Proverbs 25:11 Our words!

Posted by: Dotsie

Proverbs 25:11 Our words! - 04/21/03 12:35 PM

The verses of the Bible that always speaks to me are ones that have to do with controlling the tongue. I tend to be consistently working at thinking before I talk. Now that's a novel idea! [Big Grin]

I came across this one this morning and I have read it before but just like any of the verses in the Bible...every time I read them they speak differently to me...

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11

Think of the last time someone said something beautiful to you about a loved one or even about you.

Think of the last time you said something kind or encouraging to someone and felt as though you blessed them with your words...

Gold apples set in silver? How awesome!
