Being home all day without a calendar directly in front of me, I easily forget the date. As I was just posting I realized that 2 years ago my step-dad went Home to be with the Lord and my mom. I was here in Germany and although we knew he had cancer and was terminal, he died more quickly than expected. When I left for Germany, he said I'll see you at home when you get back. I think we both know which home he was talking about.

He was more of a father than my biological father who died when I was 19. And I miss him.

I miss the things he would be so enjoying right now ... his great-granddaughter involved in softball. Both he and my mom would've been at her games (which would've been doubly great since I can't be) and they'd be yellin' and hollarin' for her. I miss the fact that neither he nor my mom will see my book published ... but they always believed in me and they would be so proud. There's much I miss about their absence but I thank God I'll see them again.

Blessings, Francine