Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women

Posted by: Casey

Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/28/07 01:33 AM

Thanks to all who participated in my survey last summer! Below is a summary of the results. If you would like a PDF with all the nitty-gritty, send me an email or PM.


According to the census (last available data from 1999), the majority of men are married to women within one year of their own age. Yet many men and women do not believe that. In fact, based on the results of a recently completed survey, about half of the people don’t believe that it is true.

What they believe is that men prefer younger women – substantially younger women.

However, based on evidence from the same people, the median difference in age between and a man and a woman when they marry ranges from two to four years. And the average age is 1.2 years, with the man being older.

But wait, they say! That may be true when people are younger, but not when they get older in mid-life.

Yes, it’s different, but not in the way that people believe. In the age range from 45 to 54, the median difference was 0 and on average, women were about a month younger than the men that they married. In the age range from 55 to 65? Men were, on average a year and a half younger than the women that they married. The median difference was also 0.
Posted by: mrs_madness

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/28/07 05:36 AM

Perhaps your PDF has valuable nitty gritty, because I see some weakness in your survey answers, primarily the connection with attractive preferances and the consclusions that always included marriage rates.

I think many older men are not interested in marriage. Anecdotally, all of the older single men I am acquainted with are dating women 10 to 20 years younger than they are. Most of them have no intention nor interest in marrying these women.

I'm not sure that marriage statistics accurately represent the preference of older men.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/28/07 04:12 PM

mrs madness i may be wrong but i think casie is talking about people alreadie married, and not people of whatever age marrieing or more pricislie datting with or without any intension to marrie. Might be diffrent if one is married as to weather one could be bothered to date and look for a partner to marrie in later yrs.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/28/07 09:22 PM

A wife should never have to or even attempt to compete with another woman, no matter what age. A wife just is!
Posted by: Casey

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/28/07 11:48 PM

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, the women and men who got married in the 45-54 range were also within a year or two with each other.

The original question was, are men ONLY interested in substantially younger women. Most people feel the way you do, Mrs. Madness, that they are. And perhaps they have their "flings." But when it comes down to getting married, which is the only thing that I looked at, they marry close to their own age.

This is an informal survey, not something vetted by Pew Research or something! :-)) But I did find it interesting that respondents were split 50-50 on the accuracy of the statement and it didn't matter if they were married to someone older, younger or not married at all. Their education didn't matter. Their age at the time of marriage didn't matter. In all groups, they were split 50-50 on the veracity of the statement.

But the data of those very same people shows different facts.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 11/29/07 05:05 PM

attitude still showed this too be true or thought to be true, when in fact it wasen't is still prettie telling casey. Informal or not its an intresting subject or area within a subject.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/01/07 03:08 AM

On what planet was this study conducted? Was Los Angeles included? Men I know at work are either marrying or dating women 20 years younger than they are, except for one who is with a woman 10 years older than he is (she's 35 and he's 25).

Younger women make older men feel younger and more attractive. Nobody's looking for me at the age of 60. I don't seem to fit in anybody's demographic. Men my age are looking for 30-year olds.
Posted by: Whirlwind

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/01/07 04:22 AM

Anne, I can understand your thoughts. I'm still "seeing" a guy half my age. Mentally I fight it all the time, but darn it, I like him. And he makes no secret of the fact that he likes me.

The other night he came over for dinner and I pulled out the food processor. He smiled and said "my grandmother has one just like that." And I replied, "Sweetie, I got this when I got married the first time, before you were born." And we both laughed.

It is what it is. No, it most likely won't last, and we both know that. But for now we're both getting something we need out of it.

Twenty years from now, I do not want ot look back and say "geez, I wish I'd done that." And I'm not just talking about relationships here, but life. It's short. Enjoy the good times, those memories help get through the bad times.

Interesting study Casey. I'd love to find a guy close to my age. Truthfully, I've been looking for years. They're either all alot younger, or alot older, which is probably why I'm still single.

Posted by: Whirlwind

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/02/07 04:38 PM

The "just do it" feeling is very powerful with me. I've been determined my entire life to get as much out of it as possible. Much of that comes from seeing my parents save and struggle for years to get to the right point to retire and enjoy themselves, then daddy got sick and died before they could make any of it happen. That affected me in a big way.

I don't want to hijack Casey's post any more than I already have. So if you get a chance, look at my "2008 Is Right Around The Corner" post in the singles section. It ties into the "don't want to have any regrets" thoughts.

Now back to Casey's survey. I have a question. The info shows that people tend to "hook up" with people of a similar age. But is there any info as to where most of these folks meet? It is usually through friends, is the on-line internet thing thriving (I know of several success stories), or ???? Just curious, wondering if there's a common thread there as well, or if the stories are as numerous as the stars.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/02/07 07:39 PM

I met a guy one time because the anxious cashier ran up HIS stuff with mine...and I said, "Hey, no problem, he wanted to pay for my stuff anyway," and then I looked at him and said, "right?" He said, "Yes, if I can have her phone number." I wasn't expecting that. Everybody in line waited anxiously for me to reply.....
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/02/07 11:36 PM

Anne, the guys with women 1/2 their age have been divorced at least once or twice with kids from each wife. Not a trend, been going on forever. There are also lots of women with younger men, which I think is great. I still question the survey results.
Posted by: Casey

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/03/07 07:57 PM

Well, I wrote a great response to this, and lost it.

Here we go again: There were many Californians in the survey, but I don't know how many were in LA, or in Florida, for that matter. Remember that statistics provide averages; there are many people at either end of the spectrum.

Also remember that the mind sees what it wants to see. If you decide to purchase a yellow volkswagon, you are going to see a great many more yellow volkswagons on the road. There aren't more, you are just pre-disposed to see them.
It works the same way with seeing older men and younger women.

Many women are meeting men on the Internet. Some are rediscovering their high school sweethearts. There aren't any rules to finding them, just more of an idea about being open to the experience that you will find the one that you want, and starting with loving yourself.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/10/07 12:10 AM

SO jaw Jaw..what happened?? Did he get your number..? And??? .... I am living with a man half my age...met him at work..after my divorce..we got to talking and talking..and getting beers on the way home..and one thing led to another..we both decided to take the chance..because not taking it seemed crazy..and now he´s sitting behind me at his own computer, playing WoW..and 7 yrs have gone by...and my son, soon to be 18 yrs old, who also lives with us, is cool with it. He knows my partner and likes him..and that´s all there is to that... Oh, and we both believe that life is one step at a time...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/10/07 01:09 PM

Queen's been 8 days...and we're all waiting to hear what happened
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/10/07 01:17 PM

Oh...sorry...didn't realize I left you all hanging. He said that about getting my phone number and I said, "For $32.75? I think not...You'll have to make my car payment to get that." And we all laughed. I walked away, he didn't follow. Probably thought I was a gold-digger.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/10/07 09:15 PM

jawjaw, you're a nut...and that's a good thing. I guess that's why you're so good at writing humor. It comes so naturally to you.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/10/07 09:15 PM

jj, what would he have gotten if he made the house payment?

Just kidding.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/11/07 01:19 AM

Heck if I could find one that looked and sounded like Sam Elliott, I'd make his house payment...LOL, oh yeah!!!!!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/11/07 07:35 PM

Ok! But you ARE shopping in that store frequesntly, right???

What would he get if he offered to take your house payment??
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/15/07 05:03 PM

Yep, Anne thats Sam Elliott in the Golden Compass.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/15/07 05:27 PM

My house payment? Girls....he would have been given the GOLDEN COMPASS...what else?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Survey Results: Do Men Prefer Younger Women - 12/19/07 12:02 AM

What else you got to give????? LOL!