Posted by: chatty lady

DIRT! - 05/05/11 09:32 PM

Nothing is more fullfilling to me than working in the dirt, the blacker the better. I loved my garden and had flowers galore at my Illinois home. All things I miss so badly since coming to the desert, nothing but sand and cleechie, nothing grows here but the beautiful Oleanders bushes, and they grow without any attention what-so-ever, tall, flowery but poisonous. I miss my dirt!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: DIRT! - 05/05/11 11:28 PM

Chatty, When my mother and step-father moved to the desert of Arizona, he took classes from the local arid gardening club, and learned how to grow plants that thrive in the desert.

At the same time, he installed a drip sprinkler system in their garden and actually grew beautiful roses.

They just sold their house last month, and I am sure part of the reason the buyers chose it over any of the many other homes they could have selected in that community was the garden. Another reason was the beautiful view of the mountains... The new owners are coming from Michigan, and are gardeners. So I am positive the work my step-father did on the garden impressed them.

Bottom line: You CAN grow stuff in the desert. I wonder if you have an arid gardening club in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Sandy N.

Re: DIRT! - 05/06/11 01:14 AM

How about container gardening? Would that work?
Posted by: Di

Re: DIRT! - 05/06/11 01:46 PM

Interesting....our "Dirt" Soap smells just like soil! I love the smell of dirt!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: DIRT! - 05/06/11 06:11 PM

Di, I am so intrigued by your "Dirt" Soap. HOW do you get soap to smell like soil?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: DIRT! - 05/06/11 08:04 PM

Anne, I'm not sure if there is such a group here in town but now I am looking, that might be just the ticket.

Sandy, yes it works fine and I grow my own tomatoes, squash, and
tiny egg plants in those containers that I hang from my patio roof. They have been a life saver.

Wow! Di, soap that smells like dirt. What a unique idea, may I ask if it sells?
Posted by: Di

Re: DIRT! - 05/06/11 08:27 PM

It's a BIG seller, Chatty. I've had it over over a year now and they come back for more! Great for hunters, campers, fisherman, too. To "hide" the human scent.

Anne.....trade secret!! wink

When you are taking a shower, you have to remember that you are not in the garden...it smells THAT good! It's as if you are being sprinkled outdoors! I LOVE it...it's so refreshing and "earthy"...literally!