binge drinking

Posted by: Dotsie

binge drinking - 10/15/04 03:54 PM

I saw a segment on binge drinking while the TV was on last night. It's bad enough kids drink, why do they have to do it to excess?

Why can't campus police frequent the frat parties and put an end to this?

We had two frat houses down the street from us when we first bought our home. One evening I witnessed kids playing chicken with cars. One would lay flat in the middle of the street while a car drove and skid stopping directly in front of them.

I freaked and called the police. The kids had stopped by the time they arrived.

Early the next day I marched to our police station and shared the story asking why they can't bust these parties, visit the frat houses, and put an end to it. I got the impression they thought I was a crazy neighbor who needed to mind my own business. [Mad]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: binge drinking - 10/15/04 05:48 PM

Unfortunely, a lot of people look at that as just "having a good time" or something even more absurd, "kids will be kids." The campus cops don't stop these things because they participate in them sometimes (can't reveal my sources) and also because they wouldn't have a job if all the H_llraising stopped. Wanna see it stopped? Have their Mothers line up outside the frat house one evening. Eeeek!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: binge drinking - 10/15/04 06:21 PM

Never thought I'dsay this but the more I read and see on TV about what goes on in these colleges, I'm glad my sons never went to one. They seem to only be places of higher learning if you can live through the experience. geesh!!!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: binge drinking - 10/16/04 03:57 AM

You know what your story reminded me of, Dotsie? Rebel Without a Cause. Rmember? The big thing was to play chicken in cars. Jimmy Dean got suckered into it because of peer pressure and wanting to impress Natalie Wood. They raced their cars and the other kid ended up dead because his sleeve got caught on the door handle. It may be an old movie, but it's history repeating itself. Kids still doing stupid things that are dangerous. I would have freaked too. It's a real shame that the cops act that way instead of trying to help. They end up becoming part of the problem. [Frown]

Posted by: Dianne

Re: binge drinking - 10/20/04 08:56 PM

I did really stupid things when I was a teen ager myself. Surprised I'm still alive. A lot of times it's just an age related thing that goes with partying. Sadly, a lot of kids don't make it out of that world for one reason or another.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: binge drinking - 10/28/04 05:37 AM

Good grief, binge drinking, poker playing and date rape drugs. Aren't you all glad to have your kids grow up in these times? [Mad] What's next?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: binge drinking - 10/28/04 06:23 PM

This world's a jungle for teens. Life can be a game of survival for them when they have temptation at every turn. We've discussed taking older people in and showering them with attention to cure loneliness. We need to do the same with our youth! [Wink]
Posted by: Misfire

Re: binge drinking - 11/03/04 03:54 AM

We had a binge drinking incident in our neighborhood last summer. While their parents were nearby at a friend's house, two 14-year-old boys drank themselves silly. When one of passed out on the street while he was vomiting, the other kid at least had the presence of mind to run to a neighbor's house to call 911. The kid could've died! Unfortunately, his father is an alcoholic so the tendency is in his genes. Because my girls know these boys, we talked about the incident. You can die from alcohol poisoning. I don't remember ever hearing about anybody dying from drinking too much when I was a kid but you certainly hear about it now.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: binge drinking - 11/03/04 05:26 AM

A few weeks ago a 19 yr. old drank himself to death at a fraternity party at Oklahoma University. Apparently no one knew he was in trouble until it as too late. It was a horrible tragedy still under investigation so I don't know much about it.

I don't remember ever hearing of that happening when I was growing up and I know people drank a lot.
It makes me wonder if the chemical composition of alcohol has changed (the chemical composition of cigarettes has changed)? Or has the chemcial composition of young people changed? Or has the distribution of news changed?
Just thoughts.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: binge drinking - 11/05/04 07:23 PM

Originally posted by smilinize:
It makes me wonder if the chemical composition of alcohol has changed (the chemical composition of cigarettes has changed)? Or has the chemcial composition of young people changed? Or has the distribution of news changed? Just thoughts.

It's possible the chemical composition of kids has changed. I wonder about the kids who drink themselves to death, or near death. Do you think they were on prescription drugs at the time? I wonder.