Admittedly I haven't looked at bras and panyhose in several years. I bought a whole stash a few years ago and have been going through them slowly since then.

Now I am a bit appalled by the pricing...not cheap. And no I don't want those foamy padded bras with underwire, which seem to be everywhere ..they are impractical and hot for summer/cycling.

Being a woman can be abit expensive. Even the poorest of woman cannot ignore the necessity of a bra. Or just the cost of feminine "paper" each month. Just think of the all the cumulative costs over the past few decades of bras, pantyhose and pads/tampons.... and what do men worry about "cost-wise", if they are considerate, condoms.

Edited by orchid (04/21/07 03:39 PM)
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)