I'm really angry. Just returned from TX to do a speaking gig on domestic violence. It was a joke! The luncheon had nothing to do with dv but my girlfriend using me and my book to promote her own cause. She even had me get up and talk before I had eaten because we only had an hour and she wanted the last 15 minutes so I could sing HER songs.

You don't have a speaker talk while people are eating and you sure don't use another person's time to promote yourself. And, we had lunch the next day and she told me I needed to move beyond domestic violence into a more likeable topic! I got really irritated and told her I WAS domestic violence. I made a promise to God that if He saved me from drowning I would get well and help other people and I sure wasn't going to forget that promise. And, I want to shove dv in people's faces so they know what it going on in their community.

I'm so irritated I can barely write this.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes