Switching the subject just a tad here...does anyone of you Bommers play a musical instrument? I have been kicking the idea around of expanding my mind and learning to play one. I need something fairly easy to learn but at the same time, something I can do for pleasure and enjoyment. Relaxation. I would be diligent in practicing. At least I think I would. Any suggestions? Besides the tuba... [Confused]

I have a friend who has a set of drums she said I could borrow and keep as long as I wanted...??? comments? Also, both of my boys are self-taught and they play any kind of guitar and the drums...plus one of them plays a trombone as well. Teachers among me...if I can hog tie them. I can play a tad of piano by ear...and I am coordinated and have large man-size hands. WELL? Your help would be appreciated and I'm not joking. I really do want to learn to play something. I think music rounds us out. [Big Grin]