Gearing up

Posted by: Dotsie

Gearing up - 07/07/06 12:32 PM

This summer we are preparing for the launch of our last two. We are in the process of spending, spending, spending. When does it ever end? Are you buying, or do you recall all the STUFF you had to buy to send these kids away? I have done this before with our oldest so I am cutting back a little because they really can do with a lot less than they think they can. In addition to the purchases for the dorm, we also need to get two new lap tops...and the list goes on!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gearing up - 07/07/06 01:26 PM

Since you're already in a buying mode...why not make it three laptops? What? Okay...okay...dang it. Hey, it was only a thought...JJ
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Gearing up - 07/07/06 04:31 PM

Dotsie...I know exactly what you are going back to school budget has always been out of sight..but the college move-ins really take the cake...and it's worse with the girls...because of course they "need" so much more than the boys to "just be able to survive"<<direct quote from the youngest of my 3 daughters...aside from the necessities for school and the obvious creature comforts my girls wanted their rooms to "look and feel pretty so I don't get homesick Mom"...I found some great decorating bargains at TJ Maxx and Marshall's and even thing they all loved to death were their featherbeds ....because those rubbery mattresses in the standard dorm rooms are "icky"....can you tell how well trained I have become? :grin far as the laptops youngest daughter is in a Marketing/Business program...her laptop was included in the tuition thank goodness...Have fun with it goes by much to quickly...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gearing up - 07/08/06 12:14 PM

jawjaw, what's another thousand, or so? Keep an eye out for the Fed Ex man. NOT! But good try.

I've been thinking that when I grow up I want to be one of my kids! HA!

Nancy, I can see you've been there, done that. My daughter and my stomping grounds are the local, Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Target, and Wal Mart...all in the same shopping center. Can't beat that!

Geez, computer wrapped right in with t he tuition? Makes you feel like you're getting it for free. Isn't that a joke?

One needs a Dell and the other a Mac. Just got our oldest a new lap top this spring. I think it's the last one we'll have to buy for him. He's a senior and it should last him a few years. Woohoo!

I have to say though, that lap tops are so much easier to set up in college dorms in comparison to desk tops. I remember my sister and husband taking hours to get their kid's computers up and running in their dorms. Lap tops are simple. There are some things to be thankful for!
Posted by: sammom

Re: Gearing up - 07/08/06 07:24 PM

Spending, spending I'm wondering too if it will ever end. My son's school is so extraordinarily expensive that he/we really need to keep the incidental expenses way down! It's hard to convince him that he just needs bare minimums since he's traveling across country and school costs are his luxury.
We are giving him his laptop as a graduation from HS present. Try Dell, they seem to have the best deals with the best support. Also consider a laptop lock. Those of you that have done this before, is the egg crate thing for the bed an absoulute must?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gearing up - 07/10/06 01:38 PM

Egg crate thing for the bed? Hmmm, I don't think we did that, but they are only about ten dollars at Target, right? I think I'd get him one. Dorm mattresses are usually covered in soem awful plastic.

sammom, have you figured out what you are going to do about getting him here with all his belongings?

Our oldest will simply drive the 9-10 hours with his car loaded to the tippy top. All of his furniture is already there.

Our youngest is a different story. Hubby and he are driving his car down. I'm flying to meet them. Then we are going to shop for his place once we are there.

Is your son getting excited?
Posted by: sammom

Re: Gearing up - 07/17/06 03:03 PM

Yes, my son is getting very excited. We just got back from vacation with many friends and family. He must have had numerous conversations with how he's excited and all the planning. He finds out his roommate and dorm assignments this week, so he's hoping for "good" news. He's an only, although not a typical only. The one characteristic that is coming out big time is how he'll cope with roommates; especially since he could end up with as many as 5!!
As for packing, I think we're going to take clothes, essential "school" items (computer, some books etc), some tolietries and mementos. Then my sister is meeting him in DC and can take him to Target for more essentials (laundry soap). I'll get the linens here and he can pick up there. This is the plan for now. Still working on the fact that he won't have a "decorated" room as such. The egg crate thing has been recommended to me buy others, along with feather bed toppers. My guess is they are lots more money.
That's all so far; it changes daily
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gearing up - 07/17/06 03:27 PM

I found a feather mattress "topper" at McRea's (now Belks) for 35.00. Pretty cheap, but it was a year or so ago. I actually bought two of them and hated them. I ended up giving them away.