Boomer Jogging

Posted by: Dee

Boomer Jogging - 08/18/05 06:20 AM

I finally did it...talked myself into getting my big butt off the porch swing, ate my last piece of oreo cookie cream pie (that one hurt) and starting moving again. Unlike my boomer belly and hips, the roads in my neighborhood are flat. My last cholorestol reading was 333 so I knew I needed to do something...I began to move and so far at age 54 I'm walking/and boomer jogging 1.4 miles every other day...I hope to work up to every day. I call it a boomer jog because I can't pick up my feet like I used to...just sort of lightly lift up...after my second day of this I could not believe how painful my inner thighs/groin area was...yikes. I guess lifting all this extra weight does take more effort (and muscles) than I thought...and since I don't have any muscles my body is in protest of any exertion at all. I'm not seriously overweight...maybe 15-20 pounds...but trying to bounce those down the neighborhood lane takes some effort. Just wonder how many of my boomer sisters are doing the same thing...trying to get back in shape after being away from activity for awhile. How is everyone doing and please...send some encouraging words this way...I need all the help I can get.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/18/05 06:05 PM

Good for you! I keep talking about walking but just haven't done it yet so you are a huge step ahead of me. I tell myself I'll start when the weather cools down know how that goes!

My doctor told me that exercising lowers cholesterol levels better and faster than anything so you're doing the right thing.

Hang in there! You can do it! Even if I can't.
Posted by: Fiftyandfine

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/18/05 06:33 PM

Good for you Dee! I'm so-o-o glad to hear somebody else is struggling with that ol' "get up and get moving" thing. Like you I'm only a little over my ideal weight [Wink] but, after four--count 'em four--surgeries in just over three years...
Well, I haven't done too much moving around in a while. My DH and I just started walking around our neighborhood in the evenings. We probably don't even walk a whole mile, but after two straight weeks, it is very encouraging. It actually has made a real difference. My clothes truly aren't quite as tight!
Also, last night, I went to the pool and started doing water exercises. This was on the advice of my doctor, who says my shoulder (operated on at the end of June) is now ready for real movement.
I'm going to have to stick to the walking and water, though, because I am sure my knees couldn't take even the puniest effort at jogging.
So, here's to your signature line. You're absolutely right, "Nothing Happens Unless Something Moves". Hmmm... with your permission, I believe I'll adopt that as my new mantra.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/19/05 01:43 AM

Dear Diane and Dear Fiftyand fine...of course, mantra away...Actually, I got that saying from a unit in Germany I was a secretary for when I worked at the Abrams Bldg in Frankfurt. That was included at the bottom of all our stationery. It seems to fit at my age now.
Diane, thanks for the words of encouragement...everyone can relate at our age, I believe, and knowing we're not along is so many areas of our lives helps.
My goodness, 4 surgeries...they can be so hard to get over...I hope you're fit as a fiddle and I'm sure the walking and swimming will help.
On a separate note I was going to visit JawJaw for the firt time this weekend at a book signing in Fairhope...I was just reminded that I have a baby shower to go to that's smack in the middle of when JAWJAW will be in the area. I so wanted to meet her and get a copy of her book. Maybe I can go early...have any of your met her yet? She seems like such a n incredible woman and she's been such an inspiration to me.
Thanks again for the kind, supportive words of encouragement. I'll remember them tomorrow morning as I'm dragging my butt down the street. LOL
Posted by: Pattyann

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/19/05 03:06 AM

Good going, Dee
They say it only takes a week or so of doing it to form a good habit.
I've always exercised but my back surgery last December made me want to lay on the couch- but I forced myself to move.
My physical therepist credited the fact that I exercised til the day before surgery to my bounce back.
I still hate exercise but I push myself and after seeing alot of other people in physicaltherepy just refusing to help their own recovery I'll always push it
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/19/05 03:29 AM

Got to tell you all something, the mind is a wonderful thing. Yesterday I was walking up to the pool and saw 4 very elderly women slow jogging along. It was near dusk and not too hot. The marvelous thing was that the eldest of the 4 was literally jogging holding onto her walker, one of those with 4 wheels. It was a sight to behold and she was having no trouble keeping up either. I stopped to chat and she laughingly said wothout it she would fall flat but with it her balance is fine and she ain't dead yet!!! Says she has lost 2 pants sizes. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dee

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/19/05 05:58 AM

What an inspiration, Chatty Lady...and Pattyann...goes to show what one can do when one puts one's mind to it...I hope I'm like one of those 4 old ladies...of course I'll probably be tripping over my boobs by then and will really need a sports bra...those things are so hard to get in and out of...LOL.
Posted by: KAY B

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/24/05 04:14 AM

I just came back from my 2nd--yes 2nd walk of the day!!!
I finally got off my tushie & started walking again. And boy am I hurting!!! I started off with the long way!!! [Smile]
One bad thing about walking....since the summer began & I stopped my morning walk.......alot of people have redone their houses!!!
I am pouting!!! We could have done a master suite like the one house!!! [Frown] I am not looking at houses anymore!!! Just the bushes!!! Got afew more ideas for the front now!!! [Smile]

We'll let you know how long the 2x a day goes! [Smile]
I am too tired right now to try & get to the fridge!! [Smile] Hee
Posted by: Dee

Re: Boomer Jogging - 08/25/05 04:26 AM

Good for you on your walking...don't know if I want to punish myself twice in one day...but, I admire those who can make themeslves get up and do that...keep us posted on your progress....

This morning I managed to jog about 1/2 miles before I stopped to fast walk and then pick it up again...I can feel myself getting stronger every morning I head out. Seems to be a habit now and something I dont' dread...let's hope I can keep this up.

Best of luck, Kay, and happy walking.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: Boomer Jogging - 09/23/05 05:29 PM

I walk 7 miles a day. My best friend's doctor advised her stop stop jogging because it stretches the ligaments supporting the uterus and causes damage. Walking and a strict vegetarian diet 10 years ago helped me lose weight. I am 5'2" tall and weigh 109 lbs. I'm 54 and love wearing tight-fitting flared jeans and tight t-shirts from the GAP. We are sexy women still. Take a look at all the 20 year old fatties around you. Show them that we "old broads" can still look good. You're in a rut. This will help you get out and feel better. Go for it!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Jogging - 09/23/05 06:30 PM

ladybug, 7 miles a day. That's wonderful. Before my walking partner moved, we walked 4 miles a day about 5 times a week. I miss her. Walking alone isn't the same. Plus, I hardly walk any more.

I did Curves for over a year and a hlaf, but stopped that in June. I keep telling myself I'm going back, but still haven't gottent here.

Do you walk alone, in the neighborhood, night, morning? Tell us more.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: Boomer Jogging - 09/24/05 04:22 AM

what a nice surprise, to see a reply! I finished my walk about a half hour ago. It's 7:42 p.m. Lately I have been walking by myself. My 20 year old son usually walks with me but he's working, so at night I walk alone. I do walk when it's dark because it's a very safe neighborhood. In the morning I walk 2.2 mi. with my husband who had a stroke in March. Walking and talking with my son is great therapy because I can tell him all my troubles. We use to walk every night together but now have only two or three nights to walk. I have even walked with him at 12:45 a.m.! I walk every day and make no exceptions. I carry 7lb. weights only in the morning. It tightens the hanging arm skin. Thanks for your interest!