I find cooking therapeutic. Most of my cooking is without written recipes. About 20% of what I cook, did have a written recipe that I tried. Then I would experiment. laugh

Which is how he cooks also.

When university students were complaining about their food, etc. I was happily stir-frying, steaming meats, etc. I was a break from my studies.

However if I had children, I'm not sure if I would like cooking since I would have to cater to whims of others up to a certain point. He is great in any red beet recipes, salads, desserts, crepes. He makes up alot of the recipes/cooks without written recipe. I'm better at devising any stir-fry, making focaccia from scratch, etc.

He is a far better cleaner than I.

Cooking reminds me to care for my health and for others

Edited by orchid (05/08/12 08:44 PM)
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