i am lost

Posted by: JaMaPh

i am lost - 01/03/07 12:50 AM

I can't for the life of me find the forum on what we plan to do in the new year. Is there ANY way to get emails mailed to me when someone responds? This forum is most hard for me to navigate and find something again. thanks.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:08 AM

hi i kinda new too and get mad for the same reason. I find a great wee topic and can't find it the next day. Not that i am complaning about the type and range of the topics but it dos get frustratting at times. To my shame it took me a wee while to descover that if you clicked on the last post in a section you only got into that post. I then descovered if you clicked the main board more to the left then the whole subject opened up with about ten diffrent sub-topics going on and you can chose what ones you wanted to get into.

The topics and post move preety fast and i like that but it dose mean that i gotta visite regulare or i get lost in the conversasion.

i cant help you with the e-mail question about responces, it don't know if it can or dose happen.

Hope this isen't patrinisiong but if you post the start of a topic and the responces is really important to you then why not put a post-it slip beside your computer with the section you posted in, health or girlefrends or spiritule etc. then when ever you get back to the forum you know were to look. people respond so quick to post's you might be driven crazy with all the e-mails.

good luck finding your way about, i found it got easier with practice and don't gete lost so often now but still can't find the good conversasions as often as i want, by that time there finished lol

good luck
Posted by: dejavu

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:10 AM

Something I've done, when I can't remember in which forum I'd posted a message, is click on my own name and then click on "View recent posts".
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:10 AM

hi again there is a lot of chat about new year resolusions etc. in the forum "redefining life" is that the one you wanted to find again?

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:13 AM

now i didn't know you could even do that, that might help with me getting lost thanks, Dose it not help you in the same way?....or are you talking about the posts you read but don't post a message in yourself, that you can't find again?....

Posted by: Anno

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:20 AM

Clicking on your own name to view your history only works if you have posted.

I usually start by browsing active topics first. First I go to the main page, scroll down to the bottom and set the hours for active. If am am here everyday, I click 24 hours, more if has been a few days. That way I am not getting lost in the older posts, unless I want to be.

It took me a while, too, but in a short time, I got pretty savvy about the whole system.
Posted by: JaMaPh

Re: i am lost - 01/03/07 01:31 AM

thanks gals. I will click on my name. Yes celtic flame, I think that is the right one.