Another menopausal moment

Posted by: LuckyLady

Another menopausal moment - 12/29/05 07:46 PM

I had one of those menopausal moments yesterday and today I pay for it. I was putting away some Christmas items and I couldn't reach the top shelf, so in my 10 year old thinking,I decided to throw my leg on the second shelf in the closet. Not a [Confused] good plan, when I went for lift off I RAMMED my head into the above door jam. Man, do I have a sore head today! It's best to think your plan through. All of you have a great day--as for me my companion today is an ice pack. Til next time------------LuckyLady???
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 08:23 AM

Your post so made me laugh...."in my 10 year old thinking". Thought I was the only one to do things like that...only in this house I have to instantly look around, to make sure no one is looking or worse yet....laughing!
Four out of five of my adult children are still at home.

It never fails, I never get away with anything.

Often wonder...if other families laugh at...take for instant last year it was icy and snowing the hubby bundles up in his warmest heavy coat...scoots out to the car in his normal work shoes. I'm standing behind closed door looking through the window....all of the sudden both legs are above his waist...boom down he comes unto his bum...I open the door and yell ok. He answers yes...that was it I'm rolling on the floor with tears falling out of my eyes, can't control myself from fits of laughter...while he limps to the door.
Just sitting here writing this down and remembering I'm laughing....

Now tell me, anyone else do this???
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 08:24 AM

Sorry to hear about your poor bumped head deserve a day off...and that ice pack sounds like just what the doctor oredered!!! Feel better!!!
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 08:31 AM

Brenda...I definitely do that!!!...I feel so evil too...nothing evokes hysterical laughter from me like watching a fall....what's the deal with that? A few summers ago my husband was out on a step ladder painting the trim above the porch...just as I poked my head out the window to ask him if he wanted a lemonade his legs went out from under him and down he came with the paint can following landed directly on his head...he ran in the house embarrassed and enraged and covered in white paint.. pointed at me saying"Don't you dare laugh"...I bit my cheeks until he made it into the shower and then collapsed in fits of laughter!!! I'm a sicko too I guess... [Smile]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/29/05 11:58 PM

I had a girlfriend try to arrange a flag on her outside of the house was dark out..she only had her nightshirt panties...she's up on a chair trying to fix the flag when all of a sudden, her feet come flying out from under her, she lands in the bushes with her nightshirt pulled up over her head....with all of her "privates" on display for the whole neighborhood to see!

NOW, that's a picture I don't want to see - but could make me pee my pants from laughing so darn hard!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 03:05 AM

"No panties", thanks for that. Just waht I needed to hear.

My husband does intentional trips and often falls to go along with it just to make me laugh. While on beaches, he'll walk along the edge of the water and trip and fall as soon as I look up from my book. We laugh hysterically. He's been doing this for years. Everyone around him thinks he really tripped. It's so ridiculous.

We can be at a nice place for dinner, a movie, any where, and if the mood strikes him while he's walking towards me, he'll trip. Sometimes I see it coming, others I'm caught totally off guard. So funny...
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 04:12 AM

Well...I'm sure glad, I'm not the only sick one.
[Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 04:51 AM

Not about to trip or fall at my age if I can help it but something weird in all of us make us laugh at a fall, someone else's fall, LOL [Big Grin]

Anybody remember Prell shampoo, bright green liquid in a bottle? I found out before my divorce that my husband was out and about in the stipper bars acting like a young stud and I found out he was spending "alot" of money then pretending to be broke in the lawyers office so I decided to teach him my kind of lesson. Every night he'd come home shower, shave and go out to play usually after starting an argument. He used nothing but Prell on his full head of actually quite beautiful wavy silver white hair. He was 22 years older than I. The young dancer he was bopping had long gorgeous blonde hair I was told. I told him the boys and I were going to be gone the entire week-end to my moms in Indiana. The boys and I all packed, left. That night the young dancer showed up and went inside (MY HOUSE) and stayed there all night. The next morning a lot of screaming and commotion could be heard coming from my house so my neighbor called the police as we had planned earlier, when they arrived they found both him and his whore with bright green hair and skin. The word spread and he was the laugh of the town, don't know or care what happened to her....You see I put an entire package of green dye into that shampoo so when they took their romantic shower together, whalla munchkins!!! The boys and I had actually left for Colorado where we stayed nearly a year. You see its not nice to fool with mother nature especially when she is young and pissed....Wouldn't do that now at my age?? Or would I???????? [Wink] [Roll Eyes] [Eek!]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 04:57 AM

Wow, you really have a creative mind, don't you, Chatty??? [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 05:01 AM

They say the insane usually do and this man I loved so much back then made me crazyyyyyy!
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 05:32 AM

You can bet he checked the next bottle of Prell before showering.

Your quick...I like that.
Posted by: LSmith5434

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 06:10 AM

You made my day!!!!!!!!!
Thank you.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 06:49 AM

So here is the moral to that story....

Don't p.o. Chatty! the price to pay is wayyyy to high!

very, very, very funny chatty. Served that old dog right!

Posted by: smilinize

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 07:38 AM

One thing about it, if any of us ever go after Chatty's man, we better think twice about showering with the PRELL!!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 08:00 AM

It's Pantene for me or nothing and its a clear liquid...It is a fact that a friend that would die for you is also someone that might be equally hateful. Its passion (good/bad) any way you look at it. I know that was a non-Christian thing to do but sometimes it just feels dam good to be top dog and get even for a change....the funny thing is his new girlfriend dropped him flat because she was petrified of what his "crazy wife" might do next and we were still married at the time so she must have meant me, ha, ha, ha!!! Smart girl...
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 09:19 AM

Chatty, this is hysterical! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] I wish I could have seen them panicking with their green hair and skin. Serves 'em right. I think you were brilliant!
Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 10:16 AM

I haven't laughed like that in a long time - first over the bumped head in the closet (ouch! now that wasn't lucky. Ha!) and then the Prell fiasco. Chatty, you are TOOOOO clever.

Thanks for the laughs, you two!

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 06:06 PM

I bow to the Queen of da bomb Chatty...I say they got what they deserved...

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/30/05 06:32 PM

GOOD ONE, Chatty!

I wasn't menopausal when this happened, but after my divorce, my x sent me a mother's day card that was all mushy, saying he will love me the rest of my life, I didn't deserve what he did, blah blah blah. I used white out on the envelope and forwarded it on to his little honey. POOR THING, she broke up with him......waaaahhhh! It only lasted a couple of days, though. Actually, that wasn't the only thing I did, and I do regret it because at the time, I was not a Christian and I like to think I've matured and grown past that type of behavior. Plus I realized he LIKED having 2 women after him.

Posted by: LuckyLady

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/31/05 05:38 AM

Hi Ladies.......I'm back! For a couple of days I had one heck of a headache after my bright idea of climbing on the closet shelf. I'm better and ready for this New Year & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. LL
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Another menopausal moment - 12/31/05 06:35 AM

Hi....glad to hear you are feeling better. Got to quit climbing those shelves.
Sometimes, our ideas sound a lot better than they really are.

Happy New Year, my new sister.