Well, the time is coming soon. In two weeks, DH's daughter, SIL and two granddaughters (ages 2 and 3 months) will be visiting for a VERY short time. (Fri night to Sunday morning). We will not see them much as we have he market on Saturday morning and they'll leave the next morning.

A feel really badly that I do not share his enthusiasm that I would assume a "real" grandmother does. I feel no connection except maybe like a friends kids. And granted, his daughter is younger than me by about 15 years, so she is really not my peer.

I also realize that many "real" grandmothers here want to reply and TRY to tell me how to do it. But what I really seek is feedback from steps, who don't have their own kids/grandkids. Hope this does not come across wrong, but as much as a "real" grandma can tell me this/that, I still won't feel it.

Then, DH wants to ask his daughter to spend a few days (maybe about 4 or 5) with us sometime. I don't mind at all...it just "might" be fun!

Yes, I love kids which is why I am saddened about not having my own. But I just so want to help DH. He is alone on this one so I want to hear what you do, as a step (not ever having your own kids) grandmother.

thanks for understanding my specific needs here in looking for a point of view from my (unique) perspective.

Edited by Di (02/10/08 08:58 AM)