Rough skin

Posted by: Julie

Rough skin - 03/21/04 08:35 PM

As if having chin hair isn't enough now I have strange patches of rough skin on my neck - darker and dry whereas the nest is normal! Moisturiser doesn't seem to help. Is this just age or what?? Please tell me it will go away!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Rough skin - 03/21/04 10:42 PM

Hmm, not sure what that is. Anyone else? I' say, keep moisturizing. You may want to get that checked out by a dermatologist. [Wink] Better safe than sorry!

I just had a few things removed. I went to the doctor to have my yearly checkup due to a tumor I had removed from behind my ear. While I was there I asked if he could refer me to someone to take off these gross things on my chest and neck. He said he could do it if I wanted him to.

I love this doctor. He is so professional, kind, thoughtful, and an expert in his field. I was surprised he did such menial procedures. Of course I wanted him to do it.

Five needles, some cutting, clipping, scraping, digging, flicking, and carterizing, [Eek!] and I was good to go. [Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Rough skin - 03/31/04 10:55 PM

Having dry skin all over, I would say hydrate but having dry patches could be so many different things and I agree, go see the doctor and do it soon. It IS always better to be safe than sorry. Even if you are Diabetic, still have it checked. I do so agree with the concept of BUMMER woman, funny but so true....Oh to be 30 again.... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Rough skin - 04/03/04 01:30 AM

for rough hands...pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in one cupped palm. then pour a couple of tablespoons of white sugar on top of the olive oil. wash hands with this mixture and then rinse off with warm water, pat dry. lovely! works well on feel & elbows as well.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Rough skin - 04/03/04 05:50 AM

Tried your hand lotion remedy and by gum it seems to have worked alittle. I am going to do it daily, needed something for dry hands. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Rough skin - 04/03/04 11:06 PM

Good Chatty...glad I could help. My hands get so rough what with working with hay and horses. Working with the sheep help...all that lanolin...but it's still nice to have something like the olive oil and sugar remedy.
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Rough skin - 04/07/04 01:55 AM

The skin on my feet actually cracks it's tht dry. I use a sugar srub that I make on them and it works for that too.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Rough skin - 04/07/04 04:21 PM

Candice, a friend gave me Burt's Bees foot cream. You can get it at BAth and Body Works. The consistency is more like thick oil, but it works wonders. I highly recommend it.

My feet are softer than they've ever been. Well, at least as long back as I can remember! [Eek!]