7 Myths About Credit Scores (link to article)

Posted by: jakkom

7 Myths About Credit Scores (link to article) - 06/03/10 11:05 AM

I often tell younger people that I wish I'd known 'back then' at their age, what I do now about financial planning. But back before the Internet (unimaginable to them!) information was extraordinarily hard to find, or too expensive for anyone who wasn't wealthy.

It's been shown that even when incomes are equal between men/women, women spend more and save less. Added to our increased life expectancy, this is a formula for old age disaster. Handling credit wisely is possibly the most dangerous weakness of not just young adults, but women especially.

Liz Pulliam Weston is a regular MSN Money columnist. She writes very good basic financial advice columns. Today’s column was on credit score myths, and I thought it very worthwhile reading. If you know any young women who are starting out, or people who have suffered credit score downgrades, feel free to pass along this link. Her article references some previous columns, BTW.

7 nasty credit myths that won't die
If you want to avoid problems with lenders, landlords, insurers and others, it pays to know the difference between credit fact and credit fiction.
By Liz Pulliam Weston, MSN Money, June 2, 2010

(excerpted)...."Pressure from consumer advocates and lawmakers finally persuaded the FICO creators -- a company named Fair Isaac, now also known as FICO -- to reveal later that year the 22 factors, grouped into five categories, that went into creating its (widely-used credit) scores.

But 10 years later I'm still hearing many of the stupid myths about credit and credit scoring that prevailed a decade ago, plus some that have sprung up since."