Second Recession

Posted by: Anonymous

Second Recession - 09/27/11 10:14 PM

Hey, I was talking with a gal who firmly believes that we need to begin setting aside non-perishible can goods b/c the world will soon financially collapse.

That those who control food will control the world.

She suggested that I not get into a hurry purchasing a home b/c I may need to move in with my family again. That some households will begin to have 2, 3, and even 4 generations in their households.

I admit, I'm a bit frightened.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Second Recession - 09/28/11 01:40 PM

I sure hope she's wrong, Mustang.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Second Recession - 09/28/11 02:49 PM

Well, it's something to think about, Mustang.

As it is, we already have people living in multi-generational households. And that is not all bad.

My father and his parents had to move in with his grandparents during the Depression -- and they grew a lot of food in their backyards. they also grew strong interpersonal relationships. Something we aren't doing as much of in recent decades. Neither are bad things to be growing, IMHO.

My sister-in-law, who just turned 65, visited us this past weekend, and she was all excited about the canning she's been doing this season -- of veggies from her own garden. She was especially excited about the salsas she was making - one batch was a peach salsa - yum! She said she plans to give away a lot of her home canning as Christmas presents this year. I LOVE the idea of handmade gifts like this, when one has the time, they are truly a gift from the heart.

What really got me was when she said she was going to start canning her own homemade beef stew. This sounds like a lot of work -- but her husband said one reason they were doing it was to control the quality of the foo d they eat. A lot less sodium in their meals this way. Plus very convenient, especially as they like to go camping...

I certainly am no economist, so I have no idea whether or not we are facing global financial collapse. But it seems to me there have been doomsayers around as long as I have been old enough to read the papers.

Here's a recent Reuter's article about global recession. and I have to admit that one of the "internet marketing gurus" whose email list I'm on mentioned in the past few months that HE'D heard about this global financial collapse recently from someone he trusted, who recommended that we need to be moving ourselves and our money out of the US and into safer, third world nations.

I'm also on a mailing list from Kathleen Peddicord, from Live and Invest Overseas," who seems to think English-speaking Belize and Panama are great places to move. Here's one of her recent mailings.

So the doomsayers are out there, I agree. The challenge for us. Mustang, is to decide how much we buy into it. And, that, I believe, means we need to start educating ourselves. I expect there's still time to do that.

Posted by: jabber

Re: Second Recession - 09/28/11 05:08 PM

Good advice, Anne. As always!
Posted by: jakkom

Re: Second Recession - 11/22/12 01:04 PM

>>we need to be moving ourselves and our money out of the US and into safer, third world nations. >>

This is an older thread, but I would hope none of you took such advice. For one thing, there is either NO or VERY LIMITED protection in other parts of the world, such as the FDIC provides to US deposits. In Singapore, for example, only some banks participate in insured accounts and many limit protection to around $50K maximum.

I have lived long enough to be investing since the late 1970's and I can assure you, "Chicken Littles" have been running around periodically claiming that the US is falling off a cliff (fiscal or otherwise) for the last 40 yrs.

When another currency replaces the US dollar as the common global currency, THEN you should worry. Until then....don't. Pressure your Congressional representatives, regardless of party affiliation, to compromise and produce a joint budget solution. The inability to compromise by posturing politicians is the reason for government gridlock, and it benefits no one except the 1%.
Posted by: ElevatingYourBusiness

Re: Second Recession - 12/19/12 11:28 PM

There is nothing wrong in being prepared and paring down.

However, just today I told a friend that I've had more inquiries in the past month, and prepared more proposals then I have since 2008.

No business from them yet.