What do the Ten Commandments mean to you?

Posted by: ladybug

What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/04/05 07:36 PM

I've told my children over and over that a person does not have to be a Christian to adhere to and benefit from the Ten Commandments.

They are good, sensible rules that I believe, were written for *all* of mankind.

If more people lived by these rules I think the world could be a better place. I have followed those rules all of my life. While my life isn't perfect I believe it would've been far worse if I had ignored those rules.
Posted by: norma

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/10/05 01:02 PM

I have tried to show my grandchildren that these commandments can be remembered by looking at their hands and fingers ... one hand with these laws pertain to our relationship with God, the other hand with it's laws pertain to our relationships with others..... thanks for bringing this topic up Ladybug...
Posted by: ladybug

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/10/05 06:32 PM

Thank you for posting norma, I was beginning to think no one had a clue here as well as just not being interested but that's how topics go.

I like the explanation you gave your grandchildren. What a wise grandma they have. They are so lucky to have you!

God Bless you and your family Norma. I thank Him for letting me meet you, a comforting voice in a sea of turbulence. Thank you!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/11/05 08:25 AM

The commandments tell me how much God loves us. A father gives his children rules for their protection and it is no different with these rules. If we follow them, we are safe (of course we'd be safer if others around us followed them also...that's the whole idea)
Posted by: ladybug

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/11/05 12:49 AM

Thank you for posting too Bluebird. I knew this would have meaning for you as well. I do agree too that it would be a safer world if everyone followed these rules. It would certainly be more peaceful would'nt it?
Posted by: norma

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/11/05 01:31 AM

Good afternoon Bluebird... i think you really hit a key point with the word 'protection'.. seems to me all laws are given in order to protect .. either oneself or others from oneself. ..

Thanks for the compliment Ladybug.. but rest assured i'm no where near wise, it's just that if something doesn't make sense to me, i can not try to put it into practice.. I am right handed, so to me the last half of the 10 commandments i relate to with my right
hand....... that's the hand i use for good or monkey business, that's the hand that effects my relationship with others........ my left hand
is the one that stablizes, or supports whatever i'm doing...... so my left hand (for me) represents the first part of the commandments, as it is the over arching power of Goodness, which sustains and supports all life..... (probably that doesn't make much sense but..maybe by stretching your imagination you can see what i mean ..)
have a good evening Ladybug and Bluebird. .

No, that doesn't make sense does it? Better to put it this way maybe.... i pour whatever into the cup with my right hand, but it is the left which holds the cup.........(?)

<small>[ December 10, 2005, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: norma ]</small>
Posted by: ladybug

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 12/11/05 04:53 AM

I'm left-handed dear, kind Norma. Your reasoning makes perfect sense to me. I will think of you then whenever I think of the ten commandments.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/20/06 05:58 AM

Yes, I agree with the description of protection. They are for our own good, and all those around us. How much better our world would be if we all lived by them!

I thank God for them. It just shows how much he cares for each detail of our daily lives!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/20/06 11:42 AM

Ladybug, the Ten Commandments are Jewish. Christians adopted them later.

Most religions have similar precepts about respecting your fellow human beings. Not all religions are monotheistic patriarchies, so the "God" commandments are not their view of religion, nor do I think they should be.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/21/06 08:46 AM

Thank you Meredith. I must admit I didn't know this fact.

I wonder if many people know that Christianity sprung from Judaism?

Some of our beliefs are so similar.

<small>[ January 20, 2006, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: ladybug ]</small>
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/20/06 11:49 PM

Following these commandments also allows us to live more peaceful lives. It's when we break them that life becomes so complicated.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/21/06 06:55 AM

I've always believed that too Dotsie because it really is true.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/21/06 08:14 AM

No matter what a persons religious beliefs you can't go wrong following the 10 Commandments. They to me have always represented good common sense and decency...
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/21/06 01:53 PM

Ladybug said: "I wonder if many people know that Christianity sprung from Judaism?"

Depends on how you define "many." I would suspect that in countries where neither Christianity nor Judaism are practiced, there may be a few people who are unaware of this, especially individuals with limited education.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 01/23/06 03:34 AM

Although the 10 commandments were given to Moses, written on stone, on Mt. Sinai, they were not only for Jews. The Jews were to be a living testimony to all nations.

Also, they knew of the commandments before that time. That's how they kept the Sabbath-the 4th commandment.
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: What do the Ten Commandments mean to you? - 02/05/06 09:35 PM

Someone asked me once, "What about those people who will never have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ? What will happen to them? Will they go to Hell and are they doomed?
That one really threw me. I had to dig deep to find an answer and when I did, it blew me away. The Bible says that even nature has the knowledge of God and cries out for a Savior. The creation knows the Creator and to know the Creator is to know his mercy toward those who may never have the opportunity to hear the gospel.