Sher says, "Waz Up????"

Posted by: Ms. Crazy Face

Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 05:26 AM

Hey Boomer girls!

First of all, you have no freakin idea what I had to go through to get back on this board after having been gone so long. The Reader's Digest Version is that I had to create a new identity.

Sher is gone. Ms Crazy Face has arrived.

How the heck is everyone? I hope you're all fabulous and happy and skinny and published and making scads of money.

I'm well. The girls were biopsied and benign and now proudly have tiny little titanium chips in them. Although the doctor didn't actually say so, I'm pretty sure they can stop bullets. They're positively bionic.

So fill me in! What's new with you guys? (If you aren't up to anything new, make something up!)

Can't wait to hear!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 05:55 AM

Bionic Boobs huh??? I have nothing to announce that even comes close to that...Welcome back you and your humor were sadly missed.
Posted by: Pam Kimmell

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 05:43 PM

Sher it's wonderful to have you back! I'm a member of the bionic boob club myself - just remember to confess that fact when you go through the metal detectors in airports.....HAHAHAHA

We have missed your wonderful your new name....PERFECT! [Razz] [Razz]
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 06:17 PM

Welcome back Sher!
A Boomer Babe with Bionic Boobs.
Glad all is well. Looking forward to your wonderful sense of humor again! [Smile]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 07:14 PM

Hey friend!

So good to have you back, and in great spirits to boot.

Believe it or not, I am in the throughs of putting on a "small business expo"...can you say CRAZY!!!

So, you know that my phone and fax are ringing off the hook - in addition to all my other womanly duties! I am really excited about the expo - we expect between 50 - 75 vendors...all unique (i.e. one jewlery person, one skincare person, etc). I am working with two great motivated gals, we make quite a team!

I was sharing the other day what a blessing YOU and Chanute Kansas has been to my life! YOU opened up the door for me to BWS - Dots, and the gang! I will forever be changed.

I am waiting for you to come for a visit - we are only a hop, skip, and jump away from you!

great, big, hairy, monkey hugs,
Posted by: Evie

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/03/06 08:36 AM

Sher - will Bionic Boobs hit you in the face if you hop, skip and jump to Danita's? [Smile] [Razz]

welcome back - love your blog!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 09:21 PM

Sher, great to have your humor back at boomers.

What ALL have you been up to? I know you keep busy!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/02/06 09:28 PM

eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! lol

Posted by: Ms. Crazy Face

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 01:09 AM

I totally don't blame you guys for being jealous of the Bionic Boobs Pam and I have.

Remember the "ching-ching" sound Wonder Woman's bracelets would make when she'd deflect a bullet? That's the sound my girls make now.

Now if only I could get some bionic abs to go with the new girls.

So no one has been up to anything? Come on now! Surely you can at least weave an exciting tale of intrigue and desire. Some of you people are writers!
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 01:26 AM

Welcome back Sher! So nice to hear your voice again! My sister has one bionic boob and she beefed up the other cause she always wanted bigger, now she's sorry! Finding tops to fit or a dress with 36D at the top and size 8 on the bottom, well, you get the picture. She should have asked me, I could have told her bigger wasn't better! Anyway, welcome back. My book has been published finally and is doing well.

That's my very big news!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 02:09 AM

Sher, I launched an association while you were away. I guess that's news.

Come on girls (and I'm not talking to Sher's boobs) tell her what's new.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 11:22 AM

SHER BABY! WUHOOOOO! You're back! Bout time too...(Queen grabbing up robe and running to the front of the line). So, how's it hanging? whoops ... I mean ah ... Holy moly! Bionic, eh?'s see. Ummm...I got a mind like a steel trap. Does that count? just don't know how glad we are you are home again. And in rare form I might add, funny as ever. Here's another big harry hug and WELCOME BACK!

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 11:26 AM

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

I met a millionaire and he bought me a new house and car...wants me to do nothing but write, 24/7. Even built me a studio equipped with new computer, printer, etc...


Okay, okay...(geeish, tough room)

So it's a big fat lie, but nobody else was saying anything.

Posted by: Ms. Crazy Face

Re: Sher says, "Waz Up????" - 03/04/06 07:03 PM

Well JJ, at least you have a story!

Sherri... you're published! I'm impressed. And Dotsie, wonderful news with your Association. I wish I had a book and/or an association.

All I have is a couple websites and a blog. ;-(

Anyone else published or associated?