More diet books

Posted by: Dotsie

More diet books - 01/20/06 11:39 PM

I love books so I am forever looking at the book store catalogs. I couldn't help but notice more diet books on the market. Every year brings a few more.

The new ones for this year are The Sonoma Diet:Trimmer waist; better health in just 10 days. How do you like that subtitle? Think it's true?

Another is:

The Abs Diet: Get Fit, Stay Fit Plan. This one promises an exercise program to flatten your belly, reshape your body, and give you abs for life. Don't you love it?

And yet another:

The Flavor Point Diet: The Delicious Breakthrough Plan to Turn Off Your Hunger and Lose the Weight for Good.

So, whicih one are you going to try?

Me? I'm sticking with my walking routine, smaller portions, and less carbs. At least for now...

Now there's the South Beach Diet Dining Guide. It's a reference guide for restautants across America.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: More diet books - 01/21/06 10:25 AM

I'm staying with The South Beach Diet...but I really think of it as a lifestyle now...and like you Dotsie...daily walks...not only good for the body...but great for the soul as well...I always feel calm and optimistic after walking ..

I must confess though...I check out every new diet that surfaces...maybe simply to reassure myself that I'm doing all that I can to maintain and prolong my good health...I really would like to read about The Sonoma seems thats the one "everyone" is talking about this year!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: More diet books - 01/22/06 04:19 AM

AvalonBlondi I was in the store the other evening and surprised to see the selection of South Beach diet food choices. My goodness there must have been 30 different things and all not to high in price.....Heres a new one for you. I watched the first Nutri System diet porogram on QVC the other evening and for one hour they showed the different foods and spoke to many people trying the plan and having great success. They EMPHASIZED over and over that if you are Diabetic just tell them when ordering and you would be sent different but equally good food choices. The entire plan cost $184.50 plus $11.72 shipping. THis was the 5 day meal plan for one month, auto delvery to your door monthly. So I called right? Well it seems this is a bait and swith operation and both QVC and Nutri System told me in order to get the special food I had to go on the 7 day a week plan, for a month, auto delivery and that cost $289.00 month. I was on the phone for an hour being transferred back and forth between the two companies and told the same thing. I t seems even thought this was on TV no one at eiter comopany knew a thing about anything, strange but true. So did I order the food, hell no I didn't. I don't care for being cheated no matter how good the food is. That was a $92.00 difference they were trying to push onto me. Am I being unreasonable or am I bein wise. I've seen Nutri System a couple dozen times and they always say they will even send info to a doctor for you if your Diabetic...Bait & Switch...think theres a law against that.

[ January 21, 2006, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: More diet books - 01/22/06 10:29 AM

Chatty..of course you are being WISE...for one are a fabulous cook..I don't think what Nutri System describes as "delicious and nutritious" could come anywhere close to pleasing your palate..There are so many healthy diet choices now...with varied menus to please almost everyone..The South Beach Diet is the one I chose..and I had success and love the food it was fairly easy for me to stick with it..I bought the South Beach Diet Cookbook once I reached phase 2 of the diet and found so many great recipes and I had a ball trying them husband dropped 22 pounds before he even realized that he was dieting!!!..what a riot!!..I think I'm like you in that I love to cook and try new recipes...and the SBD has very interesting recipes be honest...after I passed Phase 1 of the diet..which only lasts 2 weeks...I have never felt hungry or deprived...they even have suggestions of what to order in friends never suspected I was dieting...because you can even have a glass or 2 of wine with dinner..I used to hate it when I was on other diets and we'd go out and I'd pass on wine, pass on dessert and everyone would feel guilty eating it in front of me...not with this I'm happy that I went ahead and tried it...

But back to QVC...if I were you...I'd send a written complaint to the president of the company and tell him that you feel that you were totally
misled by their program...and feel that they were using the old "Bait & Switch"...I'm a big "letter writer" when I feel that I haven't gotten the satisfaction I feel I'd be surprised by the positive responses I've received over the years from different companies...The Corporate execs are generally appalled to hear fom a disastified customer...I'm so sorry that you had to waste a precious hour of your time on the phone to no avail...when you could have been on here posting to us...that really stinks!!!
Posted by: ladybug

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 02:45 AM

Just sticking to my vegetarian diet and daily 7 mile walk. I've been a vegetarian for 11 years in April. Feeling great and keeping weight down without starvation.

Do whatever works for you.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 03:15 AM

I'm just trying to increase my excercise.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 05:52 AM

Oh believe me a letter was fired out the next day to bith the execs at QVC and Nutri Systems. My friends come to me to help them or to compose complaint letters for them from time to time so I am pretty good in that department. I am also going to check out South Beach foods again. The problem with my cooking foods for myself is the portions, I have a problem cooking small portions. I use to take food to my neighbor too and that worked out well but she passed away. Thanks for the answers, all of you...
Posted by: Sadie

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 07:53 AM

Dotsie and Chatty,

Have you considered the Weight Watchers cookbook ? That is one cookbook that I have to buy . I think they show you how to measure out the portions of food to eat . Also, they have a web site that I have printed off recipe for dinner menu and they are so good and desserts you can make . Just some thought on this .
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 09:48 AM

Chatty, what was i thinking? Of course you sent a letter to QVC already...I'll be anxious to see if they do anything for you...

South Beach did put out frozen dinners...I have seen them in my supermarket...but don't know how good they are...if you do try them I'd love to hear what you think...
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 01:44 PM

Chatty, what about getting a set of freezer dishes in the sizes of portions you need? That way you can cook a big batch of something, and then divide it into X # of freezer portions. Of course, eat portion #1 fresh-cooked, but freeze the rest before you even sit down to eat; otherwise it's too tempting to eat all of it.

That would be better than NutriSystem anyhow. I'm sure you're a better cook, and you know enough about nutrition to make your own "perfect" meals. [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 08:06 AM

I've tried a lot of the fad diets over my many years. Some worked over the short term, some didn't work at all.

What I've found works for me, is just eat a good portion of healthy foods (veggies, fruits), not a lot of red meat, watch my portions and walk every day.

I don't deny myself anything, but I'm careful about what I eat. I'm part of the BWS diet forum, so I have to write down everything I eat. Trust me, that's a diet deterrent if I ever saw one. Having to 'fess up and tell everyone what you ate, really makes you think about what you're putting in your mouth.

I've lost over 50 pounds and have maintained it for more than a year. That' the best part. The weight came off and stayed off.

But, everyone has to figure out what works for them and go for it. We're all different.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: More diet books - 01/23/06 11:26 PM

Meredith, great idea.

Vicki, thanks for sharing about the BWS diet.
I appreciate it.

Ladies, Vicki is our # 1 post-er in that forum, and it has worked for her weight loss. Woo-hoo!
Posted by: ladybug

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 12:19 AM

Congratulations Vicki!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 02:33 AM

Yes Vicki you rule!!! I am going to the store right now to get some freezer containers and then I can cook for myself and freeze the rest. Great idea about getting the right smaller sizes. I have many containers but mostly larger ones, thanks ladies and especially Meredith. I was getting into the tai chi every other day but the woman teaching us just left, not a word either....

[ January 23, 2006, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 01:05 PM

Vickie, I'm so proud of you! Chatty, glad I could help [Smile]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 05:59 PM

Vicki also gave me a great idea for exercising when it's raining or just when it's not convenient to leave the house. She marched. Yep, that's it. Whenever a commerical came on TV, she marched! Think about it. Look how many commericals there are, and for how long they last. If you marched during a one-hour show, you've exercised over 30 minutes!

I told my sister about this the other day and she was thrilled. Now she's a marching fool. Thanks Vicki! She is definietly a guru of dieting and exercise. Wuhoooo!

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: More diet books - 01/24/06 10:56 PM

Thanks, boomer sisters. I can't say enough good things about the BWS diet forum. I truly believe that it played a significant part in my weight loss.

And, my ability to maintain the loss. My doctor is happy, I'm happy. Everyone's happy! :-)
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: More diet books - 01/25/06 03:10 AM

Hummmm, sounds like someones been borrowing my ideas again.....Marching, whos idea was that?? Oh well, no matter it works and thats all that matters.

[ January 24, 2006, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Sadie

Re: More diet books - 01/25/06 07:06 AM

Marching you say ! How, around the room or in place and to music . Marching you say to lose weight. How many times to you March counting ?? [Roll Eyes]

Hey, I can do that to lose weight . Tell me more .

[ January 24, 2006, 11:07 PM: Message edited by: Renee ]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: More diet books - 01/26/06 04:27 AM

Marching in place, swing those arms and lift those feet high everytime a commercial comes on the screen. You will be amazed how much exercise this adds up to in a night/day/whatever...The woman that taught this to me back in the early seventies would run in place but I find marching a little easier on the knees and feet and still works well.