Changes coming...

Posted by: Dianne

Changes coming... - 12/04/09 12:54 AM

Considering Sony Reader and Kindle, I feel authors are going to see big changes in the publishing world and also, royalties. My contract with Hay House, signed in 2000, clearly states percentages based on different sale types but no mention of downloading the book. I feel we're on our way to becoming an almost paper-less society, if not world, and our book stores may become rare and I'm sure, the small local shops will become a wonderful memory. How sad.

Would publishers then become print on demand houses?

Any of you have thoughts on this?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Changes coming... - 12/04/09 10:23 AM

I find it sad too. It's one of the things I believe our grandchildren will say. "Remember how there used to be livraries and book stores?"

When you think about the difference in production cost, it's mind boggling. All that has to be done is the edited manuscript downloaded. They can bag all those printing steps in-between. So if it costs that much less to produce, I'm sure it means even less money for the author, which I find pitiful.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Changes coming... - 12/04/09 11:14 AM

Hardly worth the time or effort to write a book anymore and it will only get worse I fear. Not one thing we can do about it.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Changes coming... - 12/04/09 02:13 PM

One new concept that is new to the market is to be able to go to a bookstore, shop, and pay for the book and have it downloaded and printed and bound while you wait. I believe that will help cut expenses for the publishing market. Bookstores have to have a supply on hand all the time, but this might make it where we'd still have our wonderful paper books to hold, read and cherish.

I like the paperless idea for when you are on the go or need to have it on a reader, but I think we have some time before the paperless era is upon us. At least I hope so because I also agree we don't know how that is going to affect the author's pay scale for a book.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Changes coming... - 12/04/09 04:43 PM

On the other hand, publishers may be willing to publish more writers because the cost will be less along with storage issues. Think about Amazon tho...they have to completely rethink and go to whatever the market, demands and new era predicts. Already, my book can be downloaded and for less than the printed version. Plus, we will be able to download our manuscript for Amazon (for a price and contract) and not depend on a publisher. will be able to download any new thoughts or changes to your original manuscript. It's mind boggling.

I think I'd hate to be in the publishing business right now and try to keep on top of the changes. I'd be worried about my job too.
Posted by: Freelancegal

Re: Changes coming... - 12/06/09 02:02 PM

I have very mixed feelings on this topic. I feel that it may help more talented people get published because the publishing houses will spend less money, but to me, there is nothing like getting a good book, holding it, smelling it, and diving into the read. It also hurts my eyes reading off computer-styled devices and I will read less should that new venue become the substitute for our precious books.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Changes coming... - 12/06/09 05:40 PM

I like to hold a book in my hands, too. But, when I travel, I bring many, many books. I leave them behind for someone else to enjoy, but it takes up lots of space in my suitcase on the way to somewhere.

I am getting a Sony Reader for Christmas, and I will use it for my vacations.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Changes coming... - 12/06/09 09:35 PM

I've put in a request for a Kindle.

I just don't have room for all the books I read so I pass them on to my kids or grandkids and it gets expensive when you're an avid reader.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Changes coming... - 12/06/09 11:22 PM

I still love books, but ran out of room a long time ago. I have had my Kindle for more than a year and have already had to download books from there onto an SD card as I ran out of room. The Kindle display isn't backlit like a computer screen is; it looks just like a printed page with an off-white background and black letters. I did a lot of research on e-readers, and the Kindle was the only one that allowed for wireless downloading of content and the only one that was Mac compatible. The newer e-readers may have the same capabilities, but Amazon just came out with an international version that can be used in many different countries, not just the US.

As for the authors getting less money, I don't know about that. I would think that if more people are reading books because of e-readers, then the difference may not be that much. I also think that because books on ereaders may not be shared (in some cases) because of DRM issues, more people will have to buy the book. And if books are cheaper, more people can afford to buy more books. I pretty much keep all of my books to re-read them at some point; and as I said, I am out of bookshelf space and have been for quite a while. There are some books that I have in hardback and/or paperback and on my Kindle.

And I don't think we will become a paperless society any time soon. The computer was supposed to push us in that direction, but it hasn't. I haven't checked out the paper usage, but I think it's gone up instead of down with the advent of computers.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Changes coming... - 12/07/09 01:15 PM

Amazon may be (notice I said may) forcing writer's to go the E-book/Kindle way by refusing to use them in any other form (for the future).

If this happens, then yes, the writer will DEFINITELY make LESS money. We do now with Amazon as it is. Trust me...I know. If you buy a book from ME or from my publisher, I get more royalties than if you buy from Amazon, a major distributor who discounts them A LOT.

Writer's are hurting as it is...Kindle do NOT help. But hey, progress. And I'm not saying they are a bad please do not misunderstand me. I'm just saying it makes it even harder for a writer to make a living, unless of course you are in the upper crust. (Stephen King, etc.)
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Changes coming... - 12/07/09 03:49 PM

I think I heard that B&N is coming out with a version of the Kindle. Looks like we're definitely moving quickly in the direction of reading from a hand held technology.

I love my books, love them. I can get rid of just about anything, but my books are the hardest to part with. I enjoy underlining and noting so if I really like them, ti's easy for me to go back and get the gist of the book again.

I think more will get published, but the editing will suffer.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Changes coming... - 12/07/09 08:36 PM

Sadly, I believe we'll be forced to go with technology in the end.

I'm getting older and all of this makes me kind of sad.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Changes coming... - 12/08/09 02:35 AM

God I hope not far so good. I personally am busier than ever. I believe editing, at least the way I do it, will not be easy to replace. A machine/program can edit the spelling, punctuation and even grammer but continuity, NO WAY...

I also add and subtract parts of a writers story to make it better. I have given them a title if they weren't happy with the one they had plus much more...No machine/program can do that.

Sometimes all a writer needs is to hear someone of experience truthfully tell them how they think the story is going so far. I believe editors are here to stay.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Changes coming... - 12/08/09 06:38 PM

I think editors are here to stay, but I think it's getting sloppier. I've seen errors in books published by major houses and I cringe.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Changes coming... - 12/09/09 07:51 AM

It's 12:35 in the am and the temp is minus 9 degrees F, windchill minus 20. Even though I have on long underwear under my pjs, and a blanket on my lap, I am still needing to wear my purple fingerless gloves to type. I was just about to quit computer when I had to come and look at your faces. This topic caught my eye. I heard that Apple is producing a reader for the iPod. I never heard of the Print on Demand at the book store, but that makes sense. Already, authors get pennies per book sold. If there is a bookstore or on-line sale it's even less money for the author. (The coyotes in the habitat near my back yard are yelping and howling, I wonder if they are cold?) I am making decisions as to changing production of my book. It is available on Kindle. If I move the paperback version from Authorhouse to Amazon's Create-Space, then there is more money for me per book because the sale is direct from Amazon. We have talked before about editing. It is my pet peeve. I have seen text books with multiple errors. I get an email a day, "I want to write a memoir, can you help me?" for 4 years I've been giving away information. Lately I started to ask what their needs are, and I say, well I charge a 75 dollar consultation fee, and for that you get blah blah blah, and I never hear from them again. I love editing, arranging and re-arranging paragraphs, and working with writers. Maybe Chatty needs an assistant? Like others here, I love my books. I'm selling everything to downsize, but I will not sell my books. Mostly non-fiction for research and to refer to for writing articles, etc. Miss you all, Lynn
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Changes coming... - 12/09/09 11:46 AM

Looks like at this hour in the a.m. Lynn it's just you and me. I am about to head to bed myself, it has been unseasonably cold here and my bedspread looks very good to me about now. Take care of yourself... HUGS!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Changes coming... - 12/09/09 01:11 PM

Lynn, everyone wants something for nothing. You are wise to keep saying you will charge for your expertise.

I appreciate you sharing your publishing story. Onward.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Changes coming... - 12/09/09 06:24 PM

Lynnie, I also have people wanting info from me about writing a book and I tell them to buy "The Forest for the Trees." Plus,do you get emails from women wanting you to call them--on your dime? I used to give talks for free and especially if it was for a shelter but when it costs me money to do more. I'm slowly moving away from domestic violence. Don't get me wrong, I'll always assist a woman who needs help but I feel like the universe is leading me in another direction as far as writing.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Changes coming... - 12/09/09 07:15 PM

Lynn and Dianne, Georgia and I get the very same thing with the association. Trust me, we give more information away for FREE than you can imagine, but it still amazes me that some people will suck your blood if you let them.

I am all about helping other women, as you both are, but it gets to a point where people take advantage.

We are worth being paid for our expertise.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Changes coming... - 12/10/09 05:14 AM

Yes, Dotsie, I know you are very generous with the information you give away that others will charge for, because, like most of us, we just want to be women helping women. Dianne, going in a different direction it's just you being you, evolving as your own person. Chatty, if it's cold in LV, then it's cold everywhere!