Bifocal contact lenses?

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/15/08 03:03 PM

Hi ladies,
I've worn glasses for years, and in the past few years have had the no-line bifocals. They work really well for working at the computer, which is where I spend most of my time. Lately my eyes seem to have changed a lot, and now I am considering contact lenses.

I have heard there are weighted bifocal contact lenses that keep the bottom part in the proper place in your eye. I've also heard there are ones made similar to the no-line eyeglasses.

Do any of you wear contacts, and if so, do you have any experience with ones that would work for a person that needs bifocals?

Thanks in advance!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/15/08 03:50 PM

Kath, let me get Ross to weigh in on this. He fits boomers in lenses all the time, and prescribes reading glasses to all our friends at this stage of the game. He's at the Y now, but I'll mention this to him this weekend and get back to you.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/15/08 04:02 PM

Dotsie, that'd be great, thanks!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/15/08 05:31 PM

I just say a commercial for Bausch to get a trial pair for free. Worth looking into if you decide to try, Kathy.
Posted by: keyholes

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/15/08 08:10 PM

I have bifocal contacts. For me, I prefer working with my glasses since I do so much computer work. But I have a script for contacts and use them off-hours and weekends. I love 'em. They correct my astigmatism as well. However, be prepared...they are NOT cheap. I pay about $90 a box, not covered by insurance. My insurance only pays for one pair of lenses per year and I need both my glasses and contacts. I read much better with my glasses. But contacts are much better for me for distance sight and driving.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/16/08 04:57 AM

HA, I just used the email this thread link and sent it to him since I forgot to mention it to him last night. I'll let you knw what he says.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/16/08 08:28 AM

Okay, here's his response:

"My pat answer regarding multifocal contacts is that they work well for some people.

The result depends on many factors:
their prescription
the type of work they do
tolerance to occaisional blur
adequate tearing to support contacts

Any eye doctor can obtain free trial lenses. I would suggest going to her doc and expressing her interest to see if she is a good candidate. I will say that most people when comparing glasses to multifocal contacts for near vision tasks say they SEE better with glasses. The fact that they may LOOK better in contacts sometimes makes a little vision concession acceptable. Hope this helps."
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/16/08 10:22 AM

Thanks everyone! I'm the kind of person that would wear ONE thing all the time; more than likely wouldn't switch between glasses and contacts. I would only go with contacts if I could wear them all the time, even while working.

The trial lenses are a good idea; I actually just saw that online last night and printed a coupon. But I don't have vision insurance and it costs a lot more for the exam and fittings if you're going for contacts.

Based on everything, I'll probably stay with glasses. I'd rather SEE better, as your hubby put it, than LOOK better.
Posted by: gims

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/16/08 03:29 PM

I'd rather see better, too. I have bifocals, which I find bothersome. I've thought about corrective surgery - a daughter and a son-n-law have had it done, and are happy with the results. My eyes are older, and some funky things are going on with them, so I hesitate.
Glasses can be attractive, I think. Mine aren't, they are strictly utilitarian.
Dolphin, you look great in glasses.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/16/08 04:06 PM

Thanks gims, you're sweet. You know, I was looking at myself in the mirror with them off, and I think my under-eye bags are more visible. Maybe my glasses hide those! smile
Posted by: keyholes

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 09:55 AM

I see no under eye bags!! You are attractive and have a lovely smile.

I "do" the contact thing out of vanity. But I am also not very fashion-minded, so my eyewear is one of the few things I splurge on. I often have a few pair of eyeglasses and the contacts that I switch. But as the price of lenses goes up due to poor eyesight (glasses/contacts have to correct 3 problems), I'm rethinking the situation.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 10:12 AM

[quote=keyholes]I see no under eye bags!!quote]

That's because I'm wearing glasses! smile

Yes, it would be purely vanity for me too, but I'm all for being comfortable and doing the easy thing, so that probably means glasses for me.
Posted by: greene

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 12:37 PM

Wow, how timely. I went to the eye Doc Friday and along with a DX of dry eyes and a script for Restasis was fitted for glasses. For ages I have been using drugstore 'readers' but now need the whole near/middle/distance help. So I get my glasses next week. Then he suggested that once the dry eye problem is better I get contacts, but reading may be better with the glasses and perhaps driving may be a little better with contacts. I just can't see putting contacts in, taking them out and putting on glasses, putting them back in............
I'm not very vain so that isn't part of the decision. Do you guys think it would be better just to choose one and go with it? Any hints, ideas, experiences appreciated!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 02:22 PM

I wore the multi-focal lenses for quite a while until the difference between my near vision and my distance vision became so great that I could only correct one of them. So I wore multi-focals for near and middle distance and had prescription transitions lenses for far distance. Now though, I'm using ortho-k, which are hard lenses to wear at night, and I don't have to use anything during the day, unless I have the lenses in for less than 8 hours - doesn't happen very often.
Posted by: gims

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 02:48 PM

Yonuh, thank you so much for bringing ortho-k to our attention. I've never heard of it, but it is something to be investigated. I have both an astigmatism and am nearsighted, the two areas orko-k is suppose to help. Kudos to ya, gal, for mentioning this!
Dots, does your husband recommend, or otherwise, use of these lenses?

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 05:56 PM

green, until you get the dry eye squared away, you can't do lenses. My husband just told me that about myself. I have a dry eye thing going on too. Here's Ross's advice on that:

Peri-menopausal Women and Dry Eye

• Peri-menopausal women are the number one demographic for dry eye syndrome
• Hormonal influence affects tear quality and quantity.
• Symptoms can include sandy, gritty, burning and ever tearing eyes.
• Therapies include ocular lubricants (drops and ointments) which can be prescription and/or over the counter drugs.
• Anti-inflammatory drops are often used.
• Punctal plugs can be used to stop the tear outflow.
• Symptoms can range from mild to debilitating.
• Visit your local optometrist should any of the symptoms occur.

Any other eye issues? Just ask. For those of you who don't know it, my hubby's an optometrist. His site needs updating, but jsut in case you want to take a look:
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/17/08 09:03 PM


I have the dry eye condition and I use a eye wash called "Igiene" C2 in a white bottle . I call the manufacter and get it though them and it works very well for my dry eyes .My eyes in the morning get crusty and burn so much . Of course I take Lutein also twice a day and my vision has inproved a lot , not reading the bottom line of the chart . Love it .

Posted by: greene

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/18/08 09:27 AM

Dotsie, thank you for the information. My eyes were classified as severe. It is a real red flag when people always think you are crying and ask what is wrong! My doc also said I would have to wait on the contacts. I had no idea so many people struggled with this at this age. I have started on Restasis which apparently helps to resolve the problem long term while using over the counter eye drops helps relieve the symptoms short-term.
What is Lutein? Is it supposed to help vision problems? It is new to me.
At the moment I will start to learn to wear glasses all the time rather than spent my life with a pair of 'readers' hanging around my neck. Down the road I will figure out if adding contacts to the mix is worth it. Which ever makes me able to read comfortably for a long period of time will be the winner.
Thanks again.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/18/08 05:27 PM

greene, do the corners of your eyes get red and sore from drying them so much?

I'll ask Ross about Lutein.
Posted by: greene

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/19/08 09:57 AM

Slightly. But my watering only happens at certain times. Like walking into a mall or store. The Doc said that is because they are always irritated and when I go into a place with less that good air quality they are overwhelmed and the tears starts.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/20/08 05:55 AM

Oh, so it has more to do with air quality. That makes sense. Mine's different.
Posted by: greene

Re: Bifocal contact lenses? - 08/20/08 03:27 PM

What's hubby have to say about that? Is it just different degrees of the same thing? Mine feel irratated and itchy all the time but the tearing seems to start only when I go from one environment to another.