Hi everyone,

Dotsie has prodded me to share with you all a book I'm writing on phobias, fears and anxieties.

Any feedback you can give me on fears, phobias and anxieties would be greatly appreciated. So, feel free to post suggestions or ideas. The help you give, will be a blessing.

This book will be comprehensive in discussing the who, what, why, where and when of phobias, fears and anxieties. I will discuss and give examples and case histories of phobias, anxieties and fears, explain conventional and unconventional ways of treating these illnesses and explain why so many of us have these illnesses--women in particular appear to have more of these than men.

Some phobias are actually good; they prevent us from serious illnesses and death; while some phobias, if left untreated can obstruct, hinder and ultimately destroy our lives.

I may be offering a survey in June or July, that will be part of the book. If you would like to participate, that would be wonderful. Just send a personal email, via this forum or my personal email--tstar@infinet.com.

Many thanks goes to Dotsie, for allowing me to share my book ideas and concepts with you all.



I would like to offer a post script here-I am actively seeking any advice, experiences, helps or other that might help, inspire and possibly heal those who are suffering from such conditions.

Sometimes the right word at the right time, helps so much--may even save a life..

So, if you would like your words published, let me know and I'll see about recording and saving them for my book.

Thank you,


[ May 14, 2004, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Toni ]