
Posted by: Dotsie

gardening - 10/17/02 02:10 PM

One of my favorite ways to spend a few spare minutes is in the garden. It is a great escape from reality and an opportunity to let my mind wander wherever I want it to go. Simply being outside in the fresh air has always worked wonders for me.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: gardening - 04/27/03 04:42 PM

Had to bring this topic back. This sun is shining, temps. i the 70"s and the garden is calling my name. [Big Grin] I can't wait.

I am heading out to pull some weeds, plant a new perennial, take in the fresh air, let my mind wander, offer up prayers, and celebrate the warmer weather that's come to town!
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: gardening - 04/29/03 12:02 AM

Well, I love plants, but they don't love me. They'd rather die than live with my idea of gardening these days, is to buy a couple of fake plants to plant in my living room. I got one today that is a faux philodendron, and another plant too that I'm not sure of the faux species. I also opted for faux plants in my new fishbowl. The fish is in culture shock right now, going from a bare fishbowl to one that's crowded with plants and a cute little alligater sitting in the bathtub with his rubber ducky and a sign that says "Baths...5 cents"
At least I know I can't kill these plants. I found a faux tree in Wallyworld that I plan to buy next week. Ran out of money
Posted by: roxxie

Re: gardening - 04/30/03 03:35 AM

I would love to go work in the yard but its just too darn hot here in florida!yesterday 89 degrees.
our winter weather is much cooler.oh well I'll go out later about 5 or 6pm.just gotta watch the mosquitoes then hahaha!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: gardening - 06/30/03 10:52 PM

it really is hot here in FL.. hi ya.. I'm in Florida too!!

Right now we're getting deluged w/rain. I dont' have a garden per say, mine are all in pots. I do container gardening. I live in Tampa and most of the soil around us is too salty and sandy for the plants. But, they thrive in pots.

I have pots of herbs and flowers and even tomato plants.. all around my pool.

I'm going to try growing strawberries in a container this spring.
