I'm retiring Friday, have a mss completed, thought about going with Tate Publishing, decided against it, need to bring in some income. I don't know beans about how to look for a "small press" publisher, I have looked up some of the publishers I'm familiar with but they handle big time names. Don't think I fit in with them yet. I have sample query letters, sample synposis (thanks Vicki!) but feel absolutely paralyzed with fear! Go figure, I've had story ideas, poetry, essays etc run through my head for weeks. Now that I'm actually facing it, there is nothing. I don't even have enough confidence to send my mss to anyone, not a publisher, agent or anyone else. I tried doing a synopsis and it sound like the most boring book and I wouldn't want to read it! Please keep me in your prayers, if you have any suggestions, I'm open to any and all.

Thanks for letting me spout off.