What do you want to accomplish/do this year?

Posted by: Looking Up

What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/17/05 08:57 AM

I am not sure what category this should have been placed in, so I put it here.

Okay ladies ... it is a new year. But this post is not about resolutions or about dieting. That's taboo here. It's about you, your business, your loves, etc. What do you, as a wonderful Boomer Woman, want to accomplish this year? (Order of listing does not necessarily mean order of priority.) Just list a minimum of 5 things. I'll start:

1. I want to help others more. Whether through words or deeds.

2. I want to get my book into the hands of everyone that needs it. The main purpose of the book was to help others.

3. I want my book to be sponsored or granted by the government and/or groups.

4. I want to write columns, articles, appear on TV (without being in trouble) and talk on the radio.

5. I want to travel to Paris. I know they hate us, but the artist in me longs to experience Paris.

6. I want to get my second book in print. (I just have to write it ... minor details, but it will get done.) [Smile]

7. I want to laugh more. JJ has already contributed much to that!

8. I want to spend more time with my family.

9. I want to be more mindful every day of my blessings. I am blessed!

Perhaps in seeing each other's list, we can assist, prod and, above all else, encourage each other.

Your turn! [Eek!]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/16/05 10:36 PM

Hey, I guess I lived with Mr. Anal too long. Could you make it an even 10 please? I can't stand it because there are only 9. hahah...okay, so it rubbed off on me. Sue me.

1. Get my book published and sell a bazillion copies.

2. Pay off my Credit Card bill (See No. 1).

3. Travel across the U.S. and meet all the boomer sistahs. THEN...do a BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK CALENDAR!

4. Go to Ireland. And not in my dreams. REALLY go to Ireland.

5. Sell more articles to the big girls..Woman's Day, "O," Woman's World, etc...

6. See my friends succeed with their dreams.

7. Loose the kazillion lbs I've gained.

8. Work full time writing.

9. Have someone tell me that I remind them of Erma...sigh.

AND....big finish

10. Hear my granddaughter call me Big Mamma
Posted by: Evie

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/17/05 12:24 AM


you remind me of Erma.....

(there's one off your list!!) [Wink]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/17/05 12:59 AM

JJ how soon they forget. I compared you to Erma in writing no less, ions ago!!! Remember??? What, do you want it in blood too??? he he!! Be back to complete this post later. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Looking Up

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/17/05 01:19 AM

Okay, just for your Erma - [Wink]

10. Ditto your #1 [Big Grin]

One quick note on anal. I mentioned to my boyfriend, live-in, partner (oh, what do I call him at this age?) that he was being a little anal about something. Now, even though he has a Masters degree, he thought anal was a short term, slang word, for analytical. Oh my! Even thought it was a compliment. Bigger oh my! I proceeded to enlighten him on the true meaning of the term. I managed to do two things: Get my point across about him being anal on a subject, and, thank goodness, correct his misconception. To think he was going to compliment someone else by calling them very anal. [Eek!]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/17/05 04:12 AM

I once told an old boyfriend he was "anal" and later explained what it meant. When I called him that again, he said, "Does that mean you think I am an a--hole?"
I said, "Exactly!"

He was so funny I somehow endured dating him for quite a while.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/22/05 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Looking Up:

I mentioned to my boyfriend, live-in, partner (oh, what do I call him at this age?) [Eek!]

Good Question - what do u call him? Anyone else in this situation?

Posted by: Prill

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/21/05 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Looking Up:

2. I want to get my book into the hands of everyone that needs it. The main purpose of the book was to help others.

Looking Up-- That's EXACTLY what I want! Love the way you put it.

Related to this topic, I like to keep in mind something a friend said to me a few years ago on New Year's morning. She told me that she planned to spend the day reflecting on what she most enjoyed doing the previous years and to find a way to do more of THAT in the coming one.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/21/05 10:25 PM

Significant Other.

I want to finish my screenplay. (I've been working on it too!)

Be a better person

Stop worrying about unimportant things.

I want to know and see that all the women on this site realize their dreams.
Posted by: Prill

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/21/05 10:27 PM

P.S. JJ-- If I sell a bazillion copies, I'll send you a ticket to come see me. [Big Grin]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/21/05 10:32 PM

In the name of all that's holy, will you people puleaseeee go out and buy her book?


Posted by: Lynda

Re: What do you want to accomplish/do this year? - 01/22/05 04:16 AM

Oh my, the things I would love to do this year.

Well, I'll take a crack at making a list:

1. Get through my first couple of college classes and take at least 4-6 more before the end of the year.

2. Pray more...there is power in prayer and I want to be in that power.

3. Take some wonderful photographs to share with all of my new friends here on the forum.

4. Get more organized...HELP!!!!

5. Get and read some of the wonderful books that I keep reading about in the posts.

That should keep me busy for a year at least! Thanks for starting this thread! It made me take a look at myself in some ways that I don't usually look at ME. Being the classic co-dependent (trying to get over that) my focus is usually on what I can do for everyone else. I don't think that is all bad, but it can be bad when I don't take care of myself along with everyone else in my life. [Wink]

Thanks for sharing your goals on here, it is fun to read what everyone else has in store for the year.