Osteoporosis treatment

Posted by: browser57

Osteoporosis treatment - 04/26/09 07:00 PM

Just got the results of my latest bone density test and it shows reduced density in my hips. I was on Fosomax for years, but took myself off after reading some scary stuff about what it can do to the jaw bone.

I know the dr. will want to put me back on something - but thought I'd ask you ladies as to what has worked for you. The other options are Actonel and Boniva - which work on the same principle as Fosomax.

I take supplements, do lots of weight bearing exercise - don't smoke - blah, blah, blah. I don't drink milk and use very little dairy.

I have vivid memories of my maternal grandmother. She had broken both hips and was either on crutches or wheelchair for as far back as I can remember. Thank God, we don't have to live like that anymore. I'm just not a big fan of taking more pills if I can do it some other way.
Posted by: Madelaine

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/27/09 04:30 PM

what i'm doing:
i got off actinel when I read that those phosphate medications do not improve bones, they merely stop bone activity, which includes healthy rebuilding, and further, some women were experiencing sheer fractures after taking the stuff for a while. (and the narcosis of jaws/teeth grossed me out too)
what i'm doing:
1/taking large doses of Vit D and also taking calcium
2/trying to do more weight bearing exercises
3/really focusing on BALANCE exercises. As people get older, their sense of balance gets rusty; but that can be quickly reversed. With better balance, you fall less and break fewer bones.
I am not a medical professional, so standard disclaimers apply.
I hope this helps.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/28/09 05:57 PM

The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond, written by two of our NABBW experts, suggests calcium, Viatmin D, weight bearing exercise, no smoking, alcohol in moderation, and try to lay off caffeine and soda (that combination). They mention all the medications you've mentioned with caution about the jawline. They also mention as the selective estrogen receptor modulators. Evista is often used for osteoporosis prevention in women. They also mention HRT as being a way to reduce bone loss, increase bone density and prevent practures. Remember to remian monitored by physicians when under any of these treatments.
Posted by: browser57

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/28/09 07:53 PM

Thanks for the replies. I do take bio-identical HRT, no alcohol, don't smoke - do weight bearing exercise 3x a week - plus take supplemental calcium (citrate) with magnesium and Vit. D. So, I guess heredity must be taken into account. Thank God I'm active - and that I can thank all the years of aerobic, etc. I've done. My mom was of the era that didn't believe in breaking a sweat - arthritis took her mobility away from her 70's and beyond. I have to make a Dr. appt. this week - we'll see what she recommends.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/28/09 10:12 PM

Madelaine, I'm glad you brought up the thing about balance. I have always been very coodinated...was a cheerleader, a big time softball player, and could dance to anything (not like our professional here) but now I find that sometimes when I get out of bed, I lose my balance...or I might bend over to pick something up, then start down the hallway and whoops! Have to lean against a wall.

What's up with that? No dizziness, just lost of balance. I can't figure it out.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/29/09 02:34 AM

JJ, sounds like a blood pressure thing. It's called orthostatic hypotension. It just means that lying down and then standing suddenly causes a temporary drop in blood pressure causing the dizziness. I just got used to not standing up suddenly - I had to do it gradually. Same for bending over. But I would get it checked out in case it's something else. I have found that Tai Chi really helps with balance. I now have inner ear problems that throw me off balance occasionally - usually when my allergies are bad. Tai Chi is really helping.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/29/09 07:09 AM

JJ, I would say go to an ear doctor and have your vertigo checked. They have drops that heal!
Posted by: DJ

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/29/09 10:21 AM

JJ -- Check to see if it might be intestinal candida infection. That's responsible for all kinds of weird symptoms including stuttering, believe it or not. It's simple to fix, but takes some will power. You start with an intestinal cleanse.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 04/29/09 03:26 PM

Wow, lots of great answers and things for me to try. Thank you ladies. Without health insurance, I have to pick and choose what I try....but if this continues, and because I'm very afraid of high blood pressure and diabetes, I may go ahead and be checked. DJ, I'm going to Google that type of infection and read up on it first. It could very well be that. So many things...while I DO NOT have a tendency to have high blood pressure, I DO have sinus infections and allergies that are acting up right now. It could simply be an infection.

I take no meds, and would have to be on death's door before I do, so I usually just let things ride out...but this thing has been lingering.

Thanks again Ladies...I knew I could count on you!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 05/04/09 06:25 PM

JJ, Could it be an inner ear infection?
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 05/04/09 10:21 PM

Hi Browser. I wrote about adverse affects of Fosamax a while ago. I still take it because I'm 62, have a terrible spine, arthritis, etc. and one doc scared the crap out of me when I wanted to stop taking it.

My research says not to take it one week before or after a major dental surgery and you should do the same before having a tooth pulled.

One doc told me that Boniva cannot work because nothing stays in our systems for one month. I don't understand that because my research showed that Fosamax can stay in our systems for longer than one month. The lawsuits scared a lot of people away.

Hi JJ. I get dizzy sometimes even while sitting at my computer. I just had my annual blood/urine tests and everything is OK. Maybe there is something to that old age thingy - not you, me. I have never had trouble with my blood pressure even during the worst of times. It's still scary.
Posted by: Harriette

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 06/21/09 11:09 PM

I am so delighted that I found this topic. I was surprized when told I had severe Osteoporosis by my nurse practitioner. I never took HRT because I feel it causes breast cancer.

I was refered to a specialist who has written several books on the subject. Dr. Bonnick eased my mind and said that I did have osteoporosis in my spine but not severe. She discussed all of the options with me and we decided to use VIVELLE dot low dose. It is HRT but I am having some menopausal issues I need help with. I am exercising, taking extra calcium and vitamin D.

We will see how it goes next year.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 06/22/09 09:40 AM

Harriette, hi and welcome!

My mother was diagnosed with severe Osteoporosis. She had a hard time with her back and hips, but then suddenly the pain stopped and the Osteoporosis disappeared. That happened after menopause. My mother will we 88 in September, and is in very good physical shape. She walks about half a mile every day, sometimes more.

Just wanted to let you know that the diagnosis doesn’t have to be for a life time.
Posted by: Harriette

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 06/23/09 04:32 AM

Thank you Edelweiss3,
I am concerned and I am working on my challenge. I walk a couple of miles a day and do weights as well. I love the row machine and go on that for half an hour each time.. So I feel great and will see how it goes. I am starting the Master Cleanse tomorrow for 10-14 days. I am looking forward to this.

Love, tolerance and peace,
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 07/11/09 11:37 PM

So Harriette, how did the cleanse work out? Those are something we should do every six months, I'm told. Did you notice any difference in energy or skin etc.?
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 07/17/09 05:21 PM

Hi Edelweiss. Long time, no talk...

I got to this post so late. I want to know if your Mom's menopause created the disappearance of her Osteoporosis? Was it the walking? I haven't heard of this. I would consider that a miracle if it happened to me.

I'm way post-menopause. What are the chances?
Posted by: orchid

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 07/26/09 08:59 PM

Sounds like walking for EW's mom is helping her. And any other weight-bearing exercises.

Most of the medical literature, indicates that due to menopause, when women have less natural estrogen due to loss of their periods, is higher probability of osteoporosis.

As for the body/health cleanses that Harriet is /will be undertaking,it wouldn't be necessary if one's diet was based on whole produce (unprocessed foods, ie. premade frozen dinners from store, chips, pop, etc.), alot less meat, but have lots of natural fluids (water, juice, milk) and grain fibre.

I have noticed for myself if i eat alot of fried food, dishes made with processed ingredients/fats (where chemicals are used for preservation and taste), alot of meat, much dairy etc., but no veggies nor fruit, for several consecutive days, I am sluggish and crappy in feeling. This has happened where we have vacationed in some rural areas where the food choices were very thin/limited.

Once I return to meals full of fresh veggies, fruits, etc., I feel much more energized and "rebalanced" inside myself.

I actually disagree with liquid body cleanses --with our aging years, it puts our body at risk and we don't recover as quickly if it lacks iron, protein, electrolytes, and other nutrients daily.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Osteoporosis treatment - 07/27/09 06:29 PM

I am not big on the cleanses either. Please do not do them if you are a diabetic. They can be very dangerous if you aren't monitoring your blood sugar while doing them.