Cipralex/Lexapro (AD)

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 12:42 AM

As some of you know, I recently decided to try going back on anti-depressants because the grief and anxiety had gotten too overwhelming. My husband, doctor and I discussed and decided together that even though I'm not feeling clinically depressed, I'm still too profoundly sad and probably too deep in to get out without help.

So my doctor tried me on a relatively new AD, called Cipralex (I think the US counterpart is Lexapro). Within a couple of days I felt the difference, but since most AD's supposedly don't take effect for a couple of weeks, I did wonder if it might be the placebo effect. Still, I felt lighter, happier, more energetic, less anxious and with virtually no side effects. That was all on 5mg/day, which is half the recommended dosage.

After my follow-up visit last week, she (my doctor) decided to up the dosage to the normal 10mg. Right away, I felt heavy, lethargic, brain-fogged, icky and worse than I did before starting the AD's. So last night, I went back to the 5mg. Again today, I felt the difference. Lighter, my memory's working again, still a bit lethargic but better than yesterday.

My doctor says she's never heard of anyone staying at 5mg and wonders how that could be enough to make a difference. But it's my body, and it does feel the difference, and I just don't want to up the dosage right now. Maybe later, if the 5mg no longer works well enough I'll be ready to try again. But I detest that heavy lethargy, which is one of the primary reasons I resisted taking an AD throughout this grieving process up until now.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone has used this particular AD, or perhaps another similar one, at a lower-than-recommended dosage and had similar (good) results. It's always good to hear other people's experiences with meds.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 01:53 AM

Eagle, I was once prescribed, uhh, I lost it that fast. Shoot, what was that called? Oh, Serzone for depression. I took only half the dose the whole time I was on it and it worked like a dream, a dream, I tell ya!

I felt the difference within days just as you have. The clouds moved and I felt so much lighter I couldn't believe it.

I took it for a month and felt like my old self. It ran out and I didn't refill. Within days, I was back in the dumps. I refilled and listened to my doctor, staying on it for about a year.

I share this for two reasons. One, is that I only took half the recommended dose and it worked, as you say your medicine is workiing. I think soem of us are super sensitive to drugs. I would get tired when I took Extra Tylenol for cramps. The other reason I share is with the hope that you'll aslo listen to your odctor and stay on it as long as she's prescribing it for you.

I can't tell you how much joy I felt while reading about you feeling lighter, happier, more energetic, etc. Praise God. Keep popping the pills. They work! Sending more happy thoughts your way!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 03:18 AM

Thanks, Dotsie, your experience helps me feel better about asserting myself as far as the half-dosage goes. Like you, I'm super-sensitive to drugs and have often wondered if I'd do better on child-size dosages.

One thing I've been working on in all of this evolving toward light and positivity is my love/respect for my own body. I've really come to appreciate and cherish all it does for me, how it works so hard to carry and protect me...I want to do everything I can to help it do its job...and everything I can to keep it from hurting any more than it has to. In this case, the higher dose doesn't feel right, the lower dose puts me where I wanted to be in terms of having the energy and mind-ability to keep moving forward toward wholeness and health.

Thanks for the happy thoughts...I'm pleased to say that I'm finally able to produce some of those from within. All the wisdom and energy and care over the past couple of years has been working deep inside, slowly but surely healing and re-energizing and helping me to find the way through. It's good to be on this side of the journey, finally.
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 12:39 PM

Oh Eagle, I'm soooooooooo glad to hear this story! And I am definitely aware of people who have taken less than the "normal" dose. You are right to listen to your body and let it tell you what it needs.

I know it has been a long journey and one which I relate to very well. Be kind to yourself and know you are loved, you are loving and you are lovable.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 02:11 PM

I'm so happy to hear you're feeling happier. That depression
stuff is a bummer. Nothing and no one should take the joy out
of life. Life is precious. Grab all the joy you can there
sweetie! You're such a blessing! Prayers to you and yours!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/05/09 04:11 PM

i sure thats the name of the drug i was presecribed when i had post natle depresion, (circumstanses not the child, hormones is negosiable lol) i not the best at spelling but it sounds the same.

i could't stay on full dose as it was all too weired. So they changed and like you i take 2/3 of the recomended dose IT WORKS that way for me too. I don't howver tell my doctor as they seem to get a bit funnie about that type of stuff. Howver you know how you feel and what seems to be working for you, listen! we not all the same brain chemistrie wise, so why would one dose a one for all type dose work for ALL of us.

as yoiu said if it chabngies and you don't feel so good then you can change it again.

So your not just imagining it, just incase thats what ya was thinking placebo wise type of thing.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/07/09 01:49 PM

Eagle, just checking in on you. How's it going?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/07/09 02:21 PM

Thanks, Dotsie. Today is a bit rough...every so often that "ongoing crisis" we're dealing with moves to the front burner, and today's one of those days. But in my diligence to keep focused on the positive, hubby actually allowed me to pray with him this morning.

Anyway, it's a stressful day, I don't think any amount of Cipralex would help. I'm keeping a candle burning to remind me that we're not left alone but have been provided with everything we need to get through...and a prayer of trust that everything has its purpose. This too shall pass.

And when it does, I'll probably have a clearer sense of how the Cipralex is working.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/07/09 03:57 PM

i was just thinking of you so came looking for this post.

sorry to hear its a bad day for you as you say it to will pass. I hope its onlie so intensie for a short time before it recedes again.

hope you keep us posted if you fancy it
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/07/09 04:39 PM

Thanks Celtic. It's not that it's such a bad day for me, let's just say that sometimes it's more painful to watch someone you love going through a rough day than it is to have to bear it yourself. My heart just aches, and prays, for everyone involved in this mess.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/07/09 11:45 PM

yip i get that whole powerless thing and not being able to help apart from being their for them. i swapp in a hartbeat someone i loved pain and go through it for them, a good and bad thing for me and sometimes them all in all.

it must be quite a situasion if it contributing o your depresion.

have you been a bit quiter this last mounth on the forum or have i been missing you posting?
the first week or so i came back you seemed to be everyweer don't kniow if change is real or just my perception
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/08/09 12:35 AM

Celtic, your caring is such a healing force, did you know that??

The "situation" is devastating in countless ways that will have a rippling impact for years to come. I'm powerless to fix or even try to fix the root of the situation, I can only wait right now...the Serenity Prayer has become my mantra for coping (God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.)

I don't know if I'm any quieter here...I'm trying to be more positive when I post, and some days it's difficult to "rise above" the churnings in my life so maybe I try not to post as much on those days. Fatigue is a huge problem right now. Some days I have abundant energy, other days it's an empty reservoir and I don't know what's making the difference. But I'm here everyday, even if not posting, I'm reading and praying and carrying my sisters in heart.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 06:15 PM

dearest Eagle Heart.
I'm afraid I got caught up in the posts that get me wired and missed this post of yours.

I don't know what you are facing but I hope that you will rely on your own feelings in what medication at what dose you take it. I hope it is still helping.

I can share with you that I suffer from chronic depression so I take lexapro and have for many years. Before that, I took Serzone and before that, Prozac. Lexapro is the pure ingredient from Prozac and I'm not aware of the med you are taking but plan on finding out. My education is in Psyche and my closest friend is a pychiatrist so I can ask him. I know that if you feel better at a certain dose of a mediction and worse at another you must be your own avocate and stay on the dose that works.

I was sorry to hear you had a bad day. Is this the medication not working or the situation getting harder? I hope things are not getting worse for you, I surely do.

I have the greatest sympathy for those who suffer from depression and those like myself who cannot fight it without medication. We must support each other and understand each other as much as possible.

Know how sorry I am that you felt worse recently and that I thrill in the knowlege when you feel lighter and happier. You've a right to feel happy and never let anyone have you feel anything else.

I support your work on moving yourself from a negative feeling and if you ever want to discuss anything, I'd be happy to do so with you.

I hope for you and I to stay above the evil head of depression and to live our lives as happily as we can in the face of whatever comes our way.

You are cared for,

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 07:10 PM

I only have a few moments to be here right now, but will be back later. But I just wanted to acknowledge and express my gratitude for your understanding and caring.

The "situation" is the primary trigger for this roller coastering that I've been doing for the past two years now. It impacts in so many ways. I'm working on distancing my heart and mind from the emotional impact and just let it unfold as it will. There's nothing I can do to fix or alter it, so, as Maya Angelou says, all I can do is change the way I think about it.

I honestly don't know how the Cipralex is working - oh, I think that Cipralex and Lexapro are the same thing, just sold under different names in different countries. Anyway, the first two weeks on Cipralex were noticeably better. Then we upped the dosage, and the response was terrible. Since going back to the half dosage, I haven't been able to feel any difference. I may have to up the dosage to 10mg and just weather that first adjustment period, then decide.

But another consideration is something we've discussed in another thread here. DJ and Mama Red have both spoken at length about adrenal fatigue and after researching it, I'm inclined to lean toward that. All along, I have felt that the depression is not the primary issue, but a response to having to struggle for so long with inexplicably severe and debilitating fatigue. So I'm going to investigate that adrenal fatigue more with my doctor and see if we can finally put a name - and appropriate treatment - to the real underlying problem.

I appreciate your care. Thank you.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 09:37 PM

That ideas sounds very wise, Eagle Heart and I can learn from that! To reduce your stress and to get strong professional help for it has to be one of the best things we can do to help ourselves if we suffer from depression.

I would love to hear how it goes for you and I'm so sorry you've been struggling with this situation so long! Has it any chance of settling itself?


PS, if you recall, I've always cared about your depression and what you have faced. I respect you for it. Again, I got caught up in the upsetting topics and didn't get here until now. I'm sorry!
Posted by: DJ

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 09:38 PM

Since you say you like the serenity prayer, you might like this one also:

O God, refresh and gladden my spirit, purify my heart, illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved: I will be a happy and joyful being. O God, I will no longer be full of anxiety nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.
O God, Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 11:11 PM

That's a beautiful prayer. I'm printing it off and will use it daily. I wonder if there's an easy way to get those words from lips to heart, or perhaps it would work better if I worked first at getting them from lips to mind, since it's our thoughts that create us. I've prayed so many affirmations, but when the heart is feeling sad, the words sound hollow - and watery, since I'm often crying at the disparity between the words and my experience. But I don't give up. I remember the old adage, if you act enthusiastic, you'll be of these days, the acting has to morph into being, doesn't it?

You know, I have to correct myself from a few posts ago. I said that I hadn't noticed much difference since changing the dosage to the half pill (5mg). I don't think that's accurate. I'm feeling much calmer, can honestly say that I don't feel anxious most of the time, I've stopped crying all the time, I don't even feel that heavy overwhelming sadness anymore. I also don't feel abundantly joyful, but a pleasant calmness, a steady temperament and a stronger sense of capability. I have to balance that against the fatigue, but overall, I'm much healthier and "in control" than before the cipralex...I guess that I'm so used to nasty side effects that I figured that this pill couldn't be working, because I feel NO side effects whatsoever, just a calmness that wasn't there before. I'll take that and build me a bridge to where I want to go next...onward and upward!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/09/09 11:14 PM

PS...I think my new Wii is helping too. Does anyone else have the Wii Fit? I had so much fun with that today, despite getting hit by dozens of wayword shoes (balancing exercise). I may not have done well with my balance, but it sure made me laugh a lot. That alone makes it worth every penny!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/10/09 07:53 PM

dear Eagle Heart,
I've been thinking of you since I started to read your threads and your posts...
I think you HAVE changed for the better. You DO seem stronger, more sure of yourself and more active in the care of yourself.
When I think of you when I first came here and read your posts now, you are different in a very good way in my opinion.
Yes, your pain is still there but you are uplifting more than before and not just for yourself. You seem to have risen to the occasion!
It helps to read your affirmations and DJ's and reminds me to use them myself. I had stopped using them for awhile and it leaves something out for me.
Thanks for the affirmation, DJ, I, too will use it a bit.

Eagle Heart, I am proud to know you and may you continue to rise, like the eagle and soar in your heart once more.

Posted by: Anno

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/10/09 09:48 PM

Hi Eagle. I am back at work and only catching up on the weekends. So please forgive me (I know you will) for being a late comer to the thread.

I think you are taking the same drug that I take. If so, it is a generic lexapro, but it is coupled with another drug, too. It makes total sense that a small amount would work - you aren't really depressed, just want a calmer life.

I take a really huge dose these days. When I try to go off (I constantly fight taking chemicals into my body), I craYoush and burn. One day I hope to be free of anti-depressants, but now is not the time.

But this thread is about you. smile

Could it be possible that you are suffering from either PTSD or CFS? (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Both of these are treated differently that just depression.

And I L-O-V-E my Wii Fit! It is not high level exercise, but it is more that I usually do. And I have fun doing it! It is perfect for me.

Keep strong girl, be open and honest with your doctor and listen to your body. You know exactly what is right for you.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/10/09 11:03 PM

Anno, first thought, I don't want this thread to be just about me...anytime I raise a new topic, I'm looking not only for answers for my situation, but always I'm also looking to hear other people's never ever bothers me if a thread that I begin "morphs" into various directions. I figure that when someone else needs the flow of help/energy/encouragment, then that's where the thread should go. In fact, it's one of the things I most love about BWS, is that so many of us can be helped and enriched when others share their wisdoms and experiences.

The fact that you crash and burn whenever you try to come off the AD's is a sure sign that they're providing you with whatever your body needs at this time. I believe that depression is primarily a chemical imbalance and that only the appropriate meds can restore that balance. I also believe that for some of us that chemical imbalance is permanent; I can go for years without medication, but even during those times, I do struggle with chronic depression (dysthemia) which probably would not affect me as much if I DID take AD's all the time. But I also know when the "chronic" low has dipped too far and that's my signal to go back on the meds.

PTSD could be a possibility...watching my Dad, Mom and then my brother all die before my eyes within a few years of each other was hard to take. Then this other family situation which is unbelievably painful and not within my ability to fix or change in any way. And so many deaths on my hubby's side as well. The loss of my job, and the loss of my ability to work. I suppose it could all add up, couldn't it. But that all also could point to this adrenal fatigue thing that we've been talking about as well.

I do have to say that having this discussion here, as well as the discussions elsewhere about adrenal fatigue have helped immensely, not just in pointing me in the right direction for relief and treatment, but also in the direction of continuing to have compassion for whatever this journey is and patience for wherever it's leading.

I'm actually liking this cipralex...Dancer, thanks for your words of encouragement. I too see the difference when I stop and compare my mood now to the roller coaster it's been for months/over a year now. Did you know, though, that the time frame that you arrived here was only about two weeks after my beloved brother died? That plunged me into a profound grief that I'm only just now emerging from, though for the past few months I was aware that the grief was spiralling me too deep for me to get out of by myself. That's probably why the half-dosage works, because this isn't full-blown depression...I think we caught it just in time.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/11/09 02:49 PM

Eagle, me thinks the medicine, intention to seek help, Wii, and prayers of your beloved friends, may be moving the clouds a bit. I'm happy to hear it.

Thanks to all the gals who are encouraging you in this post. Often, knowing others are experiencing, or have experienced similar emotional struggles, lightens the heart. Hopefully, one never feels alone here at BWS.

DJ, I am also going to print that prayer and use it. I'm on my lap top now so will do it when I'm in the office. Where did you find that?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/12/09 10:59 AM

if was thinking i rembered you saying you had fibromyalga and chronic fatige, i do and its well as described with the adrinal thing, perhapps a symptom or perhapps some of the underlying stuff that coused the FB .

It gets hard to work out as so much stuff can have symptoms of other stuff. Iv given up going to the doctore as its just a tiral of one thing after another or meds being tired and i do wonder what all the choppin and changing is about.

I also know my lifestyle too little sleep and too much anxietie at times dose't help but tire me out.

anyway its morning and i don't waken up untill after dinner then im wide awake lol.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/12/09 06:43 PM

celtic, are you exercising? My friend with fibromyalgia feels best when she's swimming. It also helps tire us out so we sleep better.

Sorry to hear you struggle with this. I'm sure it's not easy while parenting.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/13/09 01:20 AM

i also have insomnia and find my sleep pattern gets out of sorts way easie, as if it can't waite to have me up all night.

yes it dose be a right pain with L up a lot at nights and very earlie morning 4 or 5 think thats when i get overtired and more awake. then the normale chores. Walking and being out helps as being in house makes me stire crazie ad the day drages wearas walking in nature lifts my mood and energises me.

I don't exercise more than walking and i am blessed i can do that, the crash left it difficult and damage stops upper and lower bodie work being done. I did at one time do excessive weight bodie building, since teens, sprint and long distanse running, swimm forever. left walking abvout 10 feet was a massive effort after car accident and i thought id die f pain, thinks are better now much much better.

I am sure that one day i be exercising again, id never thought id seen day i be able to do this much so in a bit more time.

FM came about maybee becouse of car accident maybee becouse i was a workaholic or excessive emotional strane.

the flip is without accident i might not have stuck so long as being a ftm and then never forgiven myself what i miss.

do you too have this or are you doing the tires us out as in all of us?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/15/09 06:59 PM

When was the car accidnet. They can be life cahnging, can't they?

Did you know meredithbead was also once a body builder?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/24/09 06:38 PM

Just an update. I've been taking 5mg of cipralex since early January and can definitely feel the difference. No more of that overwhelming jittery anxiety, I feel very calm, steady, strong and capable. The fatigue is still a problem, and since it hasn't been addressed by the medication, we're going to investigate further in March.

In response to the posts about adrenal fatigue in another forum, I've also added an Omega 3-6-9 supplement every morning, a multi-vitamin every day, and we've changed our diet around white breads, substituting proteins for carbs (because I seem to crave proteins but have been mistakenly binging on carbs instead - huge difference!). I've also added 30-60 minutes of exercise (via the Wii Fit) every afternoon except Sundays (reserved for grandchildren), and add more stretching exercises throughout the day.

Other than the stubborn fatigue, I feel great. Even weathered a brutal menopausal onslaught last week without too much stress or damage to my hubby.

So I just wanted to write an update...I really like the Cipralex, it makes me feel even-tempered, capable, relaxed and even low-grade-happy (which is a wonderful alternative to my usual low-grade-sad). And no side effects that I'm aware of. I really like the calm even-ness, compared to the roller coastering of the past two years.
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/25/09 02:03 AM

Oh is sooooooooooooooo kewl to hear this update! Wow, sounds like you are really taking good care of yourself and you most definitely deserve this gift.

Doing the happy dance all over the place here in little "Spirit Lake".
Posted by: hotflashgal

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/26/09 12:57 AM

Eagle....I did 5mg of Lexapro for 2 years. It worked wonders for me. Mine was more anxiety than depression and it really helped to get me over a difficult time. My doctor was also surprised at my receiving benefits at a low does but hey, whatever works. Good Luck.
Posted by: greene

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/29/09 09:19 PM

I've been on and off many different AD medications for the last 25-30 years. I just wanted to say that I also respond very quickly to a new med. The Doc always says 6 weeks to build up a blood level to get a good response. I always felt significant benefits by the end of the first week. Also, there have been a few over the years that worked much better at a lower dose than the 'regular' dose. Fighting depression is life long for some and more short term for others, but the battle is always worth it as life can be less painful and actually 'fun' and enjoyable again. Keep up the good fight and remember you are dealing with a disease, not a character flaw!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 01/29/09 09:24 PM

What an encouraging post. This should give hope to those beginning the medince routine for depression. Like you, I noticed the clouds moving within days.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 02/05/09 10:33 AM

I didn't know MB was a bady bulder too, thats great news, i was seriouslie addicted to exercise at one time...for about 15 years just that one time..I do miss it but life changies.

the accident changed my life as much as having a child did.

L was 9 mounths old so that be 3.5 years ago...iv made great progress and i'm happie within my limitasions apart from odd days when im feeling soar and very sorry for myself..

or its summer and motorbyes are everyweer. I reallie reallie miss the bikes.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 02/05/09 10:36 AM

great to hear all the changies and the meds are having the desired effect...depressions so bleeding trickie and stuborn, i glade its working for you eagle...:) reallie glade
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 02/05/09 10:38 AM

Originally Posted By: greene415
Fighting depression is life long for some and more short term for others, but the battle is always worth it as life can be less painful and actually 'fun' and enjoyable again.......... Keep up the good fight and remember you are dealing with a disease, not a character flaw!

id also agree the battles worth it as the alternatives are nearlie unthinkable...

that end bit of your quote im gonna try and rember that and use hit home to me smile a good bit of sense their with that one greene
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Cipralex/Lexapro (AD) - 02/11/09 06:40 AM

I was majorly into weight training for 25 years, but never considered myself a body builder. My intent was strength and function, not appearance. I trained with world-class power lifters.