
Posted by: Julie

Headache - 11/02/04 11:08 AM

I've had a headache for 11 days. [Mad] Any suggestions?
Posted by: Pam Kimmell

Re: Headache - 11/02/04 01:31 PM

EEEEK! That's a mighty long time to have a headache Julie my dear. Being a migraine sufferer, I can relate although I've never had one that lasted THAT long thank heavens. Perhaps you should see your doc - there may be a simple explanation (i.e., eyestrain, allergies, seasonal changes) but WHATEVER is causing them, you certainly need relief at this point!

Good luck and let us know what the deal is OK? [Frown]
Posted by: wolfbane

Re: Headache - 11/02/04 04:57 PM

So sorry about the headache. Went through severe headaches 2 yrs ago, had them everyday for 5 months. Ended up in the E.R. with dizziness and massive headache. They did a CT but nothing showed up. Thankfully!! Saw a neurologist, put me on antidepresents for the headache, had NO desire for my poor husband, antihistamines, no help.

Tried migraine meds, but they didn't help either. Started just aknowledging that I just would have to live this way, so used my de-stressing strategies, long warm baths, time in prayer and meditation. Denying the headache existed did NOT work, c'mon, head hurts, saying it doesn't is a lie.

I still get headaches, but milder, and not so long. Generally,if I drink plenty of water and get lots of rest (Ha!) I don't have as much trouble with them.

Vioxx helped some too, I miss Vioxx now.

Oh yeah, all I have to do is say "I have one of those headaches", and hubby will run out to get fast food dinner. He doesn't cook, except pancakes, so he has to go "hunting" for dinner for the 3 of us. Great white hunter of Taco Bell and Wendy's!!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Headache - 11/02/04 06:25 PM

Julie, definitely make an appt to see your doctor. Headaches can be the predessor to something worse, or they can be as simple as swollen sinuses or TMJ. Whatever it is, it's better to find out now and have it treated so that they can make the headache go away. Headaches, like toothaches are not meant to be endured for days at a time.

Please let us know how you are doing.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Headache - 11/02/04 07:52 PM

Julie, sorry you are suffering. I agree with Vicki. Get to the doctors. There may a simple explanation with a quick remedy. How's your vision?
Posted by: Julie

Re: Headache - 11/03/04 02:43 AM

I went to the Dr last week - no help there! unable to give a diagnosis. I'm taking anti-inflamatory and pain killers. Trying to rest and wait it out. My vision is a bit fuzzy but not like a migraine aura. Numbness on the side of my face but not so bad today. My husband thinks it is viral. If it isn't gone by next weekend I'll try another Dr.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Headache - 11/03/04 11:45 AM

So sorry to hear this Julie. My longest migraine was 10 days and it's absolute hell. I sometimes joke (gallows humor here) that the only sure cure for a migraine is decapitation, and that's a little radical even by my standards. Neck stretching, ice on forehead, temple and back of head massage: all alleviate but don't eradicate. Make sure your posture is good and you read in adequate lighting. Avoid foods with nitrates, MSG or preservatives. Many drugs can cause rebound headaches, especially Fiorinol (which is prescribed for headaches!!)

Hope you feel better soon. Rest as much as possible.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Headache - 11/04/04 03:38 AM

Julie, I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I remember from nusring school that most illnesses exist for increments of seven days and conditions lasting more than a week should be evaluated by a physician. I hope you will find another doctor who can find a reason for your headache and offer you relief and cure.
I will pray for healing.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Headache - 11/04/04 10:59 PM

Julie, my God girl what a terrible situation this is for you. I once had a headac he sooo bad I could not hold up my head, literally and my husband took me to the emergency room where they said I had "acute sinusitis." They gave me a shot and I lay there for 30 minutes until it subsided almost completely and then I went home and have never had another one, not like that. I would insist on a MRI if I were you. Eleven days is far too long to suffer from anything...