family members, the love of two sweet grandbabies, many new friends, and the love of that great guy of yours.

Yes sadly people we love die, we miss them, but they would be the first ones to say to you ifr they could, you need to tuck away those morbid feelings and replace them with good memories that you can bring out in private, and in the meantime LIVE, enjoy your blessings.

Put up a tree for the ones you loved that went away and are watching over you from above, and know each twinkling light is a kiss from one of them...Merry Christmas my friend.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/03/08 12:30 AM

Di, there was no way that we could face Christmas last year. It would have been my first ever without Gary (my brother) and my first without ANY of my family. Even my step-daughter didn't want to stay home. So we took a Christmas cruise through the Panama Canal and it was the perfect answer for us. Lots of beautiful places to explore, great food (and no dishes or clean up) fun activities to keep our minds off the ache in our hearts, wonderful people (many of them there for the same sort of reasons) - Christmas Day ended up being very gentle, quiet and healing for all of us. It was well worth the expense! And if you've never seen the Panama Canal, it's an awesome cruise.

I had begun dreading this Christmas as early as August, and we were all sorry we didn't book a trip for this year as well. But I decided that since we WERE going to be home, and that this will be our first Christmas in our new reality, we decided to change everything around to be the kind of Christmas WE want, one that suits OUR needs and wants. In past years, the gifts have been the focus, and because that was the tradition for my family growing up and they were all here every year, it was too hard to change. But now we've completely changed the focus from the gifts to the nativity story. We've cut down on the gifts, and tried as much as possible to give charitable gifts (eg, a goat for a poor family in Africa, hens & rooster for another family in Kenya, stuff like that).

It's still very painful, and you can't expect that pain to just magically disappear, in fact, watching everyone be "merry and bright" can accentuate the "agony of absence". Is there any way you can take off and go somewhere for a few days? Last year, or two years ago, we had a "Blue Christmas Support Group" here at BWS, especially for people who had suffered loss during the past year and for whom Christmas was going to be extra difficult. Maybe we should think of starting another support group like that this year.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/03/08 12:34 AM

Hi Chick. I hope to never have another surgery, but as my mother always said, "You never know." If I do, I hope to have someone to drive me home. I got home safely and am grateful for that.

I had a soft food and film festival (movies) for Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/03/08 11:24 AM

Hello Saundra, that is quite a big operation! Glad you are recovering well, and able to bite into scrumptious turkey.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/03/08 06:50 PM

OOOOOO Saundra..that must have been quite tough!!!!

Dropping that bird in your lap, sure was a bit of big luck!!!! Or as you say..the Universe working for you!!!!

I you know..with the pains of post surgery..OOOOOOO sick
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/03/08 08:58 PM

Bless your heart Saundra, glad you were able to celebrate somewhat on Thanksgiving. It can only go uphill from here girl!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/04/08 02:53 PM

Saundra, sorry to hear about your surgery, but isn't it odd that you had that type of surgery for which you've already written a book? How did that come about?

Di, it's no fun being stuck with sadness during this season. Please know your BWS friends are lifting you up and praying you will find ways to see a piece of joy in every day between now and then. The first year after Mom died, I got a littel anxious before every hoiday and her birthday. I realized that if you plan for the day, and keep yourself busy, the anticipation was worse. How will you spend the day?

Eagle, great idea to change your focus and make it the Christmas of YOUR dreams. I wonder what I'd do Christmas if ther were no expectations...probably be lying on a beach somewhere.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/04/08 11:29 PM

I have always been glad to be a glass is HALF FULL person rather than a glass is HALF EMPTY person. I can't imagine living life that way. I can't imagine living through the death of one husband let alone two of them as I have.

I guess my grandmother was right when she emphasized to me at a very early age, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger... So if I seem blazae to some of you, I am not! I simply refuse to let anything kill me, in mind or in body.
Posted by: Di

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/05/08 03:27 AM

Thank you my dear friends.

I guess I'm not really looking for a "solution" per se, I'm just needing to voice my sadness.

Mom and Dad, in our eyes, created such a "perfect" environment, that my hope and dream was to be able to re-create it in my own life. With a husband who is not really "into" Christmas, with family so far, with no children of my own,I never got to "do" what my siblings have been doing for years. Replicate the Christmas' of how we grew up. Granted, they've changed a few things, but we all still have that "Christmas past" in us.

Sadness is so prevailant this time of year for me. DH and I have not done anything for Christmas since we've been married. Just sit and mope and watch the clock so we can get on with life on Dec. 26. It's usually a HUGE sigh of relief...we always say "We got through another lonely Christmas.

I would "get away", too, if we could.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/05/08 04:04 AM

Di, my father, who I loved more than I can say, died a few days before Christmas. I feel his presence with us during this time, and it makes me feel closer to him now, than any other part of the year. Try to welcome those thoughts you have and turn them around from sadness, to a sign of warmth and love from your dear Mom.
Posted by: Di

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/05/08 04:43 AM

Thank you, EW. I just don't feel my sadness can be fixed. It just is. And it's been for a long, long time. But, thankfully only around this time of year. It's not a continuing depression by any means.

The world revolves around "family", of which either I am not around or I have none (children). The world has no idea how isolated those of us feel when just about EVERYTHING out there...advertising, songs, TV etc...tells us what we are missing.

I truly understand the suicide rate being higher this time of year. NOOOO, I'm not one of them.....but I understand it. This is one big reason why I am thankful that our business is a busy one.....we do not have much time to think.
Posted by: DJ

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/06/08 01:36 PM

Di, I completely understand your sadness around Christmas. When my older kids moved away, there was still me and a young son, and my now ex-husband. He was always depressed around Christmas (and every holiday, including everyone's birthday except for his), so I decided we'd travel to Chicago, where my entire family lives, and celebrate with them. We stayed in my parents' house, and they had a tree, so my young son could enjoy that. I still make the trip every year, just to be with my family at Christmas time, despite the occasionally treacherous weather. One of the days I'm there I make dinner for the entire bunch, whoever isn't visiting inlaws that day, usually at least 10 people.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/07/08 01:56 AM

Hope one day Christmas day will be transformed for you. Just let it be and may one day the butterfly of christmas will rest on your shoulder without you searching so hard for it.

At the very least, hope you and hubby have a lovely meal together.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/07/08 01:03 PM

Thank you for your well wishes, ladies. Ooouch is right.

Dotsie, I believe this is called irony. One of my readers actually asked a relevant question about it before I blogged about it. Dental trauma seems to be my path.

This was different from all my others. A tooth that was extracted decades ago was not cleanly remove at the root and that root tip became infected. I also had bone reabsorption and they had bone splinters, bone chips, and bone spurs on both sides of my jaw removed. My periodontist placed material in both sides of my jaw to even out my jawbone line where the reabsorption had changed the shape, stiched me up and sent me home.

What I learned: Jaw surgery after tooth loss is common.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/07/08 06:32 PM

OOOO Saundra..doesn´t sound like lots of fun at poor thing!

I am packing for the US..and my daughter and her family and my son who got away wink we leave early on Tuesday 2 grandkids and I..can´t believe it..but I guess better start believing!

They have a I´ll be in touch now and again!!!

Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/08/08 11:44 PM

Humlan, where in the US are you going?? Must have missed something. But good for you!! I hope everything will be what you need at this time.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/09/08 12:48 AM

Humlan's about 6 or 7 hours ahead of us, isn't she? That means she's probably already up and getting ready to go to the airport...or tossing and turning in bed afraid she's going to miss the alarm clock!

Humlan, have a safe's going to be so wonderful to have you on this side of the pond...

LadyJane, I think she's going to be in PA...but not sure where.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/09/08 05:14 PM

It is PA. She isn't sure exactly where in PA, but has my number becasue if it isn't far, I hope to meet her.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/11/08 12:10 AM

Humlan, I hope you all have a wondefrful and safe trip and the holidays are the best ones ever for you. Keep us posted if time allows.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/11/08 11:29 AM

Put up a tree for the ones you loved that went away and are watching over you from above, and know each twinkling light is a kiss from one of them...Merry Christmas my friend. CHATTIES QUOTE

wht a good idea and visuoe imagerie i bear that one in mind.

like so manie of you my mum took ill christmass day and died on boxing day, life goes on and so dose christmass and i don't want it marred for L but i relise its sometimes easier to do for someone elses sake. However even before he was born and she had died all i allowed myself was half hour focused prayer on boxing day or to feel sad the rest is spend joining in whomever i am with and trying to be festive or cheeer them in to being ok if not festive for christmass. This took a few years before it became practised and ther was manie sad thoughts in those times but i glade i perservered. My sister grives badlie this time of year and it effects her 3 young sons and rest of familie, the focus is on helping her through christmass and not on celibrating or on other familie members owen grife. It all gets a bit messie and it just brings to mind how we all as indivduels do things or cope with things diffrentlie.

I am a beliver in choice and sometimes we chose how we feel about somethings or at lest if not feel then how we behavie for the rest to see. The outside inside thing makes such a diffrenses to others day and i do try to think of others around me and how i might effect them, then have my private time weer i am not changing my behaviour. Then everyones happie even me doing it this way lol
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/11/08 11:31 AM

I rember how effective the threads weer of christmasses past weer we din't need to be up or festive saying what needed to be said and being festive for the rest of the threads, It was a great idea and maybee someone should think of starting it again this year.

think eagle and or dotsie started it last years so maybee they could follow the boomers tradision and start one again?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/12/08 04:20 PM

celtic, what is boxing day? I'm sorry to her you mom becasme sick during the holidays. How long ago was that?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/12/08 04:20 PM

I recall that post. I'll start another. What shall we call it and where shall we put it?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/13/08 12:06 AM

Why not just:


Right here in the Friends Heal Friends thread?

Now that I have finished ghostwriting the last book, I have so much time on my hands and am in here too much. I'm sure you'll all get tired of seeing my name on the threads but hey, whats an idle girl to do???
Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/22/08 02:32 PM

I love that sentiment of each sparkling light being a kiss from
those up above. Never thought of it that way before. Great
sentiment. Love it! Thanks!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/22/08 05:53 PM

Back to how are you doing...

How's everyone doing these few days before Christmas?

I'll be baking chocolate chips and almond cookies before the day is done. Anyone else preparing for the big day?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/22/08 06:46 PM

I got everything wrapped yesterday, and will probably be baking tomorrow and Wednesday.

My son and his wife (and new puppy!) got delayed on their trip from Colorado. Sean got sick Saturday night so they stopped in Kingman AZ. He slept most of yesterday, and they are on their way again this morning. Should be arriving here by mid-afternoon. I'm so anxious to see them!

I feel more excited this year, and I don't know why. Probably because the holiday is combined with seeing my kid again! It's been 10 months and that's just too long.

By the way, I'll be baking Snickerdoodles, Magic Cookie Bars, Sugar Cookies, and Chocolate Chip cookies. My DIL was so cute - she asked me if I had ever baked any "real cookies - you know, with flour and baking soda and stuff" because that's what she wants to do. I didn't laugh, and said sure, we can do that. She's such a sweetie!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/22/08 10:06 PM

Well, considering that I shoveled all day I'm a bit behind and I have to work tomorrow and Wednesday! No wonder we get so worn out right about now. I had today all planned out to finish up Christmas stuff....silly me...should know you can't plan everything. So I'm scrambling about tonight when all I really want to do is drop in my chair...4 A.M. comes early!! But I DO know that in spite of myself, it will all turn out just fine...we have to remember that one.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/22/08 10:35 PM

Today I got my package from FIGI'S Gifts. I ordered a gift for me, from me, chocolate fudge with walnuts, cherry, pineapple, pecan fruit cake and assorted fruit slices and they are ALL sugar free, or no sugar added. I baked sugar cookies last night full of nuts, and of course the old delicious stand by chocolate chips. I am making a four flavor cheescake for Christmas day on Wednesday...

The snow is gone BUT it is drizzling, dark and dreary outside, YUK!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/23/08 12:45 PM

LJ, the snow sure messed up schedules for many across the country. I hope you get some sleep. And you're right, somehow we manage to get all that matters finished.

chatty, I made chocolate chips yesterday too.

Heading to Sam's Club with my oldest son today. He's in charge of Christmas dinner, but we're paying for it. Winding down on the holiday preparations. ALso think our youngest son will arrive home today!
Posted by: Cookie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/23/08 04:06 PM

I have been busy making all kinds of cookies and candy for Christmas. The cut out cookies seem to be a favorite, which are the most time consuming, of course! Every year I say I'm not going to make as much, but then I hear, "awww, you're not going to make that? That was one of my favorites!" So what can I do when I see those big sweet eyes pleading with me. And so I tell my husband..... grin Tomorrow I will make a red cake, coconut cake, white and wheat dinner rolls for Christmas. Merry Christmas!!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/24/08 04:06 AM

Oh my Cookie, anyone that says a lot of work doesn't go into making such beautiful cookies, has never baked any. They look too good to eat. JJ, move out of the way, and let me pass to the cookies please...stop pushing will ya?
Posted by: Cookie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/26/08 05:25 PM

Thank you, Chatty! ...and for noticing too. smile
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/26/08 06:42 PM

Oh Cookie...those look so yummy!!!!!!!! And I'm sure you took out all of the calories, right (Grin)?

Reminds of the days when I was a little girl...I make the same "cut out" cookie recipe from forever ago...and I don't take the time to ice them so beautifully...

You must have the patience of a saint!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/26/08 07:26 PM

Am trying to recover from a strange 24-hr. flu virus. It started shortly after I ate the seafood paella that I made for both he and I. It was good, if abit heavy.

'Cause in 8 hrs. today we're heading out to take train to Jasper in the Albertan Rockies to do snowshoeing. However I probably will hang out at the hotel for lst day or so and not venture.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/26/08 07:55 PM

Hope you're better today Orchid, pesky flu's sometimes hang on and on, yuk!!!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/26/08 10:58 PM

Orchid, are you sure it's the flu and not food poisoning? Seafood can be very tricky. "Minor" food poisoning mimics the flu and quite often when people think they have the flu, they actually have minor (though it doesn't feel like minor) food poisoning. I hope you're feeling well. Whether it's flu or food poisoning, either one might leave you feeling a bit weak for awhile. Take care!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/28/08 03:13 PM

I love your cookies. They look soooooo yummmmmmmie! Love dinner
rolls and cake, too!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/29/08 01:11 AM

cookie, what a display. They're beautiful. You must really enjoy baking if you make fresh bread and rolls. I like fresh baked cookies, but I love home made bread!

This is the first year I didn't make any cut out cookies. Back in the day, I made gingerbread people, sugar cookies, and butter cookies that we also used cookie cutters for. I also made spritz cookies. I enjoyed it because I had more time to bake back then. Now I'm always squeezing everything in.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/29/08 03:14 PM

I love homemade bread, too! That's as close to tasetbud heaven
as I have ever been.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/29/08 04:26 PM

What happened in that space in the upper row?
munch munch
door slamming....
Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/30/08 02:25 PM

Elves ate it!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/30/08 04:56 PM

How is everyone doing. Tomorrow is the last day of '08. Are we feeling good about entering a new year?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 12/30/08 06:58 PM

I am trying to eat up and/or give away the remaining candies and cookies from Christmas. Of course, will be banishing sweets from my diet early next week. Have to make it through New year's parties and a weekend away before I start to diet and exercise again. Argh - - here we go again.

Why can't I make it part of my lifestyle? I think I'll try to hypnotize myself into that mind set....

"ooohhhmmmm, eat healthy, oooohhhmmm, stay fit"
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/17/09 09:39 PM

Hello again!

I´ve had lots of fun reading all the posts in this thread smile

I just wanted to say that I am back in Sweden..but have not landed yet. Just think..I had 3 of my 4 grandchildren living around me for more than a month. I got to say good morning to them eachday and kiss them good nite every nite.

Everything that could happen, happened..or so it seems in retrospect..both good and very painful things..but it was a wonderful time all in all..I had the time of my life and so did we all.

I was so blessed to have so many loved ones around me for so long..we were 7 of us..and one very cute dog, Cody.

I didn´t have time to call anyone..there was just SOOOO much going on all the time..for good and not so good.

I will fill you in..when I find my footing again..I am still living it all and basking in the love..

Big bear hugs to all my friends here/humlan smile
Posted by: Anno

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/17/09 10:01 PM

I just asked, on the Mayo thread, if you were back in Sweden. I am anxious to catch up on your life.

I am so glad that you are filled with love. You make it sound like rays of warm sunshine, which you probably need right now, given the short days of Sweden.

Love to you! Ann
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/17/09 10:21 PM

Welcome back Humlan, it sounds like the trip went well. I am so pleased for you. My what memories you will have now, and hopefully lots of pictures too.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/17/09 11:07 PM

What a joy to see you again, Humlan! I'm so looking forward to hearing your voice here again! Welcome home.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/18/09 08:56 PM

Welcome home. Glad you had a fun time with all the grandkids!
Looking forward to hearing the news when you get your footing.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/19/09 09:05 AM

Posted by: jabber

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/19/09 02:31 PM

That looks like the most comfortable spot in the world, to me.
Think I'll climb right in there!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/20/09 08:14 AM

Humlan, we missed you and I'm so glad you're back!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/20/09 06:08 PM

Welcome home, dear Humlan. When you get settled in, please drop by and let us know all about your trip. We're all anxious to hear.

Gosh, it's nice having you back!
Posted by: Lola

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/20/09 06:15 PM

Welcome back, Humlan!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 01/21/09 12:16 PM

Sounds like humlan may be all for communal living after that trip. Looking forward to hearing more.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 02/07/09 11:27 PM

Hello dear friends...

Groan..Moan..Aj Aj Aj (the swedish equivalent)..I have bad pain in my the back of my knee to be it´s probably a tendont (spelling) or something rather than the bones?? I don´t know. I´ve stuck it out for almost 2 weeks..but now I am going to the doctor on Weds. I almost get nautious when it really hurts. I KNOW that some of you know exactly what I mean..but I just need to moan a bit..ok?

Otherwise all is well..MY SIL IS CANCER FREE!!!!!! My gosh..isn´t that just wonderful! I still can´t really believe it..that´s why I told you about my knee first. What an Ego on me, right??? Anyway..that is GREAT!!!

I am feeling like a hibernating bear right now..not really feeling too communicative. I am sure it´s the weather..time of the year..and my knee.. and my age..and WHATEVER!

Please know that I had a wonderful time in the US..and a tough time..all the ingredients that a larger family an Italian Opera or something. And I wouldn´t trade it in for anything else. But next time..I will NOT go at Christmas time..and that´s ok with my daughter,too. wink

Sending love to you all..thanks being around!!! smile
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 02/07/09 11:58 PM

Moan away, Humlan, that's what we're here for! I had a Baker's Cyst on the back of my knee as a teen. Once removed, all pain disappeared and never recurred. You might check with the doctor to see if that's it. Here's a link that tells about it:

Good to hear about your SIL! That's great news. And hibernating sounds good right now; we had 10" of snow last night so we did a bit of shoveling today. Now I'm showered and warm and ready to vegetate.

Take care!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 02/08/09 01:26 PM

DD, how much snow have you gotten this year? Holy Moly. When will it end?

humlan, I hope the doctor can get to the bottom of this right away. Living in pain is no fun.

I am so tickled to hear this about your SIL. This is grand news. I'm sure they're all celebrating. What a horrendous several months they had as a family. BAttling cancer is one thing, but then ahving to travel for the funeral of a brother while weak, is quite another. I hope 2009 is gentler to all of you.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 02/11/09 07:34 AM

Humlan, I'm so glad to hear your SIL is cancer-free. I know how worried you were about him.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 02/14/09 07:43 PM

Thank you.

Do you know that my SIL bought my daughter a SUV??? To celbrate and to say thanks??? I know I know..not everyone has this possiblity. And believe me, they are not bathing money. But it´s not the´s the THOUGHT and KINDNESS!!! My x could never say thank you..and it means soooo much!!! Sooo very much!!!

Hope you are getting in from under the snow!!!!! We don´t have much at all here..thank goodness! But it´s coldish!

My knee is getting better. I am taking strong meds..anti inflamatory stuff and then something that protects my stomach lining. But it seems to be working..I don´t have that HORRIBLE pain that I have had for far too long. Should have gone to the doctor earlier. Ok..I am learning!!!

Hugs on Valentine´s Day!!!

Hugs on Valentine´s Day!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 04/15/09 12:38 PM

Hi ladies/friends!

I just read thru this month´s Newsletter and I got nostalgic and started missing you I am just popping in to say that I do miss you..and the site..and some of the amazing moments that I know can happen here!

I am ok..and I hope that you are,too. I am going out to dinner with my daughter and 2 of her grandkids..the youngest is with his dad a few days. We are going to a Greek Charcoal Grill place..which is NOT all that favorable for my IBS/D tummy..but I´ll find something on the menu that works. The main
thing is that we´ll have some dinner together and just sit and talk smile

The other day..on the way to old Volvo suddenly got filled with this cloud of something..on the inside! I thought that my last hour had I ran out of the car..after shutting down the engine..then I realized that my bag was in back I ran and got it out. Well, to make a long story was just water vapor from the cooler..and I got my car tar finally towed..and a friendly policeman drove me to work smile and I work with kids, remember! It was fun! I actually got my car back..fixed..on the same day..a friday..about 6:30pm. Sometimes life can be quite unbelievable!!!

All my love to you here..miss you..but there´s alot going on right now..and that´s ok...

HUGS to you, my friends!!!!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 04/15/09 05:34 PM

Humlan! Hello back to you in Sweden!
So alot is going on in your life? Hope it's good going on’s.

So a volcanic vapour vandalized your Volvo?
I visualisized you vaulting from that vicious ventilation!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Check-in..Tell us how you are doing.. - 04/15/09 09:00 PM

Do drop by hunlan, with news for us. It's always neat to hear from forum members outside of North America.