Longer and lighter days!

Posted by: Dotsie

Longer and lighter days! - 02/24/03 11:14 AM

Don't know about you, but I am happy to see that the days are getting longer! I am definitely a person who loves the light. While I have chosen to try to appreciate weather on any day of the year, I must admit that when spring is on the way, things feel lighter!
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 02/24/03 12:54 PM

Dots, I hate to snow on your parade but have you seen the forcast for the rest of the week? Baltimore reminds me of the movie Ground Hogs Day...Bill Murray keeps waking up to the same day over and over....I keep opening my eyes and looking at my pool in the back yard and try to imagine glistening blue water...I even went out in the snow, pulled out my deck chair, put on my flip flops and sunglasses, opened a beer and pretended to be sunning next to the pool. Somehow the snowdrift interfered with my fantasy.
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 02/24/03 02:17 PM

well ladies -- too bad you can't email yourselves down here -- beautiful 78 degrees -- sunny with a little breeze and we have those "bill murray" days in our forecast too -- guess we'll just have to suffer through it [Big Grin]
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 02/25/03 02:59 PM

Kathryn, I had to chuckle at the image of you sitting in the snow with sunglasses and sunbathing equipment trying to catch a few rays. We are having bitter cold weather here, with only a little snow in our town, but south of here had some nasty blizzards. In fact, one of our surgeons had to cancel his surgeries scheduled for today because he was stranded in a southern state due to airports being closed. The weather just a week ago, was absolutely beautiful. Temperatures were in the high 50s. Now today, the temperature is sitting at zero and more snow is expected in the next day or so. We need the moisture desperately, but the auto accidents are keeping us very busy in the hospital fixing broken bodies. I'm ready for some spring rain with mild temperatures.
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 03/13/03 10:45 PM

I too enjoy the longer days. I like to walk outside, but can't do that in the winter because it's already dark by the time I get home. I got to go today right after it rained and it was wonderful to finally be able to do my walk again.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 03/14/03 10:15 AM

I am so excited to see the longer days!
[Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Longer and lighter days! - 03/15/03 11:20 AM

It is sunny and going to be 60 today! Can't think of anything that could be better for my mental health. I am going to clean up the yard and tidy the garden some today. I can't wait to be out there in the sunshine! [Big Grin]

Hopefully the rest of the snow will melt today! Now that is wishful thinking!