"Chopped" - for Grandmas

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

"Chopped" - for Grandmas - 05/09/13 05:17 PM

Heads UP! I just received an invitation from the Food Network. Specifically from a producer for the Ted Allen show, "Chopped."

She said they are looking to cast a number of shows featuring "grandmas" instead of professional chefs.

Specifically, she said they are casting an episode that will feature GRANDMAS from all walks of life who have great stories, love spending time with their grandchildren and have a passion for cooking.

You need not have professional culinary experience to qualify, but you do need to live in the NY, CT, NJ LA, Nashville, DC, Boston and Philadelphia areas.

DRAT! I'm not a grandma, and I don't live in those areas. I'd LOVE to meet Ted Allen and test my culinary chops!

Anyway, she is sending me more info on how to apply, but I thought I'd get the word out as early as possible. by the way, I think tonight's episode features "regular moms," so this must be some new wrinkle they are testing out...

Meanwhile, here's an interview with Ted Allen in which he reveals some of how the show is shot. Apparently each episode takes 12 real time hours to shoot...

Posted by: orchid

Re: "Chopped" - for Grandmas - 05/11/13 08:50 PM

I think you would have been great on tv, Anne. Something tells me so strongly you would give a wonderful presence.

Do you have any grand-nieces? laugh

Frankly it's not fair that show indicates one must have had children to qualify.. Less women are having children. Some of these women do carry on the culinary traditions of their roots...
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: "Chopped" - for Grandmas - 05/12/13 01:42 AM

Hi Orchid,

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I think being on the show could be fun -- I enjoy creating dishes from what I find in my pantry - though I don't usually incorporate the "odd stuff" this show tends to enjoy bringing in to up the stress levels.

But no, none of my sibs have grandchildren. Though I think one of Steve's nieces has a granddaughter.

That won't help me though, as I don't live in one of the three geographic areas they're focusing on for this season.

Good thought, though!!